Thoughts on V4 Fogger RTA

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Oct 22, 2013
If you have 30 / 32ga wire throw it on the provari, I have one on mine, which works fantastically, I also have one on my paps, also fantastic, I like that I can run the Fv4 on the provari and keep the mechanical available for attys that need to be run at lower ohms.
You do want to use a smaller size wire in the provari tho. I hate silica / ecowool, I'm a cotton cheerleader, but I built a third Fv4 for my dad's vamo with 30 ga, 1.4ohm, same as mine on the provari, and it's even great with that setup, I use silica for him to minimize the effort I have to deal with babysitting him.

My r91 has been empty collecting dust since I got my first Fv4.

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Vaping Master
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Dec 9, 2013
So Cal
Go check out the fogger v4! Thread, this atty is far and above the best tank atty I've ever seen, used, I love that is all stainless and glass, it's heavy sturdy, based .... I get better flavor than any kayfun ever I have 3 of each kf and Fv4 's, I searched all over and vapor beast has the best version still, I received it today, it's got the better Afc than the first version and the smaller deck, added capacity is the only thing that you gain.

Amanda! Post some pics of your builds your making me crazy having trouble, I swear to god its not magic. We'd love to help but pics would be a game changer for you.

Dude, you'll like the Fv4, I run one @ 0.5 0hm and one on my ProVari @1.4ohm they both hit like Champs and the flavor is the best.

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Tbev I posted a pic of my first build in the Fogger thread - that one was 1.5mm microcoil at 0.7 ohms - let me see if I can find the pic again:

Dry hit city or leaking, depending on cotton. I rebuilt that coil at 2mm, 0.8 or so ohms. No leaking now but dry hits! I haven't taken a pic of the wicking, but I've tried it every which way since Sunday. Currently it's barely in the channels.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2013
Coils look great, but it's in the wick, too little and it leaks, to much and you'll get dry hits, try cutting your tails at an angle so they get smaller, thinner at the ends and end them 3/4 way down the channels, then if you get dry hits take a TINY BIT off.

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    Ordered the fogger V4 got it today from china for $29.95, it's in my hand right now, it's on may vamo V5 looks good and working nice. It doesn't say which version anywhere but it does have the copper screw in the bottom.

    A little hard to attach the wire of the coil to the screws but take slow and you should have no problems.

    I've been using protanks I and II for over a year and like them. With the fogger I'm using two 2.7 ohm coil that = 1.4 ohm coils on the tank with 32 ga, cotton wick.

    Nice to have the air flow adjustment helps a lot.
    Twice as much vapor.
    Little bit more flavor intense.
    I went up to 12 watts no problem couldn't do that on my protank without burnt wicks though my spot for now is 5 watts.
    Looks and feels good on My Vamo V5.

    I'm a chain vapor and I do feel more satisfied now with the fogger, willing to put the device down once in a while finally.

    Would I recommend it YES, would I get another YES.

    I do expect a difference with ga wire and ohms in the flavor and vapor production.

    One other thing when screwing it back up be careful not to cross thread it.


    Senior Member
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    Jun 15, 2011
    Ridge NY
    The rayon did the trick for me - no more dry hits, no more leaking. Carelessly wicked, one coil slightly overstuffed - perfect performance!

    Amanda thats awesome! Glad you figured it out! I will have to build this beast when I get some time away from my 3 year old twins. It should be arriving tomorrow or Friday. They love to touch things and ask tons of questions and it seems this will need some slowing down and concentration to make a quality setup on both the coils and wicking system.


    Vaping Master
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    Dec 9, 2013
    So Cal
    Yes, Nautiboy, it's fiddly - it takes way more time to wick than anything else I have. But quite frankly, the flavor from the vape is worth it! In truth, the way I have it wicked at the moment I'm still getting some leaking from the airholes, but - unusual for me - I don't care much! However, it would be very nice to know I could dump it in my purse - at the moment, I'd only use this at home because of the leaking.


    Senior Member
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    Jun 15, 2011
    Ridge NY
    Yes, Nautiboy, it's fiddly - it takes way more time to wick than anything else I have. But quite frankly, the flavor from the vape is worth it! In truth, the way I have it wicked at the moment I'm still getting some leaking from the airholes, but - unusual for me - I don't care much! However, it would be very nice to know I could dump it in my purse - at the moment, I'd only use this at home because of the leaking.

    What a bummer! Yea its always nice to throw it in your back pack/purse or whatever and not have to worry. Maybe its over primed? Did you try some dry burns? Only thing I could think of is maybe its over primed and causing some of the liquid to drip down the air flow.


    Senior Member
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    Jun 15, 2011
    Ridge NY
    Ordered the fogger V4 got it today from china for $29.95, it's in my hand right now, it's on may vamo V5 looks good and working nice. It doesn't say which version anywhere but it does have the copper screw in the bottom.

    A little hard to attach the wire of the coil to the screws but take slow and you should have no problems.

    I've been using protanks I and II for over a year and like them. With the fogger I'm using two 2.7 ohm coil that = 1.4 ohm coils on the tank with 32 ga, cotton wick.

    Nice to have the air flow adjustment helps a lot.
    Twice as much vapor.
    Little bit more flavor intense.
    I went up to 12 watts no problem couldn't do that on my protank without burnt wicks though my spot for now is 5 watts.
    Looks and feels good on My Vamo V5.

    I'm a chain vapor and I do feel more satisfied now with the fogger, willing to put the device down once in a while finally.

    Would I recommend it YES, would I get another YES.

    I do expect a difference with ga wire and ohms in the flavor and vapor production.

    One other thing when screwing it back up be careful not to cross thread it.

    Good info mightymen, thanks. Are you having any leaking issues on yours at all?


    Unregistered Supplier
    ECF Veteran
    Oct 22, 2013
    Haha! You'll get it going perfectly it's the last thing do! Post some pictures if u can they say with the celulocotton rayon I think we're gonna call it Sally's, they say to pack it a lot more than if it were cotton, but I don't know yet, I can't wait to try it out!
    BTW your kickasss girl!

    Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    Good info mightymen, thanks. Are you having any leaking issues on yours at all?

    No leaking issues at all. Re-wicked again wanted to try another flavor much better and intense also, I was surprise the wick wasn't burnt when I took it up to 15 watts on vamo. It is producing a lot more vapor and flavor at any wattage. I don't see a learning curve with this works great right out of the box. I'll use this at home and protank when I go out. :vapor:


    Senior Member
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    Jun 15, 2011
    Ridge NY
    LOLOL - Ok, I'm going to fix these leaks if it kills me:D

    Amanda, for the record, males screw these up too :unsure:. Apparently I got mine in the mail yesterday along with some juice from vaptasia. Lets just say that I wasted about 15mL of juice trying to perfect the build. Kept leaking out of the air holes just like you were saying lmao. After about 4 empties and refills, I finally figured this thing out. The Kayfun is WAAAAAAY much of an easier build lets just say that. But now that I know exactly what it needs, I think im good to go.

    It is a beast, BUT, I primarily do mouth to lung hits, not direct lung (unless of course i'm trying to create a weather system), and the Fogger does NOT coincide well with mouth to lung style vapes. If this is primarily how you vape, the Fogger is not for you. The Kayfun definitely does coincide perfectly with mouth to lung so I threw it on my Provari. But on the other end of the spectrum, no weather systems are being created with the Kayfun like the fogger. No comparison. But then again I guess it depends on your definition of "clouds" and "weather systems". But to make good use out the Fogger I have to switch up my vaping style to direct lung which is not usually a preference of mine. Guess ill have to get used to it...somewhat lol.


    Vaping Master
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    Dec 9, 2013
    So Cal
    Why only lung hits? I do mouth to lung, and, while it's a little airy (because I find it best with the airhole wide open) it seems to work well for me. The flavor is incredibly clear - I'm a huge Reo fan, but this beast is pretty impressive flavorwise.

    Glad you got it figured it out - so, no leaks for you either? LOL


    Senior Member
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    Jun 15, 2011
    Ridge NY
    My fogger has two air holes, and with the ring wide open, I run out of breath way before those two coils heat up. Dual air holes wide open, with mouth to lung, I can only swing that with a more narrow draw on a single coil. I used 28guage Kanthal so I can make micro coils. Maybe if I used 32g it would heat up a bit faster for a mouth to lung, but I hate using that wire. Once you get it nice and tight, it unravels the first moment it gets. Very annoying. I have mine at about .43 ohms.

    The reason mine was leaking was because I was not putting the cotton INTO the channels. When I do my kayfun builds, putting cotton into the channels causes dry burns, so i would wet the cotton with juice and put it against the deck right above the channels. But apparently, on the Fogger, these channels are so big, that if you do not put the cotton in them, once the tank is on its side, juice comes right in through the channel, and down into the air flow. And make sure to soak your cotton before putting the chimney on or else you will get dry burns until it finally starts wicking good enough.

    I had to bite the bullet and go 32g kanthal on the single coil Kayfun build to throw on the Provari. Had to use silica too. Suprisingly it wasnt bad. Couldnt do a micro coil, but had to space the coils out. Its suprisingly nice and can get decent mouth to lung vapes at around 4.7.

    Amanda, what guage and ohms did you build your fogger with? And how do you not run out of air with the AFC wide open. Maybe I have small lungs lol. I dunno. I can blow serious clouds direct lung though.


    Senior Member
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    Jun 15, 2011
    Ridge NY
    Mine is .8, 28 gauge, 2mm coil. I initially had a 1.5mm coil, but that didn't work too well, because I couldn't get enough rayon in there. But it might work now that I've got the wicking sorted out - if not the leaks.

    I'll try stuffing the channels next and see if that works.

    Yea, those channels are so big, you HAVE to stuff them, not all though to the bottom of the channel, but right up until that bottom part of the channel. If those are left open, any time you lay it down or turn it upside down, its going to pour into the inside of the chimney, which is where the coils are, which is also where the holes are for the air flow. Once upside down or sideways, once juice gets in there, the only place to go is in the air flow or out the mouth piece. Something needs to be somewhat blocking that.

    I had also seen another piece of great advice, that when filling it, put your finger over the drip tip to create a vaccum, but open up the air flow, and use a needle tip filler so your not pushing air into the tank, this can cause leaking issues after you close everything back up if you use a regular bottle of juice to fill your tank.

    Also, dont make your wick too thick cuz it WILL give you dry hits, I kept it medium, and thinned out as it went into the channels. This seems to be the money setup, but I used organic cotton.
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