The epic cloud.

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Steam Turbine

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May 3, 2013
Montreal Quebec Canada
Alright. This is for the cloud chasers out there.

I was wondering how big of a cloud you need to be happy and satisfied.

I'm vaping a single 0.9 ohm coil on a genny right now with a AW 18490. This gives me 18 watt of power and a 4.4 amp draw (a few amp below the amp limit of this particular battery) This thing blows out serious clouds! This fills up a bathroom with vapor on a single draw.

What's up with the 0.2 ohm quad coil that is way past the amp limit of pretty much every batterie that are out there? What do you need? Fill up a stadium?
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Glen Snyder

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Apr 20, 2011
People who build nuclear coils to chase clouds are just lost souls who need to worry less about their resistance and more about the qualitly of their builds and their airflow. I challenge anyone to blow a bigger cloud with a sub ohm coil (even dual) than I can with a 1.5 ohm single coil.

There's more to it than simple vapor production. Tons of cool vapor with muted flavor is different than tons of warm vapor with punchy flavor. It just depends on what type of vape you prefer. I prefer a vape with huge amounts of warm vapor, and subohm builds work best in my opinion for that. Microcoils also work, but are restricted in wicks you can use.

And I think most people into sub-ohm vaping put a lot of effort into the quality of their builds and also focus on airflow. I don't mean this in a rude way at all, but you aren't the first, or only guy to have good airflow on his device. Most sub-ohm people have good airflow AND sub-ohm coils.


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Aug 19, 2010
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I hear you Crxess, I stopped cloud chasing about a year after I graduated with a degree in meteorology and, still didn't have a job, unless I wanted to be a radio weatherman for little more than minimum wage.

I'll take flavor over cloud any day and, with most of my flavors, that's a lot of PG, not much VG, if any. (Oh forbid the nut here vapes 100% PG :ohmy: )


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Oct 12, 2012
West GA
I know a lot of sub-ohmers are great builders.... but a very large group of them are also terrible builders who wrap a hideous 2/3 wrap around some wadded up silica and then vape it because they think that is going to make more vapor. We have all seen dual coil builds with 4 hot legs, one coil way too tight and one coil not hardly even touching the wick....


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May 26, 2012
Round N Round the Mulberry Bush
I would love to get clouds like that, lol
I get pretty good ones with higher VG... I don't do sub-ohms, though.
My vape is between 1.7 and 2.5 ohms.. I like the vapor so much I don't fully inhale (like I did when I smoked), that way I get more cloudz :D


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Oct 4, 2012
I hate to think what the battery life is like on a quad coil @ .5 ohm. And how much more flavor can that thing actually give?
Besides- Cloud chasing is soooooo 3 weeks ago. The new thing is "no vapor vaping" where you just sit and stare at your device. I get nearly 150 hours before my voltage drops to 4.0..... In..... Credible.

For Eric:
Double your pleasure, double your fun.


Ultra Member
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Oct 4, 2012
I would love to get clouds like that, lol
I get pretty good ones with higher VG... I don't do sub-ohms, though.
My vape is between 1.7 and 2.5 ohms.. I like the vapor so much I don't fully inhale (like I did when I smoked), that way I get more cloudz :D
Like BigBaby said though- even a 1.7 can rip clouds with the proper air flow. It's not all about lower resistance and I couldn't agree more with his post. I get the same results on a 1.6 even when my battery is running low on the mech. It's just silliness to think that you need crazy low ohms to achieve this result. All aside from the fact that I use less liquid and my battery life (and safety) is triple that of a sub-ohm user.
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