My Vaper Tale

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Mar 7, 2010
I'm going to try to keep this updated on a near daily basis. Being a new vaper, reading what I can on here, and hopefully sharing my experiences as a new person trying to get off analogs.

Since I'm a few days into it, this will be an introduction post, as well as a catchup on where I am with vaping.

I started smoking when I was 13 years old, by stealing cigs from my old man. The standard thing of hanging out in the woods beside my house in Alaska, walking out to the "smokers area" in school, smoking whenever I had a chance. I didn't openly smoke around my parents until I was 19, and while they weren't happy about it, they never gave me too much of a hard time. My father was a lifetime smoker, my mother had one drag in her life, and hated it.

First time I quit, was when I was 18, when I joined the military. No smoking in basic training, and I can say, it was the only time I quit easily. Literally, only thought of cigs for 1 minute, one time. It would have been fine, but after basic training, get to tech school, and our "tour guide" drops a pack of smokes on the table, and tells us "grab one if you want one", hadn't thought about it, until it was offered, that was it, I was a smoker again. I smoked between 1 and 1.5 packs a day until I was 35, never attempting to quit. I talked about quitting more times then not, but never took the step. When my oldest son was born, I talked, and I cut down to about half a pack a day, but still, never really tried to quit. I ended up back at a pack a day. I tried to quit when he was 4, because one time I went to head outside, and he said "Daddy's going outside to smoke". I didn't care for that, I didn't want him thinking it's what "Dads" did. I went to the doctor, got a prescription for the Nicatrol Inhaler. It worked for about a week, then I was back on cigs. When my youngest son was born, I talked about it, cut down again, hoping to quit.

During this time, my father was diagnosed with emphysema and was progressing rather fast, and he was 52 at the time, and had just retired from the military. When he was diagnosed he was only given about 2 years to live. That scared me, but didn't help me quit. He's a tough old ......., and fought with every breath he could manage, and was passing the 10 year mark of living with the terrible illness that was eating him alive. I watched as he withered away, unable to walk, shower, or even use the bathroom without aid. I watched as it killed my mother, aging her well beyond her years trying to take care of this man who couldn't take care of himself. With our youngest grandchild now in the family, we decided to head back and see my parents (we lived in Colorado, they lived in Michigan). I decided, that I wasn't going to smoke during the trip, and I was going to quit. I decided the patch was the next thing for me to try, went for the patches, damn did they burn and itch at first. After a couple false starts, I finally got it going, and by the time we made it to Michigan, I had been smoke free for 3 months, still on the patches, but no cigs.

I was very happy to walk into my parents house, and not walk out for a cig. My father was extremely happy as well, not wanting me to go through what he went through. He talked openly about what it did to his life, and what little life he had left. He was fighting with all his willpower to stay alive for my mother (even though the stress of caring for him was killing her, him being alive provided significant more financial security, due to disability and retirement payments).

We arrived on Thursday night, spent all day Friday at their house. My father got to hold his youngest grandchild (I'm an only child, so my kids are it for my parents). Friday was a good day. Saturday, he was very tired, and couldn't handle the commotion of the whole family being there, so we kept the visit a little short, took my mom out, let her spend time with the kids. Sunday morning at about 1am, my mom calls my cell phone, letting me know that my father was being taking by ambulance to the nearby hospital. He had fallen when trying to get to the bathroom, and his breathing had stopped. At the hospital, they determined his pulse-ox was way too low, and he wasn't doing too well. They transfered him to the VA hospital at University of Michigan, which had been about a twice a year thing for him. He had gone through it 20 times before, and been out, while it wasn't the way we wanted the vacation to go, it wasn't anything to be too concerned about. It's funny how dealing with someone so sick, that you get used to ICU visits, and they don't ruffle your feathers. We spent the rest of the vacation trying to keep the kids entertained, and not get them too far down, having their grandpa in the hospital when we're supposed to be visiting him.

However, by the time came for us to head back to Colorado, and my father still in ICU, we knew this time was different. Not once during a visit did he wake up enough to know we were in the room. We decided that we needed to come back, because the kids had school, I had work, and we had no idea what would come. We had spent 8 days in Michigan, and had only really seen my father for one of those days. We flew home on Saturday, and on Sunday night, my mother calls, the doctors state there's nothing they can do, he's basically in a coma, and he will never come off life support. He's not responding to anything they've tried, and he's worsening by the hour. I jump back on a plane Monday, heading back to be with my parents, leaving my family in Colorado, because we didn't know just how things would progress.

I spend the next two days from sunrise to sunset in my fathers hospital room. Trying to make sure that my mother remembers to eat, drink, and take her medication. Talking with extended family, talking with doctors, hoping that something will change. My father made it "easy" on us, and had a living will, that if he's on machines for more then 3 days, let him go. Now I say easy, only with the experience of months of sarcasm, because it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Even with the assurances of the doctors that kept him going well past his supposed expiration date. Doctors that refused to put a time limit on his life anymore, because he had pulled through every time they thought they'd lost him. We had the advantage of having top notch doctors that had cared for him for over a decade, and trusted them like family. If they said there was nothing, there was nothing. My father actually went past his living will cutoff, because the doctors refused to let him go, because he had become almost a brother to many of them. Finally, they stop the machines, and wouldn't you know it, he almost instantly start to improve. Now mind you, improvement is subjective, things like pulse ox coming up 2 points, breathing improving by 1%, but for several hours, it seems like he's fighting. Mind you, he never came out of the coma, never opened his eyes, never responded to our presence. The machines told us he was refusing to let go. At about 2am, after 18 hours of sitting in his room, willing the machines to give us just a bit more hope, we crawled into a closed waiting room, found some chairs, and tried to sleep. At 5am, a nurse came in and got us, she said it was time. We walked into the room, my mother holding my father's hand, me with a hand on his shoulder. The room was completely quiet, minus the sounds of my father's body working for what little air it could manage. The nurses had turned off all the monitors in the room. We had been in the room for less then a minute, when his chest expanded for one big breath, biggest one we'd seen in years, and it was over. The nurses came in a couple minutes later, it was time for me to get my mother home, and try to get her some rest, rest she hadn't had in 10 years.

Funeral arrangements, travel arrangements, and everything else kept me busy. Days seemed like hours, and I still didn't let things get to me. I cried when my wife and kids arrived in Michigan, but it was good to have someone to lean on, so it was just a small outburst of emotion. I cried a bit at the service, but who can blame me, I had just lost my father. Now, it finally hit me when we made it to the cemetery. My father was buried with full military honors at a national cemetery in Michigan. As we came around the corner, to where the ceremony was to be held, it was a sight to behold. There was a small stone chapel, perched on the edge of a gorgeous lake. It had snowed the night before, so all you could see were snow-capped trees and water. As the hearse pulled in, there were 10 men in uniform from funeral brigade, standing at full attention, who slowly saluted as my father's body pulled in. I had to stop the car, and couldn't get out for a good three minutes, it hit me so hard. Even now, typing this, it gets me, because I can see it plain as day. It's something that will always be a fresh memory.

The night after the funeral, with all the family trying to offer their sympathy, I needed a break. I stepped outside for fresh air, and bummed a cig from a cousin. I was a smoker again. I hated that I was doing it, but I couldn't stop. Just one, became two, became 3, became a pack.

That was 11 months ago. I should have been quit by now.

So, that's what led me here, my refusal to put my family through something like that, again.

So, with that, that's the history, on with how things are going now.


Full Member
Mar 7, 2010
I decided to give e-cigs a go last week.

I had looked on this forum before, had become very close to trying it, but didn't make the step, still don't know why.

Last week, I spent a couple days reading the forums, going back and forth. Finally on Wednesday, I decided, I'm doing it, and the reviews on the Janty Ego look like it's the one for me.

I hit Janty's site, sold out, damn. Ok, back to the forums, ahh, the Tornado is basically the same thing. I hit TWs site, and boom, 10 minutes later, my Tornado kit and a 30ml bottle of KaMel is on order. I'm excited, because I'm going to make this work for me, damnit, it will work this time.

I can say, I am completely impressed so far with TW, because I ordered on Wednesday, didn't pay anything extra for shipping, and my box arrived on Friday afternoon. This was much sooner then I expected.

I tear into the box, assemble everything, hit the button, and puff. Nothing. Damn, need to charge the battery, but wait the lights going on. Ok, I've read enough before, grab the other atty, screw it in, puff, WOW, I was expecting something like the Nicatrol inhaler, this is sooooo much different, sooo much better.

Ok, break away from being the kid in the candy store, charge the battery, wait, take your time.

So, I start charging a battery, and start reading, and reading. I end up needing an analog, go outside, smoke one, and start saying my goodbyes to them. Not ready to throw the pack away, but still, feeling good about my choice.

Takes about 2.5 hours to charge. I put everything back together, test both attys, and one is dead, oh well, not a biggie, I can take care of that later. I throw in the pre-filled cart, and start vaping. This is my first time, but it feels good, nice vapor production, nice throat hit, and I'm doing it in my office, first time in 7 years.

So, here's how it goes, by day.

Friday - Package arrives, has quite a bit of the "new toy" appeal. I'm vaping like a mad man. Last analog of the day, 2pm. Send email to TW about bad atty, don't expect to hear back till Monday, but from what I've read, I'm sure they'll take care of me.

Saturday - Wife makes comment about that things is always in your mouth. Still chain vaping, filling like I need the nic, do alot of reading. Refilling carts with the KaMel I got. When vapor production gets low, I just drip into the cart until it won't take anymore, about 12-15 drips it seems. Think I might need a bit more then the 18mg KaMel i ordered. I heard so much about 555 and Ryu4 that I jump on StricklyEJuice and order a tobacco sampler (24mg), the 555 and Ryu4 in 24, and a Chocolate Mint (curious, plus I was a huge fan of the Choco Mint Camel Premiums when they were out). I plan to mix the Chocolate Mint with a tobacco flavor to try to simulate. I do end up smoking 2 analogs, but that's a ton different then 20.

Sunday - Notice I'm not chain vaping like I did on Saturday. Wake up with the craving, want to hit the vape, but end up with an analog. End up being a little juice crazy, so hit Ms T's and order the coffee cake, cola, snickerdoodle (favorite cookie), and cinnamon roll (can you see a trend, I like cinnamon). I order these in the 14mg, just so I don't feel so bad if I start to chain them. Took my daughter out to the field to work with her on her conditioning (she's a hardcore athlete, who always wants her out-of-shape and out-of-breath father to help her work out). When we first get out there, I light an analog, out of habit. We work out for an hour, and I reach in my pocket and pull out my vape. Hit that on the way home, and stay off the analogs. Today's analog count 3 (I had one about lunch time).

So far, about 45 cigs avoided, and so far, while it's not a complete replacement, the e-cig is helping, alot.

I do notice, my vapor isn't quite as much as the first day, but it could be my refill method. Still working for what I need now. I notice that I'm smoking it a bit different, I alternate between cig puffs and cigar puffs. I really enjoy the flavor from the cigar style, so like to alternate.

As I stated before, I'm going to try to keep this as a running account of my vape experience, as well as mixing in reviews, since I'm buy crazy right now.

So, for a review.

Totally Wicked, loved the fast shipping, love the Tornado, will update on service experience.

KaMel 18mg - Nice flavor, hints of tobacco, but with a strong brown sugar, caramel finish and hit of vanilla. Good vapor, good TH, builds a bit of a taste when chain vaping, but that's more of the nic I believe, because it reminds me just a touch of the Nicatrol inhalers after all day use.


Full Member
Mar 7, 2010
So, How'd today go.

Got my package from StricklyEJ, and I was like a kid in a candy store. Got the 5 pack tobacco sampler, got the Chocolate Mint, RYU4, and 555 all in 24mg. While over the weekend I thought i needed the bigger kick, I might have been too quick (good thing I bought small bottles). I haven't tried them all yet, but here we go.

StricklyEJ Chocolate Mint - Good vapor, nice hit, a touch towards the menthol side, but still enough plain mint to make me happy. On the hit, very strong mint, very little chocolate, however, leaves a very "Andes Mint" aftertaste, which I enjoy. So far i'm liking it, but I'm going to cut it down with a light tobacco flavor to because by itself, too much for an all day vape.

StricklyEJ RYU4 - I know people either love or hate it, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It has a very mild taste, with a bit of sweet tobacco and a mild citrus taste to me. Leaves a very definite aroma and aftertaste of cotton candy though. It's not overpowering, but I really pick up a fresh cotton candy when it hits the nose, fades quickly though. Again, good vapor, and good TH, maybe even a bit much, but that could be the 24mg causing it. I'll be re-ordering this, but might look at other suppliers to see how much it differs.

Not as happy with Totally Wicked today, took 3 emails about my blown atty, to get what felt like a canned reply. Told me "You have a 28 day warranty, send it back with a note, and we'll email you when it re-ships". I don't like throwing things in the mail with no real tracking (not postal, company tracking, such as a RMU number). What they didn't clarify was what all I needed to send, and no response from follow-up emails. I also don't care for the fact that they have a "live chat" on the website that I have never seen running. While I was very happy about my first order, late last night I ordered a 5 pack of attys, since I only have 1 now, and don't want to risk it going bad and being without. The first order went through the process and was shipped out within hours, this one is sitting on "paid", I'll have to see how long it takes to ship this, since they said they were in stock.

Again, more reading, found a link to the HealthNZ safety report, which made me fell even better about my decision.

And analog count for today .. 1.5 (that morning one is the hardest one for me to drop)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
Learning curves learning curves - finding a good technique, a good juice you love, the right nic strength that suits YOU best, hardware not being a PITA, lol.. just take it one day at a time and if you MUST have a smoke, go ahead, it'll be ONE not a pack.
Try to think you're not smoking (or smoking less) TODAY, don't worry about tomorrow - that'll take care of itself - just work on TODAY, each day, and see how you go.

Sorry to hear about your dad - why it takes something like that to bring it home to us is beyond me, but sometimes that's their gift to us. More life. At least he knew before he passed that you were stepping on the path and he was glad.


Full Member
Mar 7, 2010
Well, yesterday was a bit of a slide back. Wasn't getting good vapor off the Tornado, so cleaned the atty (second time so far), and it helped a little. I think I've figured out that I started flooding the atty, so it's starting to work a little better for me. Because I wasn't getting get vapor, and the "new toy" draw had warn off a bit, I wasn't vaping as frequently, and as a result, hit the analog a few more times then I normally would have, ended up with 5 yesterday, wasn't happy about that.

I actually didn't order anything yesterday, that's a first since I got my first order in.

While I originally enjoyed the RYU4, it started building up on me, gave me a fairly good case of acid reflux, and started to leave a bad taste in my mouth, though, it could be from the nic level.

I think that with the amount I need to vape to avoid analogs, that running 24mg juice is just too much, so looking forward to the lower ones I've got coming from Ms. T's.

Tried a bit of the 555, and do enjoy it, though my new favorite blend is
Totally Wicked Kamel + Strictly EJuice Chocolate-Mint (90/10), actually does a fair job of emulating the old Camel Chocolate Mint Premium Tins, though still a touch heavy on the mint.

Totally Wicked did get my new pack of attys out, so I'm happy about that, now just waiting for my juices to ship from Ms. T's


Full Member
Mar 7, 2010
So it's been a couple days since I last updated, not much to tell, but here we go.

Got my 5 pack of attys from TW, one was dead. I know they have one of the best prices for the 5 pack, but with no return policy, having even 1 dead negates the cheap price, so if/when I have to order more attys, I'll be looking at another supplier.

Just got an email from Ms. T that my juice will be shipping out tomorrow, really happy about that.

So, with my attys not working so well on thursday, combined with a 28 hour work cycle, slid a bit on the cigs, ended up smoking about 7 analogs, alot better then I would have, however it did lead to something good, I ended up exhausting my supply of analogs, so with no choice but to vape, or go to the store, it's made it easier.

I've now passed the 24 hour mark with no analogs, first time since I started vaping a week ago, and today, even with a quite stressful day, and very little sleep in the last 3 days (about 6 hours total) never thought about going to the store.

I can now say 30 hours analog free, and feeling good about it.


Full Member
Mar 7, 2010
So, not much new, other then the fact, another day, no analogs.

Spent the day in the garage working on my car, and that typically would include analogs, had my Tornado with me, and while it wasn't a walk in the park, it wasn't that hard either.

So now.. 55 hours no analogs, and so far quite a bit easier then when I tried the patches or Nicotrol.


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  • Jan 1, 2010
    I think you are doing great. Thanks for sharing your story and your journey with us. I will look forward to following it to see how it goes for you.

    Just keep on vaping and learning as there is a bit of a learning curve to get where we need to be. It gets easier as the days go by, I can tell you that.


    Full Member
    Mar 7, 2010
    So, newest update.

    Had just passed the 72 hour landmark, and had 3 drags off an analog. It was more or less to test the whole concept of "I started vaping and can't stand analogs anymore". Yea, that's not really me, still like the analog.

    So, as of right now, everything is about the same. I've settled in on my KaMel + Choco Mint mix, though I am anxiously awaiting my order from Ms. T (Which is now shipped).

    However, stomach issues, and boy do I mean stomach issues. Not feeling all that well from it, now it might have been the crap I've eaten this weekend, but still, not fun.

    The most troubling is the itchy, slightly burning sensation I start getting in my chest after vaping. It's a rather new thing, starting the last 24 hours. I'm not sure if it's vaping in general, my withdrawal from analogs, or maybe a sensitivity to either the PG, flavoring or nic strength I'm using. Didn't experience this the first couple of days, so I might go back to the straight Kamel and see if it stops, and will really keep an eye on it when the new order comes in (Has some VG mixed in, plus lower strength and different flavorings).

    I'll keep this updated with how the health is doing.

    Anyways, so resetting my timer for analog freedom, even though it was only 3 drags, but still to me counts.


    Full Member
    Mar 7, 2010
    So, it's been a little while since I updated, due to some travel and medical issues.

    I had been doing fairly well on the PV, had been analog free for 3 days again (after another setback), and drove over 8 hours. The stress of the driving and weather (massive snow storm caused us to have to go about 150 miles out of our way) caused me to reach for the analogs again. On top of that, in the middle of the trip, I got hit with my first kidney stone, and according to the doctors, a very large one. Several hours in the ER, and a ton of pain medication (which I'm still on), pushed the analog smoking back to the forefront.

    I'm back home now, still on meds, but have been analog free going on 2 days again.

    Positive note though, I did spend an evening drinking with friends, and the Tornado got me through.

    Got a big order from Ms. T, so I'll have to start adding some reviews (in the appropriate section, now that I can).

    Aunt T's Mint
    Peppermint Hot Chocolate
    Apple Pie (with ice cream)

    We'll have to see how they go.

    I love Ms. T so far, though both orders now have missed a bottle, but she's been very good about correcting the orders, and fast responses.
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