Sinus infection and earache after starting vaping

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One person jumps to a conclusion, so everybody else jumps on him/her with their conclusions. How can I put this. I love a friend of mine but... he's not to bright. Is it frustrating? Yes. Do I get tired of it? Yes. But he's really a good person and he reminds me to appreciate not living in fear and boxing at shadows. Per his CERTAINTY, Obamacare has a provision that kicks in this year that will make it mandatory for Doctor's to implant microchips in babies. I'm going to start asking him if it's happening yet. God, to live in his world.... can't even imagine it. :)


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But how did the bacteria get in my lungs from the vaping? That is the question I'd like to know.

Alright i wasn't sure of your intentions up until now, now its obvious you're a troll. If you knew anything (like you claim you do) you would have known this from the very start.

In the 1940s and early 1950s, further studies showed inactivation of diverse bacteria, influenza virus, and Penicillium chrysogenum (previously P. notatum) mold fungus using various glycols, principally propylene glycol and triethylene glycol.[6] In principle, these chemical substances are ideal air disinfectants because they have both high lethality to microorganisms and low mammalian toxicity.

Good day sir!

Lock it up


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Feb 23, 2014
Some people are allergic to VG to some degree. It is vegetable glycerin and if you're prone to allergies, I'd wonder. I have allergies. Everybody in the family does. Comes mostly from mom's side. I mow a lawn, I'm congested as an LA freeway. :)

I may have a very mild, minor allergy to VG myself. It's so trivial, I can't be sure. But vaping first thing in the morning, I can have a bit of sneezing fit. But with my allergies, who knows? I am drifting toward more PG than VG lately because of taste. Now I'm curious if that periodic morning sneeze fest will ease off. But the allergies in my family? I'll probably never know what caused which.

Try 100% PG juices a while, see how that goes. But keep in mind, quitting smoking itself causes crazy congestion and sinus crud and other nutty respiratory issues as your lungs start trying to clear the mess from smoking. When the cilia start working again and start pushing the crap from smoking out, it can get kinda disgusting for a while. It's actually a positive thing. Just not pretty. :)

Me: Thanks for the kind and sensible reply! The question I have is, could an allergy cause an ear infection, or does that have to be because of bacteria? Most people have said it's a bacteria problem, not an allergy. Thanks for being so honest! I hope vaping works out for you. I'm just going to wait to see if it's safe. It has already been banned in many countries. I do think it's something that needs to be studied by the FDA and deemed safe before I try it again.


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Jun 30, 2012
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I started vaping a few days ago and had problems immediately. I could feel chest congestion and sinus problems the first day, and then I got a sinus infection and earache. I haven't had a sinus infection or earache for years but I remember what it feels like, and vaping brought it on. I don't want to hear that it's coincidence, it's not! Lots of others who started vaping have had the same problem as noted in their posts here. I wonder if some people who start vaping get pneumonia, which is a worry I have? I know all the vapers on this forum have an interest in dismissing vaping side effects because for many it's their livelihood as well as something they enjoy, but to write off these earaches and sinus infections off as just coincidence is wrong! I quit vaping and hope this sinus infection and earache goes away. I might have to go to a doctor and get some antibiotics as others have done. I think there needs to be testing and regulation of vaping from the FDA, I really do! I might go back to vaping after it's proven safe, but not until then. I really like the idea of vaping but I just don't think it's safe, and people need to be warned of the possible complications.

How fortunate you are that you can pinpoint what caused your health issues. Think of all the medical expense you've saved yourself trying to find out what caused them. Obvious solution is: Don't vape.


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Aug 31, 2010
I started vaping a few days ago and had problems immediately. I could feel chest congestion and sinus problems the first day, and then I got a sinus infection and earache. I haven't had a sinus infection or earache for years but I remember what it feels like, and vaping brought it on. I don't want to hear that it's coincidence, it's not! Lots of others who started vaping have had the same problem as noted in their posts here. I wonder if some people who start vaping get pneumonia, which is a worry I have? I know all the vapers on this forum have an interest in dismissing vaping side effects because for many it's their livelihood as well as something they enjoy, but to write off these earaches and sinus infections off as just coincidence is wrong! I quit vaping and hope this sinus infection and earache goes away. I might have to go to a doctor and get some antibiotics as others have done. I think there needs to be testing and regulation of vaping from the FDA, I really do! I might go back to vaping after it's proven safe, but not until then. I really like the idea of vaping but I just don't think it's safe, and people need to be warned of the possible complications.
What did your health care professional tell you? What type of antibiotic did you take? I am curious to your exact diagnosis.


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Feb 23, 2014
Correction; YOU dont know that much about vaping and youre wrongly assuming the rest of us dont either. Maybe thats indicative of a Big Ego? :laugh: Please speak for yourself as some of us have been around and active on these forums almost since they first started.

You dont have to be a doctor to know that infections are caused by bacteria and you dont have to be a genius to tell that the OP has a thinly veiled agenda.

To my knowledge, he hasnt even bothered to reply to his sensationalist post.Which is kind of odd dont you think?

I recommend that both you and the OP visit the CASAA site and spend a few days looking at the info and studies they have posted there, you just might learn a thing or two.

me: I have no agenda but to tell people that I got an ear infection from vaping, along with many others who have posted having the same problems. The problems caused by vaping need to be told to the public and those thinking about vaping, don't you think?
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me: I've tried the patch with no problems. I would like to see vaping be found to be safe, I really would. I just want others to know they could have an experience like I had, and that others have had and had to go on antibiotics to get rid of an infection.

I had just the opposite reaction to vaping. I woke up every morning for months with a stuffed up ear and a huge accumulation of fluid above and below my eye that took half a day to dissipate. I put that down to an allergy. Started vaping and after one day I woke up without either an ear or eye issue. I suspect that the smoking all day was irritating my sinuses, so they were "acting up" overnight. So it seems that everyone's body reacts differently to new stimulus. If you are still miserable with the sinus infection, no matter the reason you have it, you should probably get some meds.


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Dec 21, 2013
. I could feel chest congestion and sinus problems the first day, and then I got a sinus infection and earache. I haven't had a sinus infection or earache for years but I remember what it feels like, and vaping brought it on.

I have also experienced these symptoms..
Not from vaping...
It was from swimming...
I dove into the deep end of the pool..


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Feb 23, 2014
I have seen some VERY interesting posts in this thread, as i am new to the site also, (just made my account a little while ago) and have only been vaping for a very short time now, i have been an avid hookah aficionado for years (i have 6 hookah and have tried so many different coals, flavors, and setups), have smoked off and on for years (Marlboro Reds) and even done dip/snus pouches in the odd meantimes.

Bottomline, i did some research and finally just bit the bullet (the initial cost) and started vaping. i had had a major sinus infection crop up several months ago from a house i moved into that had a very bad mold problem (had to get a lawyer to break my lease so we could move out) seen a doctor and she told me without a doubt the mold was the cause, we went over my tobacco use, and pros and cons to anti biotics and what course of action would help to clear it up the soonest, keeping in mind i was not yet vaping at this time.

She essentially told me the antibiotic would help but not fix the issue. with my tobacco use the issue would be helped with a prescribed med, but only slightly, i was told to just ride it out or stop using tobacco until it went away so my immune sysem could pick up and clear it out. well ive been dealing with it for around 3 months now using snus pouches regularly and its only been slowly getting better.

As i said i just recently tossed the snus for a vape kit (picked up a spinner 1300, a aspire ce5 tank, and a kanger EVOD tank, got a small bottle of nicquid Blueberry tart 6mg nic, and a big bottle of Space jam Pluto 6mg) my initial cost total with case and charger was under 100 bucks and i have enough supply to last me around 3 months although i know ill be back in to get more flavors and tanks haha.

All that said and done, i can already tell my sinus infection has started to clear and i do believe it is solely due to the fact i dropped the 2-4000 different chemicals in the tobacco products i was using.

so this post is coming from somebody who had the OP's issue before I started vaping, and can say i have seen nothing but positive effects over regular tobacco usage. try different liquids from KNOWN trusted brands, Jamesons, Space Jam, Or perfected Vapes just to name a few, and use a low setting if you have a VV or VW to start off and set it up properly, improper setup can burn coils, burn seals and even melt some other parts which are not meant to be inhaled to begin with.

Just my two cents.

Me: I have a question. How can bad e-juice cause problems? Does anyone know how this could happen?


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Feb 23, 2014
I've been lurking on multiple e-cig forums and have never seens somebody say their sinuses acted up from vaping. So, you are making blanket statements. GO SEE A DOCTOR. They can tell you why you have a sinus infection and earache. I was 25 before I caught the flu and I never had a flu shot. Just because you went 30 yrs without it doesn't mean your body is immune to it. A lot of other stuff can cause symptoms your experiencing, like mold, so again, GO SEE A DOCTOR. Just like you don't want us to say its a coincidence, you can't say it isn't until you GO SEE A DOCTOR. Do you see a common theme here?

me: I"m just saying I could feel the symptoms come on right after starting vaping. Others have said the same exact thing. Make of it what you will.


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