One year ago today!!

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Full Member
Aug 28, 2014
I haven't been on the forums in a while, since I haven't had a computer, but I'm back :) I realized today is August 20. One year ago, I walked into a vape shop, and bought my first starter kit. I had started out at 24 nicotine. Here it is, a year later, and no more starter kits for me! I have an eleaf 50 watt, and an e-vic. I vape anywhere from 2 mg to 6 now. I can't say I've been smoke free for a year yet, I didn't quit as soon as I started, it took many tries and slip ups, but I know its been a long time since I've smoked. I'm glad I decided to "give this vaping a try". I had no idea it would become what it has to me. Never thought it would become a hobby of mine, and be into it as much as I am.
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