Relatively new vaper's experience

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Oct 3, 2010
Hello, I've been lurking around here a month or so and decided to give a bit of insight into my journey so far going from 3 packs a day to none with these wonderful ecig / PV / whatever you want to call them.

Before delving into these devices I spent a couple weeks doing research and talking to a couple friends who have used them before. I was going to originally buy a Blu but found out it would not fit my needs. Instead I decided on a eGo unit for me and my father. The long battery life and not hassling with a PCC was perfect for us.

I had been smoking 3 packs a day for about 16 years and my father (disabled Vietnam veteran) about 2 packs a day for 40 years. We did save money by buying Native American brands on the reservation at 20 bucks a carton.

By the 2nd day of using my eGo I completely stopped smoking cigarettes, and my father is down to 2 cigarettes a day. He seems to be having problems stopping the 1 cig when he wakes up and 1 cig before bed, but I'm working on that.

There was a bit of a learning curve involved but I was willing to try. Originally the basic cartridges were simply not big enough for me, using 7 a day seemed to much effort so I moved onto the Mega Atty and Cartridges as well as try the Mega Cartomizer. Both worked really well but the refilling the Mega Catro with a syringe was to much of a hassle for me. I bought some Blue Foam and made a 13mm x 50mm coiled plug for the Mega Cart and put in 40 drops of Caramel tobacco and it works excellent for my needs. I go through 3-4 Mega Carts a day this way with no flooding of the atty.

My father is using regular 510 Cartomizers most of the time, the condom fill method works perfect for him with limited mobility of his hands. Though he does enjoy dripping later at night for the increased flavor.

Most of this information I got through this site so this place has saved me so much time on research and made this transition much less painful. Now both of us are enjoying our returning senses of smell and taste. Myself I cannot go back to a cigarette, they taste nasty.

When my father goes out hunting at his friends ranch it seems the PV does not alert the deer as much (his words) and his friend enjoys not having the stink linger.

Another great point is that the Director of our local V.A. was intrigued by how well the PV worked for smoking cessation. He had my father go up to the Director's office so he could do some research of his own and had my father blow the vapor through a tissue, noticing no dark buildup he was given the OK to use the device inside the V.A.'s common areas. Now though I do not agree with that myself, it was still good to see a Doctor allow its use in a hospital.

Altogether this has been a wonderful journey for both of us, not only getting our health back up, but after our initial investment in these PV's and juice, we are noticing how much we've saved. For once this holiday season won't be so hard balancing our budgets.

Now I'm looking to hopefully get a Reo Grande when they go for sale to further simplify my vaping experience.

Thanks to everyone here who have made this life change less perplexing.
And thank you for reading.


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Oct 3, 2010
Thanks folks :)

One point I did forget to mention is the Director of the V.A. has been in talks with the Regional Director to look into PV's to add them to the list of Smoking Cessation solutions since they have a very low success rate with the Patch and Pills. Being gov't it will be awhile before any headway is made but it is nice to see this technology start to be adopted by the folks who can get the information out there to folks who have never heard of PV's and the patch/pills did not work for them.
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