Tank crackers

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Ultra Member
Apr 25, 2014
Louisville TN
And Mr. e-liquids Apple Pie did this. Not sure it would have eventually cracked it but it sure clouded it up.


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Mar 2, 2014
I've cracked a fair number of cheap ce4's running mostly mbv tank crackers but it's more long term. Ie using it for a few weeks and seeing cracks rather than melting. Peach, green apple, hawk sauce and a few others I can't remember. I haven't cracked my iclear 30 or kayfun but I'm slightly cautious what I use in them. I do run peach in the iclear and haven't had any problems.

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Jun 9, 2014
Reno, NV, USA
Ok, now we have two categories, and this is more what I expected. I hadn't expected actual meltdowns in minutes.

Complete meltdown
Apricot - Evod
MBV Wild Cherry - Evod
MBV Thug Juice - Evod but NOT Kayfun/M tank
Mountain Oak Vapors Blue Drop - Drip Tip meltdown
Pink Spot Gummi - ?

Plastic degradation
MBV Green Apple - CE4
MBV Hawk Sauce - CE4
MBV Peach - CE4
Mr. E-liquids Apple Pie - looks like a carto tank of some kind
Red Hot cinnamon - cheap cubica

Seems to be ok
MBV Peach - iClear 30

Still nothing on Kayfuns though. So far I'd say with the price of Kayfun tanks (~$5) having a backup might be a good idea, but they're not likely to turn to goo in minutes. At least so far.

Also note, some of these are total surprises. Apple Pie?! Anyone vaping clove based juices want to chime in?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2014
5mL PBC Tanks , Come with a glass insert inside the plastic tank. I have tried some cracking juice's to test them. I vaped some cherry and apple ice or something like that for 2 weeks and had 0 problems. I also clean my tanks fairly often as I have 6 of them and like 20 different flavors. When I change flavors, I always clean my tank because im OCD and like to have a nice fresh tank for the new flavor.
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Ultra Member
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May 24, 2014
Jakarta- Indonesia
5mL PBC Tanks , Come with a glass insert inside the plastic tank. I have tried some cracking juice's to test them. I vaped some cherry and apple ice or something like that for 2 weeks and had 0 problems. I also clean my tanks fairly often as I have 6 of them and like 20 different flavors. When I change flavors, I always clean my tank because im OCD and like to have a nice fresh tank for the new flavor.

Tempted... but i cant seem to find replacement coils for it.... which ones are needed?


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Jun 9, 2014
Reno, NV, USA
First off, I laughed at the comment about Mad Murdock's Bledan Lotus. Sorry, not at you, I'd guess anything Mad Murdock does would melt a tank and might even threaten glass. Generally, things like that, well, you can get a mini-protank for under $10 now. They get banished to their own tank! (Both of Ahlusion's fairies get banished, not because they break tanks, but because they won't go away.)

So, here we go. Now heading the list

Anything by Mad Murdock - don't even try it.

Complete meltdown
Apricot - Evod
MBV Wild Cherry - Evod
MBV Thug Juice - Evod but NOT Kayfun/M tank
Mountain Oak Vapors Blue Drop - Drip Tip meltdown
Pink Spot Gummi - ?

Plastic degradation
MBV Green Apple - CE4
MBV Hawk Sauce - CE4
MBV Peach - CE4
Mr. E-liquids Apple Pie - looks like a carto tank of some kind
Red Hot cinnamon - cheap cubica

Seems to be ok
MBV Peach - iClear 30
MadVapes menthol - NBC or ARO II clearos.
Heavy Kayfun tanks for most liquids

Great job, folks! Thank you so much. Lets see if we can get some more data points.


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May 4, 2010
Check out this thread: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/clearomizers/219179-lets-make-list-juices-flavors-crack-tanks-ce2s-clearos-18.html ...I was just researching this last night, oddly enough, and then came upon your thread. It's long, but worth reading, and most of the work you're looking for is already done.

I'm going to guess (have no facts to base this on beyond observation of husband's clone) that the reason people aren't seeing cracking with the plastic kayfun tanks is that they are polypropylene instead of polycarbonate plastic. (Husband's plastic kayfun clone tank is the cloudy-clear plastic, not crystal-clear like polycarb.)


Ultra Member
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Oct 6, 2012
Martinez, CA
Check out this thread: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/clearomizers/219179-lets-make-list-juices-flavors-crack-tanks-ce2s-clearos-18.html ...I was just researching this last night, oddly enough, and then came upon your thread. It's long, but worth reading, and most of the work you're looking for is already done.

I'm going to guess (have no facts to base this on beyond observation of husband's clone) that the reason people aren't seeing cracking with the plastic kayfun tanks is that they are polypropylene instead of polycarbonate plastic. (Husband's plastic kayfun clone tank is the cloudy-clear plastic, not crystal-clear like polycarb.)

I was going to link this exact thread--but you beat me to it!

The thread is quite extensive, but IIRC, early on people link to some good explanations why this might happen. As walter said, the thread is long but worth reading!


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Jun 9, 2014
Reno, NV, USA
Ok, well, but that was 2 years ago! Just making excuses here. Bottom line, the really thick Kayfun tanks seem not to be as vulnerable as the lighter clearos, but yes, there are some juice/tank combinations that will melt like the Wicked Witch of the West in a thunderstorm.

Thanks for the link! So, unless anyone has anything else to say, guess we might as well all move over there.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 4, 2010
Ok, well, but that was 2 years ago! Just making excuses here. Bottom line, the really thick Kayfun tanks seem not to be as vulnerable as the lighter clearos, but yes, there are some juice/tank combinations that will melt like the Wicked Witch of the West in a thunderstorm.

Thanks for the link! So, unless anyone has anything else to say, guess we might as well all move over there.

You're welcome! I had no intent to shut down your thread though... :( just to add to it.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2012
Martinez, CA
It's all good. We did get one bit of fairly new information ... Kayfun type tanks aren't anywhere near as vulnerable as clearos.

I think even T3's aren't as vulnerable to the "tank crackers" as the CE3-4-5's. I vaped quite a few of the flavors in the thread with no problem in T3's and evods. I did notice one time, when I was still using some CE4's (or maybe ReDux's, or whatever) that when I dumped them in boiling water to clean them, my CE styles warped and the T3's didn't. Some clearos are definitely a higher quality polycarbonate than others!


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Ok, I love my tank crackers. Anise, citrus, cinnamon, clove, menthol, mint, you name it, that's my style. I think most of what I vape are tank crackers.

However, just how many people have actually had a tank crack on them? Especially heavy polycarbonate tanks like you find on a Kayfun? Or the partial ones, like on the Aspire?

Now some juices I can see almost instantly eating a tank, like Pluid or Resurrection. I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about your general run of the mill ECBlends or MBV strength juices. Particularly juices that use standard commercial flavorings, like Flavor West or The Flavor Apprentice.

How real is the danger of cracking a tank? Particularly catastrophically where it shatters or breaks badly enough to leak all the juice at once, not just a little seepage?

Or is this a case for Mythbusters?

If you keep refilling a plastic container with a liquid that is reacting with the plastic and the plastic keeps getting thinner and weaker, eventually it may develop a crack from normal physical pressures/handling.


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Jun 9, 2014
Reno, NV, USA
If you keep refilling a plastic container with a liquid that is reacting with the plastic and the plastic keeps getting thinner and weaker, eventually it may develop a crack from normal physical pressures/handling.

Well, yes. But with a $2.95 CE4 does it really matter? (Heck, a $5 Kayfun tank.)

But oh yes, some tanks definitely seem to take these liquids better than others. Interesting with the T3 and Evods. There were a number of mentions here of Evods failing catastrophically.

And that's the real issue. Not the cheap tanks that might last a dozen refills. Most of them are so cheap replacing them that often isn't a major issue. It's when they fail the first time, in minutes. That's the result that surprised me, or that drip tip that just melted.
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