Smoktech SID - 24 hours ago it was dead... (Low Load)- a quick fix

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Mar 16, 2012
Southern California
Yesterday my SID died. I had the dreaded "Low Load" message. I tried changing everything. I gently pried up the post as that fixed it in the past. NOTHING was working. I set it aside and gave up. Today I looked around the web again and found a post in another forum that explained how the O ring that insulates the center post from the body wears out and causes the "Low Load" message.

Following the pictures in the post it showed that you can actually pull the post all the way out and that there is a wire attached to it. I figured i had nothing to lose at this point and did that. The forum post showed how to fix it with a new O ring from a cartoimizer, and then using stretch seal tape over the wire and lower part of the center pin helps insulates the post. I had the stretch seal tape, and just wrapped my center pin. I cut a one inch strip by 1/8th. very hard to hold and wrap. I did it and slid the pin back in. I screwed my protank back on and waaaaaLaaaaa! I'm vaping my SID again good as new!

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