Soaking snus in water for 24 hours to remove nicotine but keep other alkaloids?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2010
I made a thread in the newbie section, and then later tonight realized something...

If I want to try to stay away from the nicotine, but keep the remaining effects of tobacco that I like (if the two are differentiable)...

Couldn't I just soak snus pouches in water for 24 hours to remove the nicotine, and enjoy all the other alkaloids?

Seems this would be a very easy way to get low TSNA MAOI-type effects, along with the other effects of the tobacco, without getting the nicotine.


I'm currently soaking regular tobacco in water, which then I will smoke to see what happens. But doing it with low TSNA snus seems like the best way to go for health reasons.
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