The Lurker Thread


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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
8 hrs and 38 minutes from my house to the funeral home in TN. I stopped twice to fill up. I am getting good at traveling but it was more fun with Ken.

Everything is planned for a Sunday graveside service. I think there will be quite a few motorcycles bringing him from the funeral home to the church cemetery. His dad said there would just be a small gathering but that was before he told me to take over.

I think this afternoon was the first time I sat down and propped my feet up. It is so beautiful here on the Duck River. It is not the same though. It sort of made me sad because I had time to think about Ken. Guess that is to be expected.

Mrs. Rochelle is letting me stay in the diner and even brought me supper over. She had made chicken enchiladas. Very tasty and I appreciated it so much. Before she went to bed, she texted me to see if I needed anything and offered me some chamomile tea. She is so nice to me. Maybe she has something I can help her do tomorrow. I need another productive day.

She gave me her password so it is nice to have my laptop. I brought it so I could do my jigsaw puzzles. I find those very relaxing too especially sitting there with the water running by from the river.

I sat outside on the deck until it got dark and I started hearing some weird sounds coming from the woods. Did not take me long to pick up and move inside. That's is all this week needs. Being attacked by a wild animal is not on my list of things to do.

Hope everyone, including me, sleeps well tonight. :wub:


ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    Good evening Dale and Joey :wub:

    Thank you for sharing your pics, Dale. They are very nice despite the circumstances.
    Good evening Sara :wub: Yes my friend took a lot of pictures for me, she’s very good with a camera.
    Been stormy here and we’ve not had WiFi.


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    There is nothing more touching or beautiful than military services. Policemen have nice ones too. All those blue lights in the procession. I am not sure how the one I have planned will turn out. I've never done anything like this. Several have texted me to say they thought the obituary I wrote was really good. I don't know. I tried my best.

    As I usually handle stress, I needed to be productive. They have a long boat ramp and I used her weedeater and cleaned it all up down one side. She was very pleased and appreciative. It got up to 86 today but beside the Duck River, there seems to be a good breeze. I sweated but did not get too hot.

    Mrs. Rochelle brought me supper again—beef stroganoff. I thought I would have some leftovers for tomorrow but when I got started, I ate it all. I guess I worked up an appetite.

    Mrs. Rochelle wants me to stay for a bit and she may get her wish. They are calling for some rain next week and that is one thing I do not want to drive in since it is such a long trip. I brought extra stuff because I thought it would be a great place to relax but it seems like I think of Ken everywhere I look.

    They have a guinea named Jenny and that bird follows the cat wherever it goes. If the cat runs, so does the bird. Tonight when I was sitting on the deck I could see a skunk over on Mrs. Rochelle's porch. The guinea ran it off. She throws food out for all the critters. It wasn't long till the opossum started heading to her house. I have seen my first armadilloes too. They are strange-looking things. It is beautiful here if you love nature as I do. I didn't hear the coyotes last night like we did when we stayed in Ken's camper.

    Well that is enough "Rat Ramblings" for the night.


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    Slept very little again but that's okay. At least now I have a good reason.
    I have got to work on that when I get back home.

    It is overcast this morning. That is okay with me since I plan on working outside again today. I guess I have nervous energy because of the funeral tomorrow. It is only a graveside service but I want it to be nice. I doubt everyone that said they would come will but I hope there are a few of his friends there.

    Hope everyone enjoys your day. I am not sure if I am sore because I worked hard yesterday or because there is rain coming. Either way, I am moving a bit slower today.

    Sara Love

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    May 31, 2014
    Good morning ladies :wub:

    I agree with Dale, I bet you'll be surprised, Rat2. You are in my thoughts.

    Took kiddo to his training session this morning because the pool co was here to open the pool. Earlier means cheaper and we need all the help we can get. Last two years, DH was out of town, so I wanted him here this time.

    Now I'm being lazy. Don't feel like doing anything and it's raining. Blerg.

    Hope everyone has as good of a day as can be had. Sending lots of positive vibes your way!!


    ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    Good morning ladies :wub:

    I agree with Dale, I bet you'll be surprised, Rat2. You are in my thoughts.

    Took kiddo to his training session this morning because the pool co was here to open the pool. Earlier means cheaper and we need all the help we can get. Last two years, DH was out of town, so I wanted him here this time.

    Now I'm being lazy. Don't feel like doing anything and it's raining. Blerg.

    Hope everyone has as good of a day as can be had. Sending lots of positive vibes your way!!
    Hey Sara, it’s not raining currently but it has been and is still looking like more.
    ‘I’ve been across town to meet my sister in law but am now being useless ;)
    Bela is watching something on her tablet and I’m reading. DH is asleep in front of the tv.


    ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    Definitely a blah day lol Good to have those sometimes, gives your body time to rest and recharge. Supposed to start dinner but I really don't want to lol
    That is true. We’ve had supper, a tri-tip roast with mashed potatoes, green beans and chicken flavored noodle dish. Bela ate well :)


    ECF Guru
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    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    I was up at 5 and out cleaning Mrs. Rochelle's fire pit by 6. I love just being able to throw stuff in the river. I used her weedeater and went around the whole house and all the steps and patios. I hope this nervous energy sticks around when I get home. I could get the house emptied in no time at all. The only problem is I have nowhere to go and no one to go there with. I will figure out something.

    Mrs. Rochelle invited me over for supper. I keep telling her I have stuff to fix and she does not have to feed me. But she is a good cook and I have really enjoyed and appreciated everything she has fixed.

    She told me about some water iris that Ken dug up and replanted for her around this little pond. So I asked her if she would help me fix an arrangement for tomorrow. She fixed a beautiful ribbon and she is going to come arrange them tomorrow morning after I go cut some.

    I think it will look nice lying on the casket. I told Ken's father and daughter if they wanted to get some flowers for Ken they could but they said it was no big deal because Ken didn't care for flowers. That is not true. I just shook my head. It seems like they could have offered to do some little thing. That's okay because I think I remembered everything. At least I hope so.

    I am looking forward to seeing some of the people I have talked on the phone with but I will be glad when this is behind me.

    I'll let you know how it goes. Keep your fingers crossed for me. :wub:

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