The real reason to why I feel nauseous?

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Nov 5, 2012
Hi guys, I'm new to this forum and I'm kind of new at vaping. I've only been vaping for a few weeks.

For the past few days, I've been vaping Frost Peach with 18mg of nicotine from DFW Vapors, but I have been feeling sick to my stomach after a few puffs. My question is: why do I feel sick to my stomach/feel like throwing up when I vape this?

Does anyone have a clue? Thanks!


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Sep 2, 2012
About a month after I started vaping I started getting a sore tummy, nausea and gas. I had not increased the amount of juice I was using but backing off from 18 mg. to 12 mg. nicotine completely solved the problem.

Also, it is possible that you are allergic to something in the juice flavoring if you can vape other juices with the same PG/VG ratio and nicotine level. If you get the same reaction from a different flavored juice and reducing nicotine doesn't help you should suspect a PG sensitivity.


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Aug 22, 2012
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Also, it is possible that you are allergic to something in the juice flavoring if you can vape other juices with the same PG/VG ratio and nicotine level.

Same here, there are some juices that are the same nic, pg/vg and from the same vendor that just make me feel sick and others are great.


Full Member
Nov 2, 2012
Hi guys, I'm new to this forum and I'm kind of new at vaping. I've only been vaping for a few weeks.

For the past few days, I've been vaping Frost Peach with 18mg of nicotine from DFW Vapors, but I have been feeling sick to my stomach after a few puffs. My question is: why do I feel sick to my stomach/feel like throwing up when I vape this?

Does anyone have a clue? Thanks!

I'm sort of getting a similar feeling, but I think it is having a bad reaction with some medication I am taking, I noticed I get like this with the more sweet flavors, my safest bet has been Mint it's acting as my control to see which aspect is actually affecting me. Try getting a VG only flavor in a few flavors which are quite different (i.e. Mint - Apple - Strawberry) vape a tank or so of each one as you would normally do and see if they effect you differently, make sure you keep drinking lots of water and if you ever feel uncomfortable then STOP. Keep a log and track what is going on

EDIT: Don't forget to try on in 0mg!


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Aug 30, 2012
Tripple digits half way to home
Could be too much nic
Or you may be allergic to the Propylene Glycol.

Or the VG content. When you start feeling that way just drink some water and lay down for about 20-30 min. See if it doesn't help.. I can't do a high VG content cause of COPD. But I can tell when I start to get over nic levels. I vape like a mad man when I have the chance to. Try different nic levels and different PG/VG levels. See if that helps.


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May 6, 2012
Riverside, CA
I know when I first started I had the same problem. I was actually getting more nicotine because I would use the ecig all day. I lowered the nic amount progressively until I could vape as much as I want without feeling ill and yet still feel satisfied. That level for me is 12 mg. Any more than that and its no good. Also like many others have mentioned, some juices just don't sit well with some people.


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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
I have a real issue with high PG liquids and rapid onset nausea is of the things that happens to me. I discovered that problem in my first 4 days of vaping and have had to avoid PG ever since. It's simple enough to rule in or rule out: Get some high VG liquids - stuff that's listed as "100 VG" or has a disclaimer that the only PG used might be in the flavoring base - and see if the problem goes away. Having to stick with VG only stuff might limit your options, but it's better than not vaping at all.

Note: There are largely two classes of folks who have problems with PG. People like me can tolerate the relatively small percentage of PG in a liquid, so long as it's in the flavoring only and the base liquid is 100 VG. The other people have a major allergy issue and cannot even tolerate that small amount of PG used in flavorings. They need to seek out 100 VG liquids, both in the flavorings and the base liquid.

Best of luck sorting this out. The Vapor Room is one place I get my VG liquids from. The have a memo on their "about us" page telling you which of their liquids are 100 VG, and which ones have some PG in the flavorings used.


Moved On
Oct 19, 2012
Hmm, it might be the nicotine then. I vaped again today and I felt the same way, but it didn't last as long as the other day. The other day, the feeling lasted for about 30 minutes. Can the throat hit be the cause of this as well? And I should try a 100% VG juice to see if that'll help right?

Throat hit wouldn't cause it.


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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
Hmm, it might be the nicotine then. I vaped again today and I felt the same way, but it didn't last as long as the other day. The other day, the feeling lasted for about 30 minutes. Can the throat hit be the cause of this as well? And I should try a 100% VG juice to see if that'll help right?

I guess the answer to that one is another question: Do you get nauseous after the first half dozen vapes of the day? Or only after you have been vaping this liquid for several hours?

An allergic reaction is more likely of occur in short order, like within 20 minutes of your first vaping of the day. A lot of the other things folks have mentioned are more likely to happen after you have been vaping for several hours or at the end of a day of vaping.


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Sep 2, 2012
Hmm, it might be the nicotine then. I vaped again today and I felt the same way, but it didn't last as long as the other day. The other day, the feeling lasted for about 30 minutes. Can the throat hit be the cause of this as well? And I should try a 100% VG juice to see if that'll help right?

Feeling nauseous for a half an hour or less sounds much more like too much nicotine than an allergy so try reducing your nicotine level first. If that doesn't do the trick try an all VG juice to see if that helps. Virgin Vapors is another place that has some flavors that don't contain PG. VG can cause a feeling of heaviness in the chest so if that happens try a 50 PG/50 VG mix and see adjust from there until you find a ratio that doesn't make you sick to your stomach nor causes chest heaviness.


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Nov 3, 2012
Indiana. US
I had a fairly major reaction to a menthol a few years back. Enough that a night in the hospital and a steroid shot or two scared me.

But, that was from me getting some on my hands. I mixed it, spilled some, and set it to steep so luckily I never inhaled it.

My opinion if you change liquids and it has any adverse affects, throw it away and don't look back.

Now if you have been using this type before and you only upped the nic that's a different story. The nicotine increase is probably more than your body can handle.


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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
Rickajho, I get nauseous after the first half dozen vapes of the day with THIS particular e-liquid.

Only this particular liquid? If that's true you have to start figuring out what's different.

Is it the same PG/VG ratio as the other liquids that you don't have a problem with? Or is there more - or less - PG in this one? If it's the same PG/VG ratio skip down. \/ If there's more PG in this liquid than the other stuff you don't have a problem with, start suspecting you have an issue with PG.

Is this one liquid from a different vendor than the other stuff you don't have any problems with? Or is this one from the same place? If it's a different vendor you might be having a reaction to either this flavoring, or some other additive(s) in the liquid this places uses, but your 'ok' liquids don't have. If it's from the same place, start suspecting an allergy to this specific flavoring.

I am assuming this is the same nic level as your other liquids. But are you having any other 'adverse' reactions to this liquid, like palpitations, nervousness or difficulty sleeping? If you aren't vaping tons more of this stuff compared to your other liquids and don't have any added symptoms, it's still sounding like an allergic reaction to something. If the nausea is only with this one liquid, and you have added symptoms, there is a possibility you actually got a higher nic level than you ordered. It's rare - but mistakes do happen.

Since your symptoms come on so quickly I personally suspect an allergic reaction. The big question is if it's a reaction to PG or a reaction to just the flavoring itself. Take a look at the process elimination above and it may help you narrow things down. If you wanted to be 100% sure, the only way to really know would be to get that same flavor, but in a 100% VG version - if that's a possibility.
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