So when are you going to quit that e-cig thing?

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Mar 1, 2013
Funny how people react differently to it. My parents are very supportive and have recently started using e-cigs themselves. My wife still smokes cigarettes and could care less either way. My boss is a fellow vaper (was using cig-a-likes) and I got her on an eGo/ce setup but she hounds me everytime I have new gear, ie: "I don't pay you to buy vape stuff!!" heh.


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May 20, 2013
NW Ohio
I started vaping to make it a little easier to quit smoking. After picking up and customizing a good PV. I actually enjoy, unlike smoking analogs because I had to. I am confident that I could quit vaping/ smoking altogether now, but I am enjoying it. I like the cleanliness of it. I like the vaping community. I even sometimes decrees the nic value so I can smoke more lol. Is that weird?


ECF Guru
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  • Aug 13, 2011
    Yes Jim, I call that the demon. I would be real nasty whenever I tried quitting smoking. The nic in my e-cigs keeps that demon subdued. Maybe one day I'll have lowered the nic enough (I plan to) so that demon says "Screw it! I'm outa here!". :)

    I've always thought that a Smokers Anonymous meeting would have to be the angriest place on the planet. :lol:


    Full Member
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    Feb 19, 2010
    Yeah, I was talking to a co worker who said his family had switched to vaping a year or so ago. And he seemed equally concerned with them, when I asked him what he thought about it. "It's a step toward quitting" My thought was, geeze, you are just ignorant....ahh, seems like a lot of us are in the same boat. They already did quit smoking, derrrr.


    Vaping Master
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    Nov 30, 2009
    Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
    So when are you going to quit that e-cig thing?.....Right after you stop being a social ..... and stop to think about what youre saying and how it might be received before it comes out of your mouth.

    I bet you they are guilty of asking women with a pot belly when they are expecting as well.

    Sooo Frank when are you going to get that mole removed from the tip of your nose?

    Same dif


    Ultra Member
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    Nov 29, 2012
    New Jersey
    Vaping helps me in so many ways. I loved to smoke and this is a GREAT substitute. I also have debilitating back pain. Vaping helps me focus. It also helps me concentrate on something other than my misery. I am preoccupied most of the time, as we all know how many tough decisions we have to make in the world of vaping. You know.....what flavors do I want to use today? What mod do I want to leave the house with? Gee, I wonder if there are any good vaping supply sales online etc... I will never quit. And more importantly, our Government will never tell me I cant!


    Senior Member
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    Mar 28, 2013
    Central Florida, US
    ha ha never!

    lol i don't know where people got the idea that the e-cig was a quitting smoking device, but i'm tired of my family saying things like, "congratulations on quitting smoking! good job!.. so, when are you going to quit that e-cig thing?"

    i know. some people use the e-cig to quit nicotine and stop smoking and vaping and everything... which is cool for them. but me. i like vaping and i don't plan on quitting.

    i loved smoking, i hated the health problems. i love vaping and theres no health problems, so why would i want to quit? i guess they just don't get the whole vaping thing. lol

    This. ....
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