Tfv8 Baby beast -- Issues with dry hits, vapour lock, wicking..

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Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
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Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
It's highly subjective. What works for me may or may not work for you.

For example, I consider a long drag to be hitting the device's 10 second cutoff. And anything needing 50+ Watts has me reaching for one of my two-battery devices.

There are tanks that won't break a sweat doing what you tried to do with the Baby Beast. The Cloud Beast King will do it. The uwell Valyrian and the Geek vape Illusion and Illusion Mini. The GV Illusion Mini takes the Baby coils, too.

That's just not my style. Might be yours, but you need new gear.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2014
Lol Thx Peeps.. So all this makes me think that its me the workman who is at fault rather than the tools..
Now this leaves me with 2 Qs:
-- Low wattage (Around min recommended for a coil) which will need long drags (3-4s) for satisfaction or
-- Hig-Mid wattage and short drags (1-2 s)
Whis is the better way to go? And,
-- What is the usual gap you guys have b/w hits? 10-15 s?
Welcome and glad you joined.
The information below can help you further with tank problems.
Might like to read:
Tank Flooding Explained | Learning Center | VaVaVape
Tank type atomizers... For new vapists - how they work | E-Cigarette Forum
TFV8 leaking
Wattage vs. Flavor | E-Cigarette Forum
How to adjust your base to reduce that peppery harsh Nicotine taste | E-Cigarette Forum

"-- Low wattage (Around min recommended for a coil) which will need long drags (3-4s) for satisfaction or"
I find that the wattage that works for me is usually a few watts over the lowest watt setting (where i can barely see the vape cloud on the exhale). Lower watt settings lessen the chance of burning the liquid and generates the best flavor.
After I get my Atty (coil and chamber heat up) going for awhile, I will often times turn the power down or up a watt or so to see if I can taste more flavor. I'm often surprised at how much better tasting the vape can be by adjusting the vape temp/wattage.

"Whis is the better way to go? And,"
The better way to go is the one your most comfortable with.

"-- What is the usual gap you guys have b/w hits? 10-15 s?"
Varies on what I'm doing at the time I'm vaping and if I sub ohm or not. You can easily find your happy spot by adjusting vape time ,temperature, juice characteristics, environment, cloud desire, taste requirements and other variables I'm probably forgetting to mention.
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Senior Member
Oct 12, 2017
I know it's counterintuitive, but raising the watts on my Baby Beast helps avoid dry/burnt/flavorless hits.

I think at too low of a wattage:

1) certain flavors can't even be tasted.

2) the juice doesn't get hot enough around the outside of the coil to flow in through the little vent holes on the side.

Additional heat warms the entire tank and the juice in it, making the juice flow better.

I find the "right wattage" (for me) by increasing wattage until I can hear a slight sizzle sound at the *end* of each draw.

It appears that at least some SMOK V8 coils are now SS as well. TC mode might help too.

ETA: I just reread your OP. That's a lot of chain! Disregard what I said! I think your coils are overheating. TC *might* work if they aren't kanthal.

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Vaping Master
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Jul 8, 2012
Well..Thanks Guys.. After reading all the input I've re-started..

New coil since I had already burnt the last one..
Have been trying not to chain vape..
Been 2 days and things seem better.. I'll post within a week to put an end to this and my misery if everything stays fine..
Maybe up your nic level ever so slightly, this may slow your need to chain a little....but then again , you may already be at a level where any higher might feel to harsh

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