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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2008
Just writing to put in a plug for snus, the Swedish version of snuff that--drumroll!--requires no spitting. I'm a longtime pipesmoker, but I discovered snus about 9 months ago and started using it to cut back dramatically on my smoking. I found snus to be a very satisfying substitute. It has replaced much of my smoking, and, of course, I can enjoy it in many, many places where smoking is forbidden. (It's great to satisfy my urge to get some nicotine and tobacco flavor while at my desk at work, in a movie theatre, in a meeting, or on a plane! It really, really makes airline travel much more bearable. (O.K., almost bearable.))

I am fortunate to live in an area where Camel Snus is being test marketed, and it is my preferred version of the product. I have a sweet tooth, and the Camel version satisfies it admirably. I have also sampled a wide variety of authentic Swedish versions. For my taste, I prefer the Camel. The Swedish versions are uniformly less sweet, and most have a somewhat salty taste. So, the particular version is a matter of taste. But the convenience of having a way to enjoy real tobacco wherever you want while producing no smoke and no spit is great.

Three weeks ago I got an e-pipe. I am enjoying that very much, and it has largely replaced most of the pipesmoking I still did. (I still smoke 1 real pipe on a typical day.) But I still plan to keep using snus also, both because I just enjoy it and because it can be used inconspicuously situations where even e-smoking might draw unwanted attention.


ECF Founder, formerly SmokeyJoe
Verified Member
Hey Langdell, thanks for the heads-up on Camel Snuss.

Before I buy some, may I ask what you mean by sweet? Is there some sweetener added to the tobacco or is it part of the curing process?

I do love my Snuss! I have only tried the Swedish stuff - Granit Black is my favorite so far, but I quite like the flavored "lady" versions which come in smaller pouches!



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2008
Smokey_Joe said:
Sounds good, but I'm not having any luck finding a seller who will ship to the uk. Any ideas?

Sorry, I'm afraid I don't know of any sellers who will ship to the UK. U.S. eBay has some sellers who sell the Camel Snus "collectible tins." (They are just selling the tins, not the tobacco. The tins, however, are factory sealed. ;) ) Maybe one of them would ship internationally. I have also seen Marlboro Snus tins on sale there, though I haven't tried that product yet.

Hopefully all these snus products will soon be widely available.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 21, 2009
New Jersey
I've read about snuss, on the surface would seem to be a better alternative, but will it catch on here in the U.S.?

stick around and read up on some posts here. we are a pretty active bunch here. granted we probably represent a very tiny portion of snus/snuff users.

there are many online snus/snuff vendors with forums as well.

BTW...this is a really old thread.....dug up from the archives :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 14, 2009
The edge of Mayhem
Hi Langdell. You're in good company around here, no plugs needed :D. Most, but not all, down in this part of the forum have found the missing link to PV's in snus, so you're right on the mark. Camel is made in the same tradition as other Swedish snus, but less potent and much sweeter to appeal to American taste buds. I'm not a fan of Camel myself, but some here are. If it works work it, I say :).

Before I buy some, may I ask what you mean by sweet? Is there some sweetener added to the tobacco or is it part of the curing process?

I do love my Snuss! I have only tried the Swedish stuff - Granit Black is my favorite so far, but I quite like the flavored "lady" versions which come in smaller pouches!


They keep that a secret, but it's very sugary, candy sweet. I don't imagine they'd use sugar, since it would eventually ferment and therefore not be truly Swedish type snus. Also, if you prefer the mini-sized portions (I'd guess you're referring to General Mini Mints ;)), but want a little more smack in the nic blood level, maybe give Thunder Frosted Mini's a go. They're a mini portion with 8mg nic and make a nice discrete way for me to get my fix at my "tobacco free" nanny state place of employment. There's also Thunder Frosted Long+. Those are the width of a mini, but longer to squeeze in a wholesome 12mg nic :). Thunder Frosted is spearmint flavored, not really sweet, though.

I've read about snuss, on the surface would seem to be a better alternative, but will it catch on here in the U.S.?

Absolutely!! We got the use history of a couple hundred years and a well rounded bunch of studies to prove the safety in Swedish snus. It's tobacco, so it automatically makes it evil in the eyes of the anti's, but they're dead wrong. Or just outright lie :mad:. A while back, a bunch of us who had a feeling of something missing after switching to PV's (myself, sinking into depression and unmanageable anxiety) did much research and with the aid of DVap, a chemist here on the forum, came to the determination it was the associated tobacco alkaloids that get stripped from the nicotine during the process of making eliquid that we sought. Click on my avatar and see my "user notes" for more info. Long story short, Swedish snus safely delivers those alkaloids. For anyone not finding satisfaction in PV's, a Swedish snus with a relaxing vape session is the answer. Brings back that feeling of calm, focused relaxation we got from smokes, but also takes it to a deeper level :).


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2009
Madison, WI USA
They keep that a secret, but it's very sugary, candy sweet. I don't imagine they'd use sugar, since it would eventually ferment and therefore not be truly Swedish type snus. Also, if you prefer the mini-sized portions (I'd guess you're referring to General Mini Mints ;)), but want a little more smack in the nic blood level, maybe give Thunder Frosted Mini's a go. They're a mini portion with 8mg nic and make a nice discrete way for me to get my fix at my "tobacco free" nanny state place of employment. There's also Thunder Frosted Long+. Those are the width of a mini, but longer to squeeze in a wholesome 12mg nic :). Thunder Frosted is spearmint flavored, not really sweet, though.

Do we really expect SmokeyJoe to get back into a thread over 2 years old? Would be a hoot if he showed up. Wonder if he's still doing any snus.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 14, 2009
The edge of Mayhem
Do we really expect SmokeyJoe to get back into a thread over 2 years old? Would be a hoot if he showed up. Wonder if he's still doing any snus.

Naw, seemed like a good opportunity throw out some info though. Then again, ya never know......he might notice it when he comes to chain off our current water-cooler thread :D.
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