Teach me About Tanks and Drip tips

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Full Member
Nov 17, 2011
Ok so heres tha deal, im ordering the eGo kit today,
i was using a piece of crap e-cig before ( No. 7 Cartomizer Starter Kit - Micro - ECigarettesChoice.com )
and sadly ill still be using this junk till my eGo gets here...

Ive got it setup where im using it with a blank cartridge and an atty.....
but it seems unless i put a drop on the atty or refill the think after 5-10 hits its empty....
im also looking into some "upgrades" for my setup...dual attys and tanks?

So my questions are as such

How many hits do you get off the normal cartridge that comes in the ego kits?
And whats a good route to go if i wanna get nice hits and im pretty sure i want a tank....


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Sep 11, 2011
If I'm not too late, consider going with Liberty-Flights.com! After the 20% coupon in the upper left corner an eGo comes to 43$ with shipping! Better yet a Riva light bundle is about 34$ after shipping and they have a 2 month battery warranty.

I don't know too much about Tanks, but Drip Tips are epically awesome. I never vape without one. They easily attach to your atomizer or cartomizer. I think they attach to a tank as well, but don't quote me on that as I don't personally use them.

The carts that come with the starter kit, I want to say last a couple hours. At least for me heavy vaping that seemed to be the average. Be sure to get yourself at least 3-5 sample juices that are about 6ml a bottle. You don't want to run out of juices if you find you really like vaping. I only had 2 6ml sample juices and really wish I had bought more my first week of vaping waiting for others to arrive.

Cartomizers are a wonderful easy upgrade! A lot of people rave about Boge's and duel core SmokeTech's. SmokeTech's are a little more expensive but do hold more juice. After filling them they easily last an hour or more(depending how much you vape after all) with occasional dripping to keep them from getting dry. Whenever trying a new flavor though, much better to drip. You should put 2-3 drops on an atomizer when dripping. Yes it will last about 5-6 puffs, but that's good if you're getting a feel for a new juice. You might find yourself dripping a lot when you first start until you find your favorite liquids.

Don't forget having napkins/papertowel around! You're probably going to run into flooding your atomizer. Its okay, just gently blow out the extra and you'll be good to go. It takes a little bit to get the hang of, but its worth it.

Welcome to ECF :eek:) Don't be scared to ask questions. Tons of great people around with lots of knowledge to share!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Few use atty + cartridge. Some use tank atty + tanks. Most use cartomizers for everyday vaping, and on a sealed manual battery use drip tip + normal atomizer to test juices and vape occasional ones.

Cartridges don't hold as much as cartomizers and standard cartridges can suddenly dump 1/2 their juice.

Tank atomizers and tanks are a it of a step up from cartridges - all juice still sharing the same atomizer but the tanks are more sealed (except for the hole the tank atty spike poked in them) and have no stuffing. Tank atomizers may be a bit more prone to gunking up and may need their wicks adjusted to give best taste.

Cartomizers hold more but need to be kept damp (not run dry) and have limited lives. but every one is like have a fresh new atomizer coil and your flavors are completely separate
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Ultra Member
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Oct 7, 2011
PH-Illadelph-IA, PA
If you are going to be planning on using LR and dual coils I would consider going with a 3.7V PV and not an eGo. The eGo is 3.4V.
Using LR and DCs on an eGo puts alot of stress on the eGo mosfet. While many people do use LRs on an eGo without a problem, theres also alot of people that have ruined their eGo and turned it into nothing more than a paperweight. Its one of those things that is only a matter of time before you fry the mosfet. If you are going to go with an eGo, I wouldnt use anything lower than 2.0ohm. 2.0ohm def lessens the chance of frying the mosfet. With a 3.7V you will be able to use a wider array of attys/cartos, like 1.7ohm, 1.5ohm, and DCs.
Id go with an E-Power, kGo, or like someone else mentioned the Riva. The 3.7Vs will give you a slightly warmer vape and alittle more TH than an eGo, plus can handle the LRs much better. The Riva, kGo, and E-Power are all great PVs that are affordable. LibertyFlights has a great deal on the Riva, Hoosier has a good deal on the kGo, and CCV has an awesome deal on the E-Power.
I have the E-Power and really like it. Its the only one of the three that uses non-proprietary batteries and to me that was important. E-Power batteries cost $4 compared to kGo/Riva/eGo batteries that are $14-20. Plus the E-Power batteries last much longer before they need to be replaced and since it uses non-proprietary batteries, its very easy to carry a spare. You get 2 batteries with the kit and they are 1050mah. I get about a day to a day and a half on one battery. Everything is replaceable on the E-Power so it really keeps costs down. That was also one of the things that made me lean toward the E-Power. With the eGo/Riva/kGo, if you need a new switch, or a new battery, you basically have to replace the whole unit since the tube, battery, and switch is all one piece. With the E-Power, the tube, battery, and switch are all seperate pieces and they can all be bought individually. So if you need a new switch, you can buy just a switch and continue to use your existing battery and tube. If you need a new battery, you can buy just the battery and use the tube ans switch you already have. That was important to me since Im a college student on a budget, but to you that might not matter. And I havent found a atty/carto that the E-Power hasnt been able to handle yet.
If you get the E-Power from CCV, youll get $25 in free extras.
You get a free 5-pack of Ressurector cartos, a free 30ml juice of your choice, and free shipping.
Put in "ecf5off" and youll get 5% off the order. Its a really good deal.

Like someone else said I would recommend you try cartomizers. They are much easier to use than an atty/cart and hold a LOT more juice. Youd get a free 5-pack of Ressurectors so you can try them for free. Their 1.7ohm LR and hold 2ml of juice.
The Ressurectors are what I use daily and they are awesome. They produce vapor similar to a dual coil but because they are single coil, they dont drain your battery like a dual coil does. And since they hold 2ml of juice, they can last all day.
If you like dual coils, a few vendors carry a dual coil that is made specifically for the E-Power. Its 1.5ohms and hold alittle over 5ml of juice, which is pretty ridiculous. Personally I dont love tanks bc they dull the flavors of my juices, but it is nice that they hold so much juice. The dual coil for the E-Power holds just as much juice as a tank and gives great flavor and vapor.
I personally like the E-Power but I know plenty of people that LOVE their kGos and Rivas. LibertyFlights def has a great price for the Riva, and its a very popular PV. The kGo has long battery life(1100mah) and Hoosier has a good deal for the kGo kit.

All three are great PVs and I think would give you exactly what your looking for. They all produce a LOT of vapor and give great hits. You could use a tank on all three as well as DCs and lower ohm attys/cartos without a problem.

Dont get me wrong, the eGo is a great PV. Many, many people use them and love them. But for a new vaper, thats not experienced yet, I think a 3.7V is less likely to give you problems, especially with LRs and DCs

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