Sub Tank mini coil rebuilds

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Nov 14, 2014
So I bought a subtank mini and I love the flavor and airflow for what it is. Granted it isn't a Billow or UD Goblin but for an all day protank upgrade with options it is really a nice starting point. I'm an advanced level vaper and build .08 on drip atty for competitions and still can appreciate a decent tank for carrying as an ADV.

The stock coils were ok on the subtank as far as the element but I found the wicking to not hold out for any length of time maybe 3 to 4 days and it started flooding and spitting liquid up through the chimney and driptip into my mouth and that was under wide open airflow. So I figured I would rewick the stock coil and that didn't pan out well. Ended up having to just rebuild the entire unit. I compared the stock coil wire with my Kanthal stock and found it to be 26 gauge but try as I may the lowest ohm I could manage even at 4 wraps on the trusty little blue handled screwdriver was .63. I couldn't figure it so I went to my buddies shop and got some 26 nichrome wire and wha-lah .5 coil, which leads me to believe that the stock Kanger 0.50 ohm coilheads are made using Nichrome wire unless they use 25 gauge Kanthal or something I never heard of.

I got creative this evening and made a 28 gauge 4 wrap parallel coil using Nichrome and wow what a fantastic vape 25.5 watts on the Sigelei and man the flavor is so intense. I don't think I will be using Kanthal for too my builds in the future Nichrome is so much easier to work with as far as pliability and it just produces better volumes and flavors of vapor. going to re-build the other coil head with twisted 28 gauge Nichrome and see how that works out. My buddy was so impressed by it he had me re-build his nano and Atlatis coils using the Nichrome. I had been reluctant in trying Nichrome wire because I've always stuck with what I am used to, well I'm glad that frustration forced my hand to trying it because I think the rest of my kanthal is going back to the shop and Nichrome will be replacing it.

I don't know if this information is even pertinent to anyone else but I figured if anyone else was into re-building the stock coils instead of dropping 15.00 to 25.00 on a box of 5 new Kangers that they may want to know what I found through days of frustration. 24 gauge will work but it tends to tear the insulators at the 510 pin contact portion of the coil when replacing the pin, so 26 gauge is the ideal for single strand macro coil builds on these things. Hope this helps you techy tinkerer''s that do re-build your own stuff. Vape strong Live long:vapor:
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Jan 5, 2015
I'm currently rebuilding on the RBA deck of the mini using 24g kanthal; made one parallel 28g micro coil that measured .4 ohms (awesome flavor, PITA for getting in the posts though), but that's what I've been doing. Since you bring up the nichrome, I was curious, you definitely need a regulated mod to work with that wire due to heat concerns, correct? I haven't ventured into the nichrome, but I'm definitely interested in doing it soon.

What are some other recommended builds with the RBA deck? The space is so limited I haven't had much success with anything too crazy so far. I've wanted to do some of the more unique builds I've seen but they just don't seem to fit properly beyond doing typical macros; been thinking a super-nano might be manageable, but I'm not sure I could place the cotton right for proper airflow. Any input welcomed!


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Sep 28, 2013
I built a 7 turn coil using 26 ga kanthal on the little blue screw driver last night. It reads .86 ohms,and is the best so far at 33 watts. I built some coils in the .5 range but couldn't get above 15 watts without the burnt taste?:confused: I have also changed the wicking over to rayon,and I'm not sure if it's wicking better than the organic cotton,but I can run a higher wattage,so it must be the reason? Dunno?:blink: Also my coils are compressed.


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Mar 3, 2015
East cost
i use 26gauge 6 wrap that reads 0.6ohm on my istick. 0 dry hit problems regardless of wattage. my first dual coil i had on there with 7 wraps reading 0.4 worked great at full 30 watts until i went to rewick.. something went wrong when i cleaned it and i heard some humming sound. i decided not to mess with dual coil until i learn a little more about them cuz my second dual coil build ended up lighting the juice on fire when i went to test fire.

FOG clouds

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Mar 6, 2015
Space Coast, Florida
i use 26gauge 6 wrap that reads 0.6ohm on my istick. 0 dry hit problems regardless of wattage. my first dual coil i had on there with 7 wraps reading 0.4 worked great at full 30 watts until i went to rewick.. something went wrong when i cleaned it and i heard some humming sound. i decided not to mess with dual coil until i learn a little more about them cuz my second dual coil build ended up lighting the juice on fire when i went to test fire.

made me lol
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