ProVape-1 Review: 1 month in (Pictures Galore)

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
A disclaimer of sorts:

Even though this product is something that was sent to me free of charge for the purpose of review anything that follows is still my honest opinion. I would not want to get duped into or talked out of buying something based on the untrue opinion of another and therefore wouldn't take the time to write something I didn't believe to be true that would lead to either of those two things happening to others.
As the title says this thread contains a lot of pictures. I am by no means a photographer, as will be evident, but tried to take the best pics I could to show as much detail of the unit as possible. All of the pictures were taken today just before writing this review. All of the pictures of the full unit are taken with a 510 atomizer and an Aluminum T-tip* attached.


I received my ProVape-1 unit on March 19th and the only thing they asked was that the review be submitted within 4 weeks of receiving the unit. I have used this unit exclusively (with the exception of about 15 minutes testing a PT when it arrived) since the day I received it. I waited until today, exactly 4 weeks after receiving it, to do the review because I know I've seen it said by some that they are more interested in how a unit holds up than how it works out of the box. I've gotten as much use as possible out of this unit in the past month and while I haven't taken it and tried tossing it out the window from the second floor to see how it bounced off the pavement I also haven't tried to pamper it any either.

The unit I chose is threaded for a 510 so I have been using it with 510 atomizers and a couple of 306s. I think most reading this already know what it is like to vape at 3.7v and, while we all know there is some difference between vaping with a stock battery and using a battery mod, I will be reviewing the quality of the unit itself for the most part. I will say that the ProVape-1 with its 14500 battery gives a very satisfying hit.

The kit I received contained the ProVape-1, one 510 atomizer, two 14500 batteries (one Trustfire and one AW), and a Tenergy multifunctional charger. Also included were a welcome letter, a quality control checklist, and a comprehensive instruction manual. All of it was packaged very well and arrived safely.

My initial impression of it when I had used it for 5 days:

At this point though, I can say that I am really liking this device. While I do have a few different mods, as seen in my sig, and I like each one for different reasons, this is my first "high-end" device. So far I am impressed with the quality feel and look of the unit. It has performed flawlessly thus far. The one I have is one of the stainless steel ("uncolored") ones and it has a nice heft to it without being too heavy. I was trying to think of the best way to describe the weight of it and the best thing I can think of is that while it is only as big around as a penny it feels closer to the weight of a roll of nickels. The "dimpled" end caps and the grip design of the body both make for a really nice look and a comfortable feel.

The body of the unit is very well built and has a nice grip design to it that I haven't seen on any other unit.


As I mentioned above the weight of it is about that of a roll of nickels (judging from memory) and the size and feel is a very nice comfortable fit in the hand (for me anyways).


I can actually wrap my hand around the unit and leave almost nothing to be seen.


While the unit is stainless steel, and therefore obviously a hard material, it has such a smooth finish as to feel almost "soft" to the touch. Having that "soft" feel to it can initially give the impression that it would be somewhat fragile and need to be handled with great care. After a month of use, one or two hard drops from a few feet up, and numerous times of reaching for something on the desk and knocking it over, I can say that there are no worries of "hurting" the finish under normal conditions. Like I said before the pictures aren't the greatest but I can't find a single scratch in the unit even after all of that.






The endcaps
of the unit are also very well built. I haven't put anything (ie:Noalox or similar) on the threads of this unit at all yet. There has been no noticeable wearing down of the threads on the caps or the interior threads on the body of the unit.



Unfortunately I couldn't get any better shots of the threads on the caps and no good shots of the interior threads. But I give you my word that they look the same today as the day I opened the package.

The bottom cap is actually the only part of the unit that doesn't look the same today as it did when I received it. The only reason for that is the constant sliding it across the desk each time I pick it up and set it down has caused some scratches as would be expected.


Also in that picture you can see the hole in the center of the end cap which is there for the purpose of safety in the unlikely occurrence of the battery venting.

The liquid reservoir on the top of the unit is a great design feature and makes it so there is almost no chance of having excess liquid running down the outside of the body of the unit. I rarely flood my atomizer but even so there is always a little bit of liquid making it's way out and this does a great job of keeping it contained. Normally I take a piece of napkin and clean the reservoir every night, even if it doesn't need it, just to keep the unit clean. For the last week of the 4 week period that I have been using this unit I did not clean the reservoir at all, until just before taking the pictures today, and still, even though the reservoir was just about full, there was no liquid getting on my hands or the body of the unit. I have also taken the top cap off the unit numerous times to check and make sure there was no liquid getting inside the unit and not once have I found even a drop of moisture in there.




The button on this unit is not recessed and does stick out. But it is very sturdy and, while it doesn't take a lot of pressure to push it in, I personally have not had it fire in my pocket at all.


In my experience, the button is very reliable and well built and has such a minimal amount of play in it as to be almost unnoticeable. I have not had a single misfire or sticking issue with the button at all in the past month. The button also has a good feel to it and while it isn't huge it is large enough so that it doesn't give you that "jabbing something into your finger" feel when pressing it.

While it is difficult to see in the pictures, there are also vent holes for safety located above and below the button. If you look real close to the right of the button in the picture below you will see the slight dip next to the button where this is located.


Overall I'd have to say this is a very well built unit and definitely lives up to and even exceeds any expectations I had for it. All of the materials used to create the end product seem to be of great quality and it appears, so far, that the unit will last for its intended use. Even though I did receive this unit for free as stated at the beginning, when considering the quality and durability of the unit, the 1 year warranty, and the great customer service provided by ProVape, I would definitely say the ProVape-1 is worth the price tag it carries.

As I understand it there is also a passthrough in the works for this unit and I look forward to being able to get one.

I think I have pretty well covered everything I can think of with this unit. If there is something that I overlooked feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them the best I can.

Anyone interested in a ProVape unit can find them at ProVape Electronic Cigarette Battery Mods, Atomizers and Accessories

And one last picture since I didn't use it earlier ;)


(* the Aluminum T-tip in the pictures is a product of SuperTmanufacturing and does not come with the ProVape-1 unit)

edit: added another pic to post #7 below for size comparison.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
I really like that you included your hand because it helps give a sense of scale - I wish everyone would use a 'this is the PV in my hand' pics because i thought at first that this thing was HUGE until I saw it in your hand (unless you have hands like a sasquatch of course..:lol:)
It sounds pretty cool - Im going to be in the market soon for a battery mod so I found your review interesting. Thanks.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
Nice review Thye!

All right, I'll take it! Just send it too me as you've convinced me that I should get a free one (as opposed to NOT getting a free one!) :D

thanks MM.

and no problem I'll be sure to hit the Post Office the second Tuesday of next week ;)

I agree nice review looks solid

thanks .... well I'll be damned... I'm so lazy I always shorten peoples names and I was about to shorten yours and realized it would just come out to red anyhow lol

I really like that you included your hand because it helps give a sense of scale - I wish everyone would use a 'this is the PV in my hand' pics because i thought at first that this thing was HUGE until I saw it in your hand (unless you have hands like a sasquatch of course..:lol:)
It sounds pretty cool - Im going to be in the market soon for a battery mod so I found your review interesting. Thanks.

thanks Capt.

lol yeah my hands are by no means small but not "sasquatch large" :D

The stand-alone pics always threw me for a loop when I first started looking too, because everything looks huge.

But since people don't know how large my hands are or aren't you prompted me to take another pic. So here is another one that should provide even better perspective as to size.


(p.s. Capt this picture may lead me to curse you later. I have been fighting myself over buying another ProVape-1 and I didn't even realize until I had uploaded this pic to my pc that taking it, between a blue pen and blue Halo bottle in front of my blue phone, makes me think even more that I need a blue one. :rolleyes: )


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
So after getting done with my review period I attempted to go back to one of my smaller devices but during the couple hours I was using it I realized I have just gotten to accustomed to the form and feel of the ProVape-1. That's not to say I won't ever use another device but for the time being I am sticking with it.

Anyways, since I wrote the review when I did in order to give a perspective on how it held up over time, I figured I would just give an update.

After another two weeks, total of 6 weeks now, of almost exclusive use, I have yet to run into any issues and it is still performing just as well now as the day I unpacked it.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
Followup update:

Another 2 weeks down and still not a single issue. Not one misfire. Not one change in performance. Not one noticeable mark in the finish.

I've actually been using it with an LR atomizer for the last 10 days so it is even more satisfying than ever.

So two months in now and I have been eying other devices but just haven't been able to talk myself into spending the money on anything else right now since my ProVape-1 has been so reliable that I don't need anything else.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jul 13, 2009
New York
Followup update:

Another 2 weeks down and still not a single issue. Not one misfire. Not one change in performance. Not one noticeable mark in the finish.

I've actually been using it with an LR atomizer for the last 10 days so it is even more satisfying than ever.

So two months in now and I have been eying other devices but just haven't been able to talk myself into spending the money on anything else right now since my ProVape-1 has been so reliable that I don't need anything else.
Thy i also have been using my PV-1 off and on since the last week of march and it's performance is flawless and i also have been using the LR atty and it is great!

I can see this mod lasting for along time the quality of the button is unreal i almost think its unbreakable( Grabs hammer lol)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2009
Upstate NY
Hey amajn long time no font. Glad to see yours is still performing well too. Yeah the button on this thing is great. I actually know someone who got one in the last few days and she initially thought she broke the button right away. Turned out that the button is just much easier (softer/lighter) to use than what she has gotten used to lol

I'm really at the point where I've dropped/knocked it over enough times now with no damage to it that I am convinced there is no worry of doing damage to it. Still haven't put anything on the threads and still no issues with them either. Which makes it, pretty much, just a matter of how long the switch holds up.

I figure I'll continue to update this thread every couple weeks though, since it started out as a review about how well the unit lasts, just to continue to let people know how it holds up over time.
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