Ovale USA Elips-C Review

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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
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Oct 12, 2012
Planet Awesome

[Text copied from RPad.TV, written for a general audience.]

For the last week, I’ve been vaping with the Elips-C from Ovale USA. This is a simple e-cigarette with a really svelte and stylish form factor. While it doesn’t have the versatility of Ovale’s eGo-C, I was very happy with the device. It offers very good performance for its size. This is a good kit for beginning vapers that want something that’s easy to use, but aren’t ready or don’t care to experiment with the myriad of parts available for vaping devices with a 510 connection. It’s also good for advanced vapers that want a complementary device — something small and pocketable for when they leave their big gear at home. Here’s a breakdown of my thoughts on the Elips-C.

What’s in the Kit: Currently available for $89.99, the Elips-C kit comes with two batteries, five atomizer heads, two atmozer locks, two mouthpieces, five tank cartridges, three mouthpiece covers, replacement O-rings, a USB charging cable, a USB wall adapter, and a user manual.

Form Factor: In terms of length, the Elips-C is actually shorter than most “standard” e-cigs that mimic the look of tobacco cigarettes. However, it’s wider and flatter. It reminded me of a kazoo…which reminded me of WWE Edge and Christian. And as E&C taught us, kazoos totally rule! When I sent a photo of the device to you guys in the RPad.TVGoogle+ group, RPadholic N8R mentioned that it looked like a stick of lipstick. Whatever the case, this is a very small device that feels great in the hand is very pocketable. I was very happy with the Elips-C’s form factor and build quality.

Performance: The Elips-C kit comes with two 350 mAh batteries. For comparison’s sake, the V2 standard battery is 250 mAh. I was getting a little under three hours of run time off of a single charge. When I used the Elips-C as an all-day device, I usually went through four full batteries a day. The kit comes with a USB passthrough cable, but performance is only “pseudo” passthrough. You can vape and charge at the same as long as there’s life in the battery. If the battery is completely dead, you won’t be able to vape while it’s plugged in. That’s not too big of a deal though since you get two batteries.

Given its size, I had middling expectations of the device’s flavor and vapor production. Those expectations were exceeded. Both the flavor and the vapor were very good. While you’re not going to get the same kind of performance as you would from a large tube mod (nor should your expect to), this little baby does well for such a small vaping device. When you compare this $89.99 kit to what you get from Safe Cig or V2, you’re getting more for your money. The one minor quibble I had was that the Elips-C’s draw is a little tight. That’s a personal preference though.

Consumables: One of the biggest advantages the Elips-C has over the original Elips is that it uses standard eGo-C atomizers. The latter used an all-in-one cartridge that was expensive (currently $15.99). Regular eGo-C atomizers are cheaper (five for $25.99 at Ovale USA) and can be found from numerous vendors. The device also uses a proprietary e-liquid cartridge (five for $6.99), which was expected given its atypical form factor. Ovale USA sells juices with fine tips that fit directly into the cartridge. If you’re using juice from another vendor then you’ll probably need a syringe for refills.

Verdict: I was very happy with the Ovale USA Elips-C. The form factor is just cool and stylish, while the performance is better than most devices this size. For novice vapers, this is a great kit that’s super-easy to use and maintain. For experienced vapers, this is a nice complementary device for when you’re out and about. It’s very pocketable and fantastic for stealth vaping (at parties, dentist offices, restaurants, etc.). The downside is that you’re tied to proprietary consumables and won’t enjoy the versatility of something like the eGo-C. However, I don’t think this product is really in the same category as the eGo-C. In my mind, it competes with starter kits from companies like Safe Cig and V2. In that context, this is a better kit that appeals to more types of vapers. And really, it just looks cool!
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