Older Folks and Vaping

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Resting In Peace
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Dec 7, 2009
Walla Walla
I generally start everything at the KGO standard of 3.7 volts and work from there. It's funny as really all the juices I like (with the cartos I use) seem to taste best there. My Lavatube clone stays at 3.7 about 99% of the time...

Mine usually stays is the 3.7 to 4.2 range too. I've tried different higher res cartos at higher voltages but everything tastes burnt to me at high voltage. How some people vape LR at 5v or higher is beyond me but there are many that do. I think most were Camel or Pall Mall Red smokers before they started vaping.


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Apr 27, 2012
Hinesville, GA
I brought in a blank Resurrector for the fella I converted at work today. He had some 36mg RY4 with him and loaded it up. The 1st hit nearly exploded his head. We chatted for a few minutes about how these LR cartos tend to "boost" everything and he went back to his office and ordered a 3 pack from CCV...


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Mar 9, 2012
Southern Michigan
Yep, I'm partial to the color green. Tho' I tend more to the forest greens, then the bright LED green. Reminds me of the old Donovan song "Colors".

Green is the color of my new PV
In the morning, when we rise
That's the time
I love the best

Just realized I have a 3:00 (EST) meeting an hour away from home....so maybe by the time I get home they will be sold out and I won't have to make a decision.... Might not be a bad thing...I feel myself weakening.


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Mar 24, 2012
I ordered some WTA Dark Honey Tobacco juice last night from Aroma EJuice, partly because I'm curious and partly because I'm felling like something is missing with my vaping lately. I guess a 40+ year smoking habit isn't as easy to kick as I thought it was going to be.

I was looking for some information on how you use it. Do you vape their juice by itself, or drip it, or add it to other juices, also is it something that you steep? Since it's at least twice what I normally pay from other vendors I want to optimize my use of it without wasting it. And since I only bought 10 mls of it, if it turns out I really like it I may want stretch it out until I can get some more. I appreciate any input you all have. Thanks.


Resting In Peace
Apr 29, 2012
I ordered some WTA Dark Honey Tobacco juice last night from Aroma EJuice, partly because I'm curious and partly because I'm felling like something is missing with my vaping lately. I guess a 40+ year smoking habit isn't as easy to kick as I thought it was going to be.

I was looking for some information on how you use it. Do you vape their juice by itself, or drip it, or add it to other juices, also is it something that you steep? Since it's at least twice what I normally pay from other vendors I want to optimize my use of it without wasting it. And since I only bought 10 mls of it, if it turns out I really like it I may want stretch it out until I can get some more. I appreciate any input you all have. Thanks.

I hear ya
I ordered the Virginia Blend WTA
I know they have just the WTA, but I wan't sure how to use it so I think I ordered the juice with the WTA
If it make a difference and I get my DIY down, then maybe the plain WTA, then find out how to use it when mixing your own.
CharlieGirl where art thou.
MikeE you use WTA don't you
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Dec 9, 2009
Central Texas
Vaping in public places?

Just curious about any experience anyone here has had with vaping in public places. I haven't done it yet, other than to go outside a restaurant where I normally would have gone to smoke.

Very curious about what people's reaction would be. Also, if any of you have vaped in public places, do you ask management first, or do you just whip out the PV and vape?

Not sure what others have said, I'm playin' ketchup again...my experiences have been mixed, but overwhelmingly...positive. Maybe the not so good ones are a result of my 'if in doubt whip it out' attitude. It gives me an opportunity to educate the less informed...I mean, I'm no expert here, but most folks are curious and it's a good Ice Breaker.

I deal with the negatives, and offer the single finger wave on my way out...but, YMMV.

Just Do It!


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Dec 9, 2009
Central Texas
I did some vaping with the CE5s and the Revive and will let y'all know about my results...YMMV, but I think HarleyDiva nailed it with the Revive. On the Rebuild of the CE5...HarleyDiva, maybe you ought to cut the motor off on the scooter before starting the rebuilding :D

Y'all have a good evening, hello and bye, bye. See ya's tomorrow!


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Mar 9, 2012
Southern Michigan
I did some vaping with the CE5s and the Revive and will let y'all know about my results...YMMV, but I think HarleyDiva nailed it with the Revive. On the Rebuild of the CE5...HarleyDiva, maybe you ought to cut the motor off on the scooter before starting the rebuilding :D

Y'all have a good evening, hello and bye, bye. See ya's tomorrow!

Nope...it wasn't the scooter....its not running until my "big strong man" friend comes tomorrow to help me put in the new battery. I may ride a big Harley, but I'm not above being a helpless female when something like that needs to be done....lol. Actually, in one of my previous lives, I was a parts manager at a Harley shop...so I'm sure I could do it...but I just got a manicure last week and don't won't to ruin it. :D

I do like the bigger size of the CE5, but the replaceable innards in the current iteration suck. V2 is supposed to have screw in heads like the Vivi Nova....if they work right....seems like an awesome solution. I'm a huge fan of the stardust type clearos. They are supposed to have stronger plastic now, that hopefully won't get the hairline cracks, and the replaceable heads would make them just next to perfect.

The E1 Revive, by the way, is still going strong.



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Jul 21, 2011
Republic of Texas
I have been using the CE5's for about a week or so and still going strong so have not had to rebuild one yet

I am a ex mechanic and don't think I will have a problem with the rebuild but I can see where some folks would have problems for sure..

It would be better if they had a screw on replacement core and maybe they will change it

The ones I have been using work very well with good vapor production and good flavor so far..I like them

Will let ya'll know how it goes when I do a rebuild


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
I think it is Provapes fav color also.They like seeing it in there bank account.LOL!!:D

No truer words have probably been spoken. Over 250 orders were placed in the 1st 15 minutes of the sale going live. The overwhelming majority were for the new cash green led. (to cut them some slack. there was a large demand of people asking for green, after the 2nd release of the blue led. so in a way they were reacting to customer demand, which is a good thing actually)

I ordered some WTA Dark Honey Tobacco juice last night from Aroma EJuice, partly because I'm curious and partly because I'm felling like something is missing with my vaping lately. I guess a 40+ year smoking habit isn't as easy to kick as I thought it was going to be.

I was looking for some information on how you use it. Do you vape their juice by itself, or drip it, or add it to other juices, also is it something that you steep? Since it's at least twice what I normally pay from other vendors I want to optimize my use of it without wasting it. And since I only bought 10 mls of it, if it turns out I really like it I may want stretch it out until I can get some more. I appreciate any input you all have. Thanks.

When I first started using WTA, I saved it for those moments when I craved a cigarette. At the the time I was still smoking 4-5 per day. Within a day of starting w/ WTA, I also stopped completely smoking cigarettes. That was 7 months ago. Over time, I began vaping it more and more because the I liked the taste of the flavors from Vapelicioius (where I was getting my WTA) better than most other juices I had tried. Now I probably vape 60-70% of the time w/ WTA juice. Its difficult at times to get WTA from Vapelicious (he's a one man operation) but his prices are better than Aromaejuice.

I hear ya
I ordered the Virginia Blend WTA
I know they have just the WTA, but I wan't sure how to use it so I think I ordered the juice with the WTA
If it make a difference and I get my DIY down, then maybe the plain WTA, then find out how to use it when mixing your own.
CharlieGirl where art thou.
MikeE you use WTA don't you

Yes, Janet and I both use WTA. I've had some, still have some from Aroma eJuice, but prefer to get it from Vapelicious. It's easier to get from Aroma, but I like the flavors from Ethan at Vapeliciou more. His Maui blend is a household favorite for both Janet and me. He has some good tasting tobacco flavors - his RY4 is one of my fav vapes even if it had no WTA. Another of Janet's fav's is Pomegranate.


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Sep 25, 2011
Lehigh Acres, FL
Good Morning NGIB When you order from ECBlends do you get extra flavor? double extra flavor? I ordered a couple sample size from them and wasn't impressed at all.

Tobacco Blend - Tastes just like sucking on a straw broom...a dirty used one even!
RY4 - Um, I think I might taste something very slight every now and then, but almost no flavor
Caramel Cappucino - Good strong coffee/cappucino flavor, although I can't taste the sweetener I added.

They also gave me a free gift sample and that was nice. It is Chocolate Mint Coconut Crunch. It's actually quite nice even though I thought "Ick" when I saw it in my package LOL. If the flavor was stronger, I think I'd really like it a lot.

Their prices are great as is their options and selections, I've ordered from them a few times, but always get the smallest size first to try a flavor because I find as anywhere else, there are some I like and some, well, I like to give away! Flavor is so subjective, I've tried some that came highly recommended and didn't care for them at all, so it's trial and error. I love their make you own flavor feature, a lot of fun, and really got me into DIY so I don't buy much ready made anymore, but will, on occasion order a big bottle of a current favorite for variety.
The first time I order a flavor I get it as is, it may be weak but at least if I don't like it I can add my own flavors to mask it. If I do like it and it's weak, then I'll go ahead and get the extra flavor next time. I haven't ordered from them in a while, but I found most of the fruit flavors had a funky waxy after taste, yet others loved them, so go figure. Again, taste is a very personal thing, the only way to be sure is to try it for yourself. Unfortunately, that can get costly, which is another advantage to DIY...you can usually change up anything to make it palatable at least. Besides, if you are so inclined, it is a whole lot of fun to play mad scientist! It was so intimidating at first, but once you get a good calculator like "Juice me Up" go through the motions a few times, it's as easy as making kool-aid! Sorry I got off track here!


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ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2012
When I first started using WTA, I saved it for those moments when I craved a cigarette. At the the time I was still smoking 4-5 per day. Within a day of starting w/ WTA, I also stopped completely smoking cigarettes. That was 7 months ago. Over time, I began vaping it more and more because the I liked the taste of the flavors from Vapelicioius (where I was getting my WTA) better than most other juices I had tried. Now I probably vape 60-70% of the time w/ WTA juice. Its difficult at times to get WTA from Vapelicious (he's a one man operation) but his prices are better than Aromaejuice.
Thanks Mike. I've been trying to access the Vapelicioius site for a week, and I just read his message on his website and now I know why I haven't been able to get on it. Aromaejuice is the only other seller I could find, I'll try Vapelicioius in the future.


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Sep 25, 2011
Lehigh Acres, FL
I hear ya
I ordered the Virginia Blend WTA
I know they have just the WTA, but I wan't sure how to use it so I think I ordered the juice with the WTA
If it make a difference and I get my DIY down, then maybe the plain WTA, then find out how to use it when mixing your own.
CharlieGirl where art thou.
MikeE you use WTA don't you

Elbert! (and Tiny) Thou art here! Good for you both!!! Wait til you try that WTA! Make sure you have had no tobacco in a while so you can fully appreciate the "fullness" of it and how much more like tobacco it feels than just nicotine fluids! If you are like me, you won't want to vape it all day, but only when you feel that strong craving for a cigarette. I see 2 advantages to this...1, it stretches out the usage since it is a little pricier, and 2, it reduces any worries about the further "addictive" qualities of WTA, if that is even a consideration, so mostly 1, because I am both poor and cheap! LOL! Seriously though, I can't wait to hear what you think of it! Also, I found instead of wanting to chain vape it like the regular fluids, I actually reached a point of satiation after 5 or 6 hits, and put my PV down! Now that is saying something right there!!! And I won't say I wouldn't want to vape it all the time if I could, but gotta be realistic here. I just can't wait to get mine!!! C'mon money!
As for the concentrate, I am not sure myself how much to use in DIY or other juices, but I am sure to find out because I will try to procure some ASAP also!
I NEVER in my wildest dreams imagined how truly life altering starting vaping would be. Though I wasn't one of the ones able to kick my 45 year 2+ PAD cigarette habit with my first use of my PV, I was able to cut down dramatically, find ECF and all of you, find a new focus and hobby, awesome support and guidance, feel better and make so many wonderful new friends... it has really been so much more than expected. I am hoping that WTA is going to be the final puzzle piece to complete the big picture for me! Remember, I only had a one carto sample from a friend. I'll find out soon though. Best of luck to you and please keep me informed about your experience with it!!!


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ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2012
I NEVER in my wildest dreams imagined how truly life altering starting vaping would be. Though I wasn't one of the ones able to kick my 45 year 2+ PAD cigarette habit with my first use of my PV, I was able to cut down dramatically, find ECF and all of you, find a new focus and hobby, awesome support and guidance, feel better and make so many wonderful new friends... it has really been so much more than expected. I am hoping that WTA is going to be the final puzzle piece to complete the big picture for me! Remember, I only had a one carto sample from a friend. I'll find out soon though. Best of luck to you and please keep me informed about your experience with it!!!
Thanks CharlieGirl, with your enthusiasm and passion I think you'll accomplish your goal soon. I wish you all the best.


Resting In Peace
Apr 29, 2012
Thanks Mike. I've been trying to access the Vapelicioius site for a week, and I just read his message on his website and now I know why I haven't been able to get on it. Aromaejuice is the only other seller I could find, I'll try Vapelicioius in the future.

Same here on both counts

CharlieGirl thanks and MikeE Thanks
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Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
Thanks Mike. I've been trying to access the Vapelicioius site for a week, and I just read his message on his website and now I know why I haven't been able to get on it. Aromaejuice is the only other seller I could find, I'll try Vapelicioius in the future.

Tiny, Janet said I didn't answer all your original questions about how to vape WTA. From Aroma it comes in nic levels and fixed level (what ever that it) of WTA. My last order, Aroma only sold it in 12mg nic and 24mg of nic. I would by 1 bottle of each level and mix it to get 18mg. (12 is too low for me, and 24 too high). It comes in various flavors, so you vape it straight from the bottle. I didn't notice any significant difference in fresh juice vs; some that's been around a month, so I don't think steeping is needed. Jerry of Aroma eJuice recommends shaking it before use (don't know why, I've heard he may use some kind of oils in either the mixing or extraction that may separate - so the shaking is recommended.

I always drip when I use WTA. As it's more expensive than any other juice I buy, I feel I get the most bang for the buck dripping it. Don't have to worry about a carto going dead with a ml of juice still in it. hi hi - Also - I've not gotten into getting any of the 'straight' WTA for mixing. This is something new, just offering WTA for DIY. I think both vendors have been protective of their stock of WTA, plus have some concerns about people over doing it with DIY. When it comes premixed they can control the % of the minor alkoloids in the WTA to balance it somewhat like smoking tobacco.

About Vapelicious - I just heard from Ethan today. He is still digging out from under a massive number or orders when he opened a website. He told me he got over a months worth of orders in just a few days and is working to fill all those before opening for more orders. He expects another couple weeks before he is caught up. There isn't the quantity of WTA available to meet the demand, so a lot of time, orders are backlogged waiting on WTA. Ethan is struggling to be a full juice provider not just juice w/ WTA. He likes to use organic / natural flavorings. I've gotten a lot of samples from him asking for feedback as well as supplied ideas to him for new flavors. He's mixed up some special blends for Janet that she really enjoys. I enjoy dealing w/ him - just wish he were a better business man than a flavor mixer and WTA guru and get things running smoothly. I spent a number of hours talking w/ him about WTA before trying it.


Resting In Peace
Apr 29, 2012
Tiny, Janet said I didn't answer all your original questions about how to vape WTA. From Aroma it comes in nic levels and fixed level (what ever that it) of WTA. My last order, Aroma only sold it in 12mg nic and 24mg of nic. I would by 1 bottle of each level and mix it to get 18mg. (12 is too low for me, and 24 too high). It comes in various flavors, so you vape it straight from the bottle. I didn't notice any significant difference in fresh juice vs; some that's been around a month, so I don't think steeping is needed. Jerry of Aroma eJuice recommends shaking it before use (don't know why, I've heard he may use some kind of oils in either the mixing or extraction that may separate - so the shaking is recommended.

I always drip when I use WTA. As it's more expensive than any other juice I buy, I feel I get the most bang for the buck dripping it. Don't have to worry about a carto going dead with a ml of juice still in it. hi hi - Also - I've not gotten into getting any of the 'straight' WTA for mixing. This is something new, just offering WTA for DIY. I think both vendors have been protective of their stock of WTA, plus have some concerns about people over doing it with DIY. When it comes premixed they can control the % of the minor alkoloids in the WTA to balance it somewhat like smoking tobacco.

About Vapelicious - I just heard from Ethan today. He is still digging out from under a massive number or orders when he opened a website. He told me he got over a months worth of orders in just a few days and is working to fill all those before opening for more orders. He expects another couple weeks before he is caught up. There isn't the quantity of WTA available to meet the demand, so a lot of time, orders are backlogged waiting on WTA. Ethan is struggling to be a full juice provider not just juice w/ WTA. He likes to use organic / natural flavorings. I've gotten a lot of samples from him asking for feedback as well as supplied ideas to him for new flavors. He's mixed up some special blends for Janet that she really enjoys. I enjoy dealing w/ him - just wish he were a better business man than a flavor mixer and WTA guru and get things running smoothly. I spent a number of hours talking w/ him about WTA before trying it.


Thanks for the extra info.
Well next week the Virginia with WTA will be here.
I wondered about the shaking.

I do hope Ethan get out from under his current load and can find a balance that works for him and customers.

Ill keep checking back there .

Thanks to one and all and
probably good night, but there are no guarantees


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Mar 10, 2012
Ohio,in the sticks!
Well I ordered two Minis,a satin/blue for the wife and black/blue for myself.Was sitting at the puter, from 3:30 E.S.T. hitting refresh every couple minutes. At 3:57 black showed up.
It was a little coin.But to rationalize the price,I would of spent that much on smokes for the wife and I in a month.
I'm sure we'll both enjoy them for a long time.
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