True Cigar flavor

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Full Member
Oct 27, 2011
Since I started to vape I got used to the "white latte super macciado half nic" flavors and don't really miss the tobacco, but I have to ask this question ...

I know, taste is subjective ... but I want to be at least close to what I think a Cigar should taste like. I have tried several but none of them had anything to do with a cigar taste.

Is there anything out there that would resemble an oily Nicaraguan maduro cigar? Or any other decent cigar for that matter.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
It's really hard to find a good juice that replicates cigar smoke. It seems to be easier for the manufacturers to produce pipe flavors more accurately. The closest I've found to either is this one,

Maple Rum Smoke from Vapor Bomb.
They also have a couple of cigar flavors I haven't tried here,

E Liquid

I don't know how they are so don't take this as a recommendation, but if you buy them please report back to let us know if they're good or not. One thing about VB juices though is that their tobacco flavors need to steep for a long time before the flavors really come together. I usually steep them for at least a month and 3 months is where they really shine. Just something to keep in mind.


Full Member
Oct 27, 2011
Thanks cskent. I might try the Maple Rum Smoke and hoping for a pipe like favor and not be disappointed. But anything I found that is called Cohiba or Cuban or Cigar I have expectations that it will taste somewhat like the name indicates and in reality it is not even close.

I hope somebody can still point me to some juice that is actually tastes like a cigar (any cigar) ...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
I used to smoke the occasional Dominican while sipping a nice bit of bourbon on the rocks. The flavors compliment each other so well. I haven't found anything that matches the flavor of even a halfway decent cigar and have given up on that quest. The few cigar flavors I've tried were just nasty. Good luck in your search and let us know if you come up with anything.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2011
Safety Harbor, FL

I've buy a lot of my e-juice from want2vape.
There juice is very close to a true tobacco taste. In my opinion they produce some of the best e-juice around.
I haven't tried their cigar flavors but from what I hear on the forum they are also really good.
They have a maduro flavor called "Vapenstein Blend Managua".

Here's the link: want2vape E Liquid

Good luck!



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 20, 2010
Residing in Henniker, NH
I'm a cigar smoker and I have tried damn near every juice that claims to be a "cigar type vape". The only one that comes even halfway close is Dr. Vapensteins Managua. While I am a fan of his nicquid I don't think you will find it truly close.
You might try some of the great WTA nicquids from Vapelicious simply because he has the ability to concoct a flavor to your specs. and can do actual extractions.
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