OK I am not NEW but!!!

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Oct 25, 2013
Vaping, USA
Just really studying the psychology of nicotine addition and smoking in general (I'm really big on it), I've found that there's three primary things that keep people addicted to cigarettes:

1. A chemical addition.
2. A psychological factor.
3. Enjoyment

What I think this means, is that in some people, nicotine and other chemicals can be an addictive substance, causing withdrawl symptoms. In others, smoking can be a mental addiction that stems from many, many sources, but some main ones are things like the feeling of fitting in, a sexual preferrence toward people who smoke, ect ect. The third, is simply people who, beyond the first two factors, are relaxed by smoking because of the nicotine (without being addicted) or that smoking gives them time to relax and physical activity to focus on. Nothing to be ashamed about with any of these factors and usually, it's a combination of all three.

Now, with vaping, and trying to replicate that, the first issue to tackle is addition. When it comes to people getting a "nicotine fix" or "chemical fix", it actually takes a specific vape to deliver this. Not all vapes are equal, and not all of them deliver the vapor texture and temperature to allow the nicotine to hit the body in the way it does for cigarettes (though it indeed can with the right vape - trust me, vapor can give you a nicotine buzz something unreal, if it's the right vape). Beyond nicotine, there are also different types of juices, which are specifically listed and marketed, like naturally extracted tobaccos and tobacco absolutes, that either have tobacco particles directly in them, or even have some of the chemicals naturally found in the cigarette, cigar, or pipe tobacco it's sourced from.

The second factor to tackle is any possible psychological additions. One reason a person may smoke is because it helps them feel like they fit in, or they have a sexual attraction to people who smoke, or that it's a family tradition to smoke, anything like that. In this case, it's wise for the vaper to find a device that appeals to a broad spectrum of people, and include their social circle or partners in the vaping process. As long as the device is simple yet tasty and effective, virtually anyone loves vaping. I don't know anyone in any social circle, unless they've never smoked, who'd turn down the chance to see huge clouds come out of their mouth, or taste strawberry-banana-sour-skittles out of a smokable device. People really do like it when they try it, and while vaping will never be the coolest, sexiest thing - there is a cool factor involved, it's more of a hookah type thing to many. You just have to reach out and take pride in it, let it be a social thing, let people think you're cool for being the vaping guy or gal. You don't have to quit smoking if you believe that it's an expected activity in your social circle, but slowly bring vaping into the picture, have "vaping sessions" with your friends, people will catch on before you know it!

The third factor to tackle is the enjoyment beyond nicotine or physcological attatchment. This involves finding flavors that really do suit your most cherished memories, your most enjoyable preferrences, and really do hold an emotional attachment to you - much like experiencing a trip to the meusuem, or going back in time to a family reuinion, or taking a walk on the beach - all while sitting on your own arm chair. Flavor and smell are wonderful senses, and scent and flavor can bring back memories and evoke chemicals in the brain. That's why experiencing a full flavored, pure, clean vape is so important to many in this process - it's more important than a lot of people even really know. It's actually how vaping beats cigarettes in the end. At the end of the day, people would rather eat pie all day long than smoke a cigarette - it simply wins out. Also, hobbies like modding, blowing out extreme clouds, and all of that, are additional ways that people find pure enjoyment out of vaping. It adds factors to their life.

If you can tackle which factor you believe applies to you the most, then I have confidence you can keep to vaping. All it takes is knowing what you want in a vape, and finding the gear that gives it to you. However, that's probably the hardest thing to accomplish, and it doesn't always happen with things like clearomizers and the easier devices. It can take a lot of digging and a lot of work. But the end result can be worth it, experiencing the perfect vape for you can be like heaven!
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Vaping Master
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Apr 14, 2013
THis makes sense. I was on Maoi's in my early 20's. When I came off them, I got horrible electric shock sensations in my head for a month. I have been getting something similar, though not as intense since I quit the fags. And my mood is probably a little lower than usual.

I had a real battle with anxiety and depression at about 3 months smoke free when I dropped my nic level too fast (was down to 1 mg). My Doc literally told me to keep some higher nic around and use that for however long it took when I felt it starting and if that didn't work to try the WTA stuff for those times. I have a good Doc. :)

No doubt in my mind at all that quitting Cigs affects in areas of our life we would never expect.


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May 5, 2010
So i am not new to forum. But i am not a vapor yet. I can not post to new members forum but i have questions.. Main question is what keeps you going everyday from the real deal. I am working hard and i believe there is something besides the NIC that i am addicted to. Not sure what it is but there is something. I do know if i vape for a period of time cigs are nasty but is works better than my ecig. It is just more of a relaxing feeling with the real thing. Is it the nic or some other chemical? What helped you to give up the real thing to only Vape. . .

It was an accident! I meant to leave the Cinnimon out of my DIY batch. . .a day or two later I discovered that I'd accidently left the Nicotine out also. Next two years I spent trying to get rid of the "hand to mouthy" oral gratification thing. Feb 6th was my last vape. I smoked tobacco more than 52 years, (2.5 PAD when I started vaping). Good Luck with your quit(s).



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May 21, 2013
So i am not new to forum. But i am not a vapor yet. I can not post to new members forum but i have questions.. Main question is what keeps you going everyday from the real deal. I am working hard and i believe there is something besides the NIC that i am addicted to. Not sure what it is but there is something. I do know if i vape for a period of time cigs are nasty but is works better than my ecig. It is just more of a relaxing feeling with the real thing. Is it the nic or some other chemical? What helped you to give up the real thing to only Vape. I have a MVP 2 with kanger PT and PT2 and iclear 30s dual coil. more than one apiece. I wouldn't mind trying a carto tank nut not sure what to check put

You are addicted to way more than the nic... Took 3 days for me to get it out of the system, had to have half a cig a day to stop shaking.. Try upping your nic lvl a bit

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