Starting to feel sick after into my 1st month of vaping.

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Sep 12, 2011
Cleveland Ohio
ugh, diff. toothpaste? come on. well my story goes like this... I've been vaping for about a month and I started sleeping 14 hours a day (i work from home so it hasn't been totally life devastating) , and for the remaining hours I would be awake, I felt like a zombie with about a 50 point IQ drop. So that's a NO GO. Honnestly I'd rather die 5 years before my time and actually have them be productive , instead of simply sleeping them away :glare: Sooo, I'm back on the analogs.

You can tell I'm a bit frustrated about this, but I will give this another chance. I just bought some DIY ingredients and will try some very clean mixtures of the simple basics required (no flavoring at all) and see if that makes a difference. But as it stands now, vaping for me turned out to be too good to be true.

every time I've ever quit smoking I get tired after awhile. think about how many things are in cigarettes that AREN'T in vaping. Your body could be mad that you aren't giving it those things anymore. Stick it out. Don't blame everything on vaping, but remember that your body gave up SMOKING not nicotine, and therefore, gave up a lot.


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Jun 11, 2011
I went through something similiar at about a month in. I think I was getting juice in my mouth by not using the right equipment, or using it incorrectly. Switched to Boge 2.0 cartomizers and things got a lot better. The only problem I couldn't get rid of was achy legs and excessive fatigue. Recently switched to mostly VG juices and feeling a lot better, but do miss the throat hit. Don't give up! Try other options until you find one that works for you without the's so worth the time and expense when you finally get it right.


Ultra Member
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May 5, 2011
Nola, I was thinking just the same thing. I would like to try a ce2 ceramic (no filling) cartomizer with VG. I have not heard of any allergies from VG. I was hoping to get some feed back on that. I do like the cartomizers, put it on and you dont have to think about it. Thanks for replying

In my experience, CE2's don't work so well with VG. VG is too thick for the CE2 to properly wick it to the coil. I use at most 30%VG in my CE2's. Anything more than that you would have to wait too long for the juice to wick and avoid dry hits.


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Sep 16, 2011
Tampa, Florida
I know sleep issues are a side effect of quitting analogs along with; dizziness, headaches, chest discomfort, irritability, fatigue, cough/nasal drip, lack of concentration, hunger, weight gain, and depression to name a few. Some of those can be an OD of nic ( dizziness, headaches) so you have to know whats doing it to you. If you have lowered your nic, and isolated pg and vg, and you are still having symptoms, try to use a traditional NRT instead of smoking. If you still have symptoms, then you know can almost bet that its just withdraw symptoms from analogs. That is just what I would do if I vaping gave me issues. So far I just have gotten the flu and been coughing up a bunch of brown lung butter.


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Sep 6, 2011
Somewhere out there
Maybe a bad carto? Do you draw real slow and easy? It could also be the juice. Probably the best way to tell is try some Pg, Vg and 50% each without flavor and see how each makes you feel. Then you would know if it is the PG or VG doing it. I do get headaches if i vape too much, I have pretty much gone back to my normal amount of smoking habits when I used analogs, but vape instead, I do not chain vape anymore :) bnrk


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
If those prefilled cartos made you sick, stop using those.

Headaches are usually too much nicotine (too high or from vaping too much). And too much nicotine can also cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, cold fingers, or a general hazy or sick feeling.

Could also be from sucking too hard on the ecig (often on autos, but could be trying to beat that SI cutoff too - at least some V4L batteries have 10 second cutoff and with a manual you could drag softer and longer). V4L WOW cartos are hotter though are a bit harder draw to get as much vapor and the SI ones.

Could be dehydration which can make you feel ill. Drink plenty of fluids

Rare but a borderline diabetic once got sick from vaping very sweet juice (I think VG and ethyl maltol sweetener are considered low grade sugars and he was vaping cotton candy flavor all the time and that has all ethyl maltol flavoring).

BTW if SI juices are 80/20 then they have VG. I get the impression WOW juices are around 90PG/10VG. But there are also WOW VG juices and cartos (in separate sections from the normal WOW stuff). You could try one nic level; lower on the normal WOW juices - they can be a bit strong. I certainly would not go to VG juices with slim ecig cartomizers. VG will be very difficult to use with slim ecig cartos and probably cause you to get less use out of each carto.

Have you considered that you might actually be getting sick, unrelated to ecigs?
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Dec 9, 2009
K, k, if what you're saying is true, then i should be able to test it out by smoking some cigs, while also vaping and see i the side effects persist, or go away. Sounds like a fair test setup? Don't get me wrong, i want this vaping thing to work, I just can't keep blaming everything else in my life when it seems the answer is staring me right in the face.

When I first tried switching to 100% vaping I had some terrible side effects too, headaches, achy, tired, irritable etc. For me I think it was the withdraw from cigs, because now I am smoking 1-3 cigs a day and vaping as much as possible and all the side effects went away! I would try to smoke the minimum amount of cigs possible to see if it helps you feel any better, then you'll be able to tell whats what :). I am going to try to taper off the cigs and hopefully if I'm gradual enough it won't feel like crap. Good luck and I hope you figure out whats ailing you!


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Oct 7, 2011
Spokane, WA
Wow, I can so relate! I am about a month in also. Monday night i felt TERRIBLE, even went to the ER, that was probably some sort of stomach bug with severe nausea. But ever since then I feel like a zombie, so tired all the time, just not seeming to get over it, hazy, fatigued, all the time. No problems sleeping, i just want to do it 24 hours a day! Yesterday i had bouts of what felt like racing heart throughout the day. From these posts, maybe I am getting too much nicotine also? I started on a little pen style e cig with PG juice (from smoking a pack to a pack and a half of ultralights for almost 30 years) and I never had any problems. I got a joye ego that i love and all kinds of different juices and now i dont know how to narrow down the problem. I have been trying to drink tons of water. I am using 18 mg nic, so maybe i should go get some VG and add drops of that to my present juices?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
dotma -

VG does not lower nicotine any more than adding PG. VG lowers throat hit and flavor. Adding VG is for when you want less TH or less nicotine skin irritation. VG also makes the juice thicker. When someone is getting an irritated tongue, throat, lungs - then VG helps.

Your symptoms sound like too much nic. I get the same symptoms when I vape too much (headaches, rapid or irregular heartbeat, hazy or ill feeling). With an Ego you are now getting bigger drags that vaporize more juice per drag right? Try cutting back on vaping or lowering the nicotine. At home I leave the ecigs in another room so I have to get off my .... and go vape. That cuts my vaping down quite a bit. I also lowered my nic so I can vape more and not get the over-nicced symptoms.
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Senior Member
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Jun 21, 2011
New England
Here are my thoughts based on my own experience, and they are worth what was paid for them. LOL

I didn't try to stop smoking. Instead, I continued smoking 5 analogs a day and used vaping for the rest. The reason is because I don't have the luxury of downtime. I'm a mommy, an author, a scientist, a computer consultant, etc. and people are always demanding that I give my best. I simply do not have the luxury of being able to perform suboptimally even for a day.

I had been smoking 25-30 cigarettes a day. I replaced all but five of them with vaping.

Now, I realize the surgeon general and all those guys draw absolutely no distinction between the amount of harm that will come from second-hand smoke smelled from 30 yards away and smoking 3 packs a day. But I consider myself to be smarter than them, and it makes sense to me that LESS tobacco is better than MORE tobacco. You do not have to completely replace tobacco to realize a health benefit -- the health benefit is going to be proportional to the amount of tobacco you replace.

I mean, seriously, would any rational person (in which group I do not include the surgeon general et al) believe that the potential for harm from 35 cigs a week is identical to the potential for harm from 200 cigs a week? Granted, you COULD get cancer in either case; but I am quite certain there is a difference in ODDS.

I'm not someone who smoked heavily for 40 years, but even so in switching from 200 cigs a week to 35 I experienced immediate tangible positive benefits and WITHOUT the dramatic negative impact on my cognitive capacities that I have experienced when trying to quit smoking altogether.

So I don't see this as an all or nothing thing -- every analog avoided is a positive. You don't have to avoid all analogs to experience benefits. You could even use vaping to replace just every other analog. It would still be worth doing.

That's my first thought.

My second is an observation. When I first started vaping, I needed 18mg-24mg juice. Initially, that's what was really needed to get rid of cravings for analogs. But then, as time went on, whether it was due to more efficient uptake of the nicotine, better vaping gear or whatnot, I started to experience OD symptoms from that much nic. Tiredness, sleepiness, headache, tachycardia, etc.

I make my own juice, so I started knocking it down. Now, even though I am still using 5 analogs a day, I am using 10mg juice instead of 24 where I started.

At first, I thought that maybe the place where I bought my nic had mislabeled 100mg nic as 60mg; but I tested it and it was 60; so I had simply become more sensitive to the nicotine and required less.

I have not explored this phenomenon in great depth so I do not know its cause, but I suspect this is fairly common.

So my second thought is: if you are having symptoms of too much nicotine, decrease your nicotine intake.


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Jul 24, 2011
True North(Ont.)
Dormouse, excuse my ignorance, but I dont understand. In my thinking, if you have say a 5 ml bottle of juice that is 18 mg of nic, and you add some VG and/or PG to it, doesnt that lower the percentage of nicotine in it?? I am totally not trying to be a smart ..., just want to understand.

If you add 5ml of non nic VG or PG to your 5 ml bottle your nic will be 9mg.

Try this It's a calculator for mixxing.
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Super Member
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Jul 24, 2011
True North(Ont.)
Yes - PG or VG or distilled water can be added to lower the nic and the flavor, and VG will make your juices thicker. If you add a lot of VG, your juice may become too thick for some vaping methods.

Very good dormouse. Your knowledge is recommended. You can also add the distilled water to make the VG a little thinner instead of mixxing with PG, but at a lesser %.


Senior Member
Sep 11, 2011
Las Vegas, NV
Yes, this could absolutely be the problem. I wanted to wait until I had gotten rid of that taste to restart fresh. I have had this problem only with the last cartomizers (the first week and now this last). For two weeks I had been filling my own with ejuice and have not had problems. I have been experimenting. I will now be experimenting with different ratios of pg/vg as well.
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