Suggestions on how to quit smoking

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Toot This, Toot That, Toot Everything
ECF Veteran
  • Jul 19, 2015
    i have been keeping a diary for how many cigarettes i smoke each day from 30 june this year to today and this will show you Evernote shared notebook: i have summed up the 8 full weeks i have been keeping a record and it works out to 16 and i was quite recently a 20+ cig a day smoker. so i can see i am getting somewhere of the stinkys but not to a degree in regards to the daily usage.

    please post suggestions on how i can quit, i know most of you will say vape more, but that is the problem my brain is set to smoke mode most of the time and i need to re learn that action to vaping. so any routine would work but i need your input


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 6, 2014
    You have to want it to quit. It's more mental quitting in my opinion. If you have doubts, you'll struggle. If you think of the negatives, you'll struggle.

    What setup are you using? Mod, tank, and e-juice?

    It took my dad using an iStick 50w, Atlantis tank with 0.5 ohm coil, unflavored e-liquid at 18mg nicotine. Unflavored is the #1 reason he quit smoking, because he compares unflavored to a Marlboro light. I vape unflavored too 90% of the time it seems.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
  • Jul 6, 2015
    Pennsylvania, USA
    You have to want it to quit. It's more mental quitting in my opinion. If you have doubts, you'll struggle. If you think of the negatives, you'll struggle.

    What setup are you using? Mod, tank, and e-juice?

    It took my dad using an iStick 50w, Atlantis tank with 0.5 ohm coil, unflavored e-liquid at 18mg nicotine. Unflavored is the #1 reason he quit smoking, because he compares unflavored to a Marlboro light. I vape unflavored too 90% of the time it seems.

    ^^^right on brother --- you have to want it and you have to want it bad in most cases. Some folks here claim that it comes about sort of by itself after they have vaped awhile but most folks I know still had to put quite a bit of mental effort into it.


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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    i have been keeping a diary for how many cigarettes i smoke each day from 30 june this year to today and this will show you Evernote shared notebook: i have summed up the 8 full weeks i have been keeping a record and it works out to 16 and i was quite recently a 20+ cig a day smoker. so i can see i am getting somewhere of the stinkys but not to a degree in regards to the daily usage.

    please post suggestions on how i can quit, i know most of you will say vape more, but that is the problem my brain is set to smoke mode most of the time and i need to re learn that action to vaping. so any routine would work but i need your input
    My first suggestion would be to stop thinking so much about the ones you are smoking and focus more on what you enjoy about vaping. Maybe try some new to you flavors. Move out of your normal smoking areas and make it less convenient for yourself.

    Wishing you the very best of luck :)


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    May 11, 2014
    WI, USA
    If you're looking for a magic formula, sadly I don't know of one. I guess I don't have to tell you that everyone is different. For some, vaping took the place of smoking almost immediately (me for instance). For others, it took much longer to quit. Even reducing the amount you smoke is beneficial.

    Equipment and juice are important also. If your equipment and/or juice isn't giving you enough satisfaction, it's more tempting to light up.

    Give it some time and don't worry about it too much. Even reducing the amount you smoke is beneficial.


    Ultra Member
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    May 3, 2013
    Blue Rapids, KS, US
    Well, I'll put it this way giving a little window into my life here. I had 2 addictions I had to quit, one unmentionable and the other was cigarettes, with cigarettes being the worst to kick than the other. 12 step programs, the works I've been through, yet both had very close similarities being I have a naturally addictive personality. In both instances when I finally made my mind up to quit both I had to retrain my brain to quit OCD thinking about it.

    1) Get yourself a hobby - moment you start thinking about your previous addiction you are trying to quit, go off and dive into your new hobby, building a new habit yes, but it eases your mind out its notch is in thinking about what you are OCD obsessing on
    2) Stop tracking yourself the way you are in 1Note, this is reinforcing your OCD obsessing on the cigs, the biggest hurdle in breaking addiction is to quit thinking about it, this is the largest mental crevice you have to get yourself out of.
    3) Know anyone that smokes, friends, co-workers, those you hang out at the bar with if you do, gently set those aside for right now, you need to heal your head at the moment, co-workers, you see them going off for a smoke, head to the cafeteria or john, want to get away from seeing others smoke as much as possible, at home with a significant other that smokes, when they go to smoke or spark up, move to another room, need to insulate yourself so you are not getting visual cues to obsess on
    4) You might also with cigs I had to and still do when at work use nicotine gums or lozenges, maybe patches will help, part of the mental obsessing is also body chemistry imbalance, keeping your nicotine levels at a steady level will blunt other troubles and symptoms.

    That's about as much other help I can offer, hope it helps and good luck


    Vaping Master
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  • Jul 6, 2015
    Pennsylvania, USA
    I am down to 2/3 a day without struggle,could be better but im ok with it for now. For me,i do better if i have a juice i love. I have to be excited about the juice to do well. I have actually put out a smoke to get my juice and that shocked me!
    right on sista :thumbs:
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    Ultra Member
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    Jun 30, 2014
    Ocean City, MD
    For me, after vaping for 6 weeks, quitting immediately for about a week and then back up to a pack a day (was a 40 year 2.5 PAD guy), it was really, really simple....

    I decided that if I never ever took another puff, it would happen. And for *me*, it had to be that way. I cannot be a 1-2 cig a day kind of guy. You made it to zero on 7/21/15, then quickly relapsed to 16/day.

    You may be like me, and maybe it has to be all or none. It was simple, my solution, but not easy. You have to really want to do it. Hope it doesn't take you 40+ years like it did me.

    I would suggest getting good vape gear that really delivers the vape and the nic. Someone suggested a hobby, well, juice DIY, drippers and coil rebuilding is a hobby :). Getting well vested into vaping might help. I think it helped me. And, of course, find the juice you like best. Might be tobacco, might be fruit/creams, might be unflavored. Try them all if you haven't yet.


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 30, 2014
    Ocean City, MD
    If you like fidgeting, like lighting the cig, tamping down a fresh cig... you might try dripping. Dripping into an atty is kind of like lighting up. Some think it's a PITA, I thought it was too until I tried it and realized it kept my hands busy. But keep a tank set up for driving or whenever you can't drip.

    And don't let anyone tell you how much nic to use. Nic is not bad for you, only smoking is. Use as much nic as *you* need.


    Ultra Member
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    Jan 6, 2014
    Leicester, UK
    1. Find a setup that can give you as much nicotine as you can handle. You don't have to vape that way, but then you know that if you need it you can get it.
    2. Backups for the backups. Once you have quit and then run out of battery or juice, you do not want the cure to be running down to the shop for a pack of 20. Spare batteries, spare atomisers, spare juice, spare chargers. Take them with you when you go out.
    3. Every time you need a cigarette and nothing else will do, go and have a heavy vape. Wait ten minutes and ask yourself again if you need that cigarette,
    4. When you fail, ask yourself if the experience of smoking was as enjoyable as you had thought it would be.
    5. There are times you are conditioned to smoke. Learn what they are, expect them. Vape instead.
    6. It still takes willpower, not much, but it still takes some.

    There is one way to quit. It won't happen until you and your subconscious both trust vaping and you want to quit. Then one day you say to yourself "I am now a non-smoker." After that you can't smoke because that isn't something you do. To my mind, dual-use is just the time you take to perfect your gear, learn the art of vaping and experiment with avoiding cigarettes one by one. It took me a year. Quiting starts when you make the commitment.
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    Vaping Master
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    May 27, 2012
    It's true you really have to want to quit smoking and be serious about quitting to stop. I know it is different for everyone but I was fortunate to be able to quit smoking after 30+ years on day one when I started vaping over 4 years ago.

    I treated vaping in the same manner as I did smoking using it instead at those time I would normally smoke a cig as well as going outside for breaks during work and so on and honestly much to my surprise I never missed smoking at all. I did use a cigalike for the tactile cig feeling and vaped menthol or tobacco flavors at first but after a month or so I stayed away from both to distance myself from smoking as much as possible. For years I never had a craving to smoke, it actually made me sick to be around and smell cig smoke but over the last year or so I get one every once in a while so I keep a cigalike with menthol eliquid around and it still works for me :)
    i have been keeping a diary for how many cigarettes i smoke each day from 30 june this year to today and this will show you Evernote shared notebook: i have summed up the 8 full weeks i have been keeping a record and it works out to 16 and i was quite recently a 20+ cig a day smoker. so i can see i am getting somewhere of the stinkys but not to a degree in regards to the daily usage.

    please post suggestions on how i can quit, i know most of you will say vape more, but that is the problem my brain is set to smoke mode most of the time and i need to re learn that action to vaping. so any routine would work but i need your input
    @P2PLeon I will certainly put in my 2 cents worth, if I may be allowed. I quit smoking USDA certified death sticks exactly 3 weeks ago. No hot boxing. No closet tokes. No hiding in the back yard. In other words, I did the "cold turkey" dance for the lack of better wording. I do believe that I can give you just a tad bit of advice if that would be okay?? First of, throw that notebook thing away! All that is doing is being a reminder that you are still a cigarette smoker instead of being a non-smoker. Also, you need to get rid of all ash trays, lighters, matches, empty ciggy packs or anything that reminds you of cigarettes. Actually prior to all this, you MUST get the mind set that you are cigarette free. in other words, envision that in your mind, before it even happens. Dream of being a non-smoker I guess is another way of looking at this. You MUST have a "higher goal" as to WHY you need to lay down these FDA approved conspiracy sticks. In other words, have THINKING like this. How much money shall I save per month?? How much better will I feel?? How much better will I breathe?? How many articles of clothing can I save on by not burning holes in stuff?? How much better will I smell?? How much more proud will I be because I beat this addictive monster?? How much better will it be for my loved ones if I quit smoking death sticks?? It is almost mandatory that you develop this line of thinking OR, at the very least, maintain a purpose that is GREATER than "the addiction" itself. I KNOW. I have been exactly where you are, my friend. I am "with you". Can you feel me now?? Once you get your priorities straight and KNOW that you can overcome this addiction, then the rest is downhill from there. If you can just make it ONE WEEK without conspiracy sticks, you CAN make it the rest of your life. This is fact. Then, of course, this vaping business greatly comes into play!! You must look at vaping as an AID in helping with your cigarette addiction, but, at first, it is your MIND SET that is the very most important factor. Trust me Bro, because I just went through this whole entire horrid mess. What happens here, as you "dial in" your vaping gear, e-juices, supplies, forum reading (ETC) this whole nasty business of cigarette addiction just keeps getting easier and easier. You will NOT conquer this "thing" overnight, but if your WILL (i.e. goal orientation) is strong WILL win in the long run. And that "long run" is really not as bad as you might think. SEE, one of the main problems here is that the powers to be have made cigarettes not only physically addictive but they are also MENTALLY ADDICTIVE. This is the part that folks have the most problems with. So, to end this book, just "dial in" your vaping gear, get DETERMINED and become a winner. Also, I am fully expecting these other forum members to give you some encouragement as well. I know that they will. Just DO IT Bro!! You will feel so much better as time goes along here. I wish you well and just know that MILLIONS of tobacco addicts have went before you. This is a trail that has been well traveled, rest assured > :thumbs::headbang::D:w00t:
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