Provari backup

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ECF Veteran
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Apr 20, 2013
I bought a standard sized one & got a Stealth Mini for a back up very, very quickly. A 3rd one might happen, especially if this v3 they've been hinting at is a VW mod. Otherwise the 2 others on my radar aren't any cheaper - the Semovar & a VV Reo Woodvil. An ePipe would be nice too. I'm just super picky about the woods on the Reo & Pipe.

It's already a given that it won't be VW.


Vaping Master
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Nov 12, 2013
It's already a given that it won't be VW.

I'm not so sure about that yet. What have you heard?

I've been hearing the DNA30 & Zen stuff which has been debunked, but I've also been hearing they've been working on some new electronics. With the number of non believers crying for VW, it makes me nervous.

Gato del Jugo

ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2013
US o' A
I'm not so sure about that yet. What have you heard?

I've been hearing the DNA30 & Zen stuff which has been debunked, but I've also been hearing they've been working on some new electronics. With the number of non believers crying for VW, it makes me nervous.

Zen has already publicly admitted fairly recently that he's been working with ProVape on something..

What that something is, who knows.. Could "just" be a ProVari with ZenKote...


ECF Veteran
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Apr 20, 2013
I'm not so sure about that yet. What have you heard?

I've been hearing the DNA30 & Zen stuff which has been debunked, but I've also been hearing they've been working on some new electronics. With the number of non believers crying for VW, it makes me nervous.

I can't say anything else except that you have nothing to worry about with reqards to VW.


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Jan 9, 2014
Russell Springs, Kentucky
A whole Good to know.

Maybe you can come back and give us a third, sixth and ninth month update, okay?

I will when I've had it longer however I see nothing happening with the treads that would make me find them suspect on the version 5. I have seen a version 2 and 3 with bad treads and the 5 seems a stronger and better materials, just saying. I will also add the center post seems to be fixed in the Vamo as it won't budge.


Ultra Member
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Aug 2, 2013
Cheers for the feedback guys :)


They look very very nice, although at that price point, them being out of stock and the hassle involved in ordering from overseas i would probably just get a 2nd provari instead.

My MVP 2 is my secondary device/backup, for now. It's the closest I've had to the Provari, as far as vape quality (still not Provari quality, but not bad), it seems to be pretty durable, and I can use it to charge my cell phone or iPod. Plus, it's pretty cheap (got mine for about $45, including shipping, from, but they're out of stock now). I'm getting a second Provari, so the two Provaris will be my first and secondary devices, with my MVP 2 serving as backup, just in case.

My backup

Sent from behind a cloud with a War Eagle!

I think the MPV2 is the frontrunner for me at the moment. Seems a decent practical little device and price-wise you cant really grumble. If i took this option then i would get the 2nd provari later in the year when i can get the colour/led i want. The other option is a semovar base kit (without the 18490 & 350 tubes or the KFL hybrid connector), which comes in around £80 less than a provari.

Decisions decisions :p


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 26, 2013
washington state
My backup

Sent from behind a cloud with a War Eagle!

where did u get that mvp skin.
i just ordered a zombie mini as a backup form my other mini..i have a mvp but its a disposable battery
so another mini seems like the right thing to
tell me why i need all them watts not sure i need it my mini ends up being my favorite one..
if i want to sub ohm i have a mech..:D:banana::D
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PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
I was pondering the same a few months back and went to the local B&M to touch and feel the options for a Provari backup. I walked out with the Sigelei Zmax V3 and it turned out to be a great VV/VW mod. I didn't care about the VW feature, but I ended up using it exclusively.

It's a stainless steel tube that accommodates the same AW 18650 lMR batteries I use in my Provari (one of my requirements). I set it on 6 watts and forget it. The atomizer threads are also SS (another requirement). It will also telescope in length to use 18350/18500/18650 singly or stacked 18350's.

$74 or less depending on where you buy it. It comes in a flat top or Provari style bevel top. The picture shows it telescoped to full length (flat top) as well as screwed down to its shortest length (in the round top style).

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Oct 1, 2013
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