Question about bubblegum and menthol type e-juice.

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Does anyone here experience a heavy feel and a choke/cough when vaping bubblegum/menthol flavored juice? I'm only vaping for almost week though, not sure if it's the flavor or if my lungs is still adjusting to it. But the heavy feel and choking goes away after I vape it like 4-5 puffs. I used to smoke Marlboro Reds, what e-juice can you guys recommend me?


Full Member
Aug 2, 2012
i never had a cough when using bubble gum. its prob your lungs getting used to vape instead of the burning carcinogens in anologs. good luck!

i started out smoking newports and tried to find the right flavor for a long time. But nothing really tasted like the actual smoke. Then i tried mister e's menthol and it did the trick for me. i havent bough a pack in almost a year. I like and alien vison juice. Miste e has a killer mountain dew flavor and many more fruit flavors that is way better tasting than a cig could ever be! i am still a newbie and open to new ideas.
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