smoketch cartos flooding a lot lately :(

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2012
and I KNOW im doing everything right. No air holes, o-rings in great shape. im priming it like a pro etc but after a few days im just getting non stop leaking. Maybe I need to go down from 2 holes to one? I always prefer my ikenvapes but only have a few so I use those in my favorite IBTank with my fav juice. I have like 3 carto tanks going at one time though and for the other ones i just get smoktech single coil 1.7 2 hole punches from CCV. I know from reading other posts that smoktechs are apt to flooding so maybe in my next order I should go down to one hole? I just worry that I'll end up having dry hits then....thoughts?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Feb 15, 2011
    Punches are very easy to use. Grab one and experiment? I use Boge, but have tried the Smoks 3x, and always get flooding and dry hits with 2 holes. If you have more than 60% PG, I'd try 1 hole.

    Think I'll dig mine out and try again with 1 Hole. I did like the hotter hit with the 1.7's than my Boge 2.0's! I've tried the Boge 1.6's also and they didn't have much more warmth than the Boge2.0's.

    Punches are almost a must-have for a tank user- allows you to put them higher or lower on different tanks, and you could vary the size easily.

    Are you saying that the ones you have trouble with are Dual coils? And what is your PG/VG levels?

    IF the same juice works OK in your 1.7's, they should be working fine in your DC's. If they're not laser drilled, perhaps the supplier punched the holes too deeply.
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    Senior Member
    ECF Veteran
    Feb 4, 2012
    sorry if you get this reply twice. my other one disappeared! these are single coil but my pg/vg ration is mostly 80/20 so that could be adding to the problem BUT the juice i was using in most of these flooding issues was 60/40...i really think it's the double punch issue, im going to order some with just one hole today and we shall see. I did try to punch these myself once....bad idea, I just dont have the finesse ;)


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
  • Feb 15, 2011
    Sounds good! You can also try ruling out any tank issues by covering the holes in the carto and not using the tank to start with.

    You can also plug one of the 2hole one and try that before u buy more.

    Best wishes! I'm glad you're not panicking. It just may take a bit until you figure what works best for you, but they Do work! The carto-filling tools and laser punched cartos seem the way to go nowadays.

    - Oh, you have to click on "remember me" when you log-in to help with disapearing posts :).

    Remember not to Over-prime also, a tank-carto doesn't need much to start and should look very dry in the tank when running correctly.
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    Punches are very easy to use. Grab one and experiment? I use Boge, but have tried the Smoks 3x, and always get flooding and dry hits with 2 holes. If you have more than 60% PG, I'd try 1 hole.

    Think I'll dig mine out and try again with 1 Hole. I did like the hotter hit with the 1.7's than my Boge 2.0's! I've tried the Boge 1.6's also and they didn't have much more warmth than the Boge2.0's.

    Punches are almost a must-have for a tank user- allows you to put them higher or lower on different tanks, and you could vary the size easily.

    Are you saying that the ones you have trouble with are Dual coils? And what is your PG/VG levels?

    IF the same juice works OK in your 1.7's, they should be working fine in your DC's. If they're not laser drilled, perhaps the supplier punched the holes too deeply.

    Alright, you seem to know your cartos. I have smok dual coil cartos for my DCT. They kinda work with 65/35 but dont produce much smoke with what is in there at the moment. I have yet to get them to successfully wick 50/50, any tips or links for a carto tank for dummies guide? I think we need one of those. I typically stick with my pro tanks because of this.


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
  • Feb 15, 2011
    Alright, you seem to know your cartos. I have smok dual coil cartos for my DCT. They kinda work with 65/35 but dont produce much smoke with what is in there at the moment. I have yet to get them to successfully wick 50/50, any tips or links for a carto tank for dummies guide? I think we need one of those. I typically stick with my pro tanks because of this.

    Bunch of info-

    50/50 shouldn't be that bad. shouldn't need to dilute, like VG. To make sure you're properly filled, using a needle to get it down deep works.

    If you're not getting vapor due to not being wet enuf, are you then getting dry hits or burnt filler hits?

    If you're not, you could simply have less vapor due to Overfilling. A carto in a tank runs fairly dry- shouldn't really see Any juice on the top of the filler.

    To fix overfilling simply blow the carto out very well. If it's in the tank now, put your mouth on the drip tip and face the tank towards the ceiling ( uncovering the holes in carto) cover the end with a tissue and blow the daylights out of it.

    Make sure the bottom of the carto is very dry and the post on your battery also.
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    Bunch of info-

    50/50 shouldn't be that bad. shouldn't need to dilute, like VG. To make sure you're properly filled, using a needle to get it down deep works.

    If you're not getting vapor due to not being wet enuf, are you then getting dry hits or burnt filler hits?

    If you're not, you could simply have less vapor due to Overfilling. A carto in a tank runs fairly dry- shouldn't really see Any juice on the top of the filler.

    To fix overfilling simply blow the carto out very well. If it's in the tank now, put your mouth on the drip tip and face the tank towards the ceiling ( uncovering the holes in carto) cover the end with a tissue and blow the daylights out of it.

    Make sure the bottom of the carto is very dry and the post on your battery also.

    thanks, ill have to look. For some reason its being a ..... to get even 65/35 to wick properly. The entire experience is really turning me off from tanks TBH. I like my Pro Tanks, much more user friendly. I keep getting dry hits, i dont have a needle, but i dropped on top and waited till it wouldnt absorb anymore, then i filled the tank, then covered the bottom with my finger and took dry hits, i can see the air bubbles forming inside the tank, which means there is juice flowing into the carto, but i still get dry hits that taste like ...


    Ultra Member
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    Mar 20, 2011
    I use Boge two hole single coil carts. I take a flat toothpick and twist it in one of the holes. Twist it about 4 times then snap it off and clip with finger nail clippers. I DIY and mix at 60/40 PG/VG. I rarely have a flooding issue and never have dry hits. Before I did this and had a flooded cart I would drain the tank if too full then slip out the cart. Take some slow long draws just under the point of gurgling. Few of those and it would soon clear up. If the tank wasn't too full just lay it on its side and slip the cart out. Good luck


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
  • Feb 15, 2011
    Well, the 1 hole Smk works fine, but has a Raw vape to it. Boge is alot smoother.

    Also recently got some Ikenvape Platinum. Not bad. A little Airy til broke in. Not as smooth as the Boge, and certainty no big Wow factor. Pricey.

    Been meaning to try a couple others. Kanger has a horizontal coil one, and Stormy's has their Cloud Maker. Boge also has a version of the Fusion, but it's an 801 and the adapter's have been weird. Not sure if they're worth trying.
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