Study finds snus far more effective for quitting smoking among Norwegian men than government approved cessation methods

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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Study finds male formers smokers in Norway quit smoking by using snus (32%), nicotine gum (14%), self-help material (10%), nicotine patch (7%), Zyban (4%), consult health-care personnel (3%), inhaler (1%), Champix (1%), telephone help line (1%).
Association Between Willingness to Use Snus... [Nicotine Tob Res. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI

Former smokers who correctly believed snus is "far less risky" than cigarettes were 11 times more likely to have used snus to quit than those who incorrectly believed snus has the same or higher risks than cigarettes, and those who believed snus was "somewhat less risky" than cigarettes were 3.5 times more likely.

Current smokers who correctly believed snus is "far less risky" than cigarettes 5 times more willing to try snus in a future quit attempt than those who incorrectly believed snus has the same or higher risks than cigarettes, and those who believed snus was "somewhat less risky" than cigarettes 2 times more willing.

For more details of the study, send an e-mail to me at

Brad Rodu - From Norway: Snus Risk Perception Can Drive Smoking Cessation; The Right to Truth and Health

Chris Snowden - Snus: they knew it all along
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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Please note that since Norway is not a member of the European Union, it has always been legal to sell snus in Norway.

Also note that the survey data utilized in this study was obtained in 2007 (before e-cigarettes were widely available). But some/many of those who indicated quitting with an "inhaler" may have used e-cigarettes.
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