Vapenstein Addo Scientia

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2010
This part is very bad information on your part. There is no connection with snus and any type of oral cancer. Also no risk of internal cancer. You may want to do a bit of research before before putting this type of nonsense out to the public.

I said snus and smokeless tobacco. Smokeless tobacco has been linked to increased incidence of oral cancers. Snus has not, but snus has been suggested by at least two studies to increase your risk of pancreatic cancer.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
I said snus and smokeless tobacco. Smokeless tobacco has been linked to increased incidence of oral cancers. Snus has not, but snus has been suggested by at least two studies to increase your risk of pancreatic cancer.

"Sweden's biggest producer of snus, Swedish Match, dismissed the report as irresponsible and self-serving.

"The institute has published a number of alarmist reports on snus over the years," said Ulf Svensson, the information director at the company.

"But we remember that they had to give up on the discussions around snus and health warning text. The EU investigated the research and concluded that there is no increased risk of cancer from snus," Svensson told TT.

He pointed to an international cancer study which, he said, contradicted the conclusion that using snus can lead to pancreatic cancer.

"Despite the fact that we have around a million 'snussers' in Sweden, we are almost at the bottom of the table in the western world when it comes to this form of cancer," he said.

Ulf Svensson said that far from being a thorough scientific analysis, the report was a political move against Swedish Match and was based on a very selective interpretation of research results."

"Snus causes cancer" - health institute - The Local

ps: I'm not a snus user.

The OP was not up front on being a nic-liquid supplier. Nor, most likely, knows what is in the 'tobacco extract' used in those liquids.

Basically the post is an ad and I just don't get how it could be thought worthy as a sticky; it's just some spurious opinions. Brand name as first world of title and throw in the word 'science'. Would you trust someone who flatly states they produce "the worl'd best vapes" ? Smells fishy to me.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2009
Madison, WI USA
I tend to agree Kin. I was also scratching my head when I first read the tread trying to decipher why this would be a sticky.

The casual bomb thrown at smokeless tobacco is really over the top though. To have this kind of misinformation pasted on a sticky that reinforces the bad information we have been getting about smokeless tobacco for the last few decades is not a good thing.

Tobacco Truth: New Study: Smokeless Tobacco is NOT Associated with Pancreatic Cancer

Tobacco Truth: New Study Documents the Health Effects from Snus Use: Almost Zero


ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Excellent post V. I really believe that someone somewhere has to have the initiative and resources (connections if not financial) to accomplish something like this. Am I unrealistic? Probably, at least for the near future. However, as this industry continues to grow and mature, I expect we will see advances in the juice industry as we have seen in the hardware the last three years or so.

Looking back at the first 'Health' brand ecig that we had, and the first flashlight mods, and comparing that to the advanced microprocessor-controlled 2pc pvs and commercially produced high-end mods that we now have, I am honestly amazed to see the same DK TAB and other juice staples not changing at all. There are some vendors like Juicy and Mrs. T that have done amazing things with commercial flavoring and juice, but the same crappy tobaccos are still in the marketplace exactly the same as they were 3 years ago. The market and userbase behind these products will eventually force the change to high-quality, initial vaper use tobacco liquids.

Oh, and just cause it's sitting on my HD:

I can't believe the original post hasn't got a TLDR yet



Super Member
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Verified Member
Jan 24, 2012
Central Coast, CA
An insightful piece, Dr. V, and much to think about.
Sadly, your second conclusion regarding Big Tobacco and its potential for entry into the juice market will come true, I fear, and signal the death-knell of the current 'cottage' industry.

I was thinking about this the other day, and I am actually surprised they haven't come out with something yet. They either will soon, or they will just attempt to shut down ecigs altogether and not bother trying to get into that niche market. They could either be like the railroad companies back in the day (limiting their scope to only railroads, and obviously got destroyed by cars and planes) or they will expand their business to something other than "In the business of tobacco".

The thing is, while it will likely be a big hit to the small vendors due to most ex-smokers wanting to go with their 'preferred' brand over some unknown, but if the tobacco companies invest into this scene everybody will benefit. For example, say they spend billions to perfect the juice, well that research will eventually get out and then everybody will have access to the knowledge which would only have been discovered if billions of dollars were thrown at it, and its likely only the tobacco companies would do that.

Think of it like war, when a country is at war they are constantly progressing technology and other things at a massively advanced rate, in the end we all benefit from the advances in technology that would not have normally come to light so soon. We can probably thank a lot of the major advancements in computer technology and other things (like HDTV's, mobile phones, etc) based on the fact that the military's demand is pushing that technology forwards and they have the resources to do it. So all the companies who make these things and get the billions of dollars from the government to advance the research, inevitably benefits everybody since that technology and research eventually leaks out to the general public (or other companies).

So while a big tobacco company may hit the small market hard in the short term, in the end everybody would advance to that point due to the research that has been done on behalf of the tobacco companies throwing billions of dollars towards it. Without them advancing the ecig tech, we will only slowly progress and may never reach "that" point.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 26, 2012
Richmond, VA USA
I agree with the OP that ejuice must be made to mimic the taste of a cigarette. I think that is why so many people go back to analogs in the first place. I've been vaping for a little over a month and I could not even taste fruity flavors in the first two weeks. I'm slowly getting my taste back, and starting to enjoy some of the different flavors that are being offered.

Side note: I looked up snus on wikipedia, and they said:


"Previously, Swedish snus was only available by mail order within the United States; however, an increasing number of tobacco retailers have begun to stock popular Swedish snus products. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Philip Morris USA, and U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company now produce similar products called Camel Snus, Marlboro Snus, and Skoal Snus, respectively. While it's packaged in much the same way (moist tobacco in a small pouch), production methods vary considerably from traditional Scandinavian methods. Additionally, differences in the way American snus is formulated may also diminish some of the possible benefits.[3] Swedish Match, the leading manufacturer of Swedish snus, is currently test-marketing snus in Canada, Russia and several regions throughout the United States."

The underline sentence intrigues me, because if they change the way Swedish snus is formulated thereby diminishing some of the possible benefits, would they do the same for vaping??? What will they put into ejuice that will diminish it's possible benefits???

Jen :vapor:
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2011
Thank you so much for that article Dr. Vapenstein. It was truly one of the most cogent and well written articles i have read on the ECF. And that really speaks volumes. We're all fortunate enough to be part of a community with some really intelligent members.

I was however surprised by some of the sentiment regarding BT and the future role they'll play in this industry. While i completely agree that they most definitely will be part of vaping going forward i fear that it's a road that they will travel solely. It seems to me that their first order of business would and will be to write legislation not allowing anyone other than them to play in the sandbox we are all enjoying at the moment.... for example.. They are currently trying to legislate automated RYO machines out of existence.

I also agree that they will throw sizable amounts of cash and most likely improve the vaping experience in general. I just can't see them doing it until they're able to guarantee the success of the bottom line. And we have no problem legislating business model success.

Anyway, just the rambling thoughts of a cynic.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2010
with regulation hanging over our heads and a potential apocalypse for a young vaping industry rolling toward us this summer, I agree. Big tobacco loves regulation. It's a form of protectionism that eliminates competition and solidifies their grasp on the market.

I know people have some awareness that the FDA is going to lay down the law this summer. Hold on to your hats, anything could happen. If, down the road, I had to be quoted I'd say that we're looking at the end of the line for internet sales of all tobacco products, including eliquid. Hope not.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2011
I can't even explain how much i don't want that to be true Dr. , but at the end of the day i do in fact think that's what we're heading towards. And heading towards very soon! In the mean time i plan to stock up on some high quality nic to add to the nic free flavors i think we'll be buying soon...

And do you think that the hardware end will be effected to an equal degree? I ask because i personally feel that much but not all hardware will still be around. Although i think some clever designs will need to persist as to sale them under the guise of anything BUT a PV.


ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
Any opinions on what is currently closest to making vaping taste like actual smoke from a cigarette or at least smoke rather than flavored vapor?

Yep, it's called Want2Vape! If W2V doesn't do it for you, then you should either give up that particular search or smoke. Not trying to be dismissive, but vaping isn't smoking, though W2V get's about as close as I wish to find or can find .


Full Member
Jul 7, 2012
An insightful piece, Dr. V, and much to think about.
Sadly, your second conclusion regarding Big Tobacco and its potential for entry into the juice market will come true, I fear, and signal the death-knell of the current 'cottage' industry.

And maybe the price and cost for vaping will be compensate the money/fund they put in...not to mention PROFIT

Uncle Sam

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2011
N. Cali Sierras
Thank you for the well thought out dissertation on juice craftsmanship.

Sucks to admit, but I also believe the Majors will get into the game soon. Then again, that was also said about another smoking material that has since been legalized in many states, so maybe they won't.

Of corse, vaping is directly affecting their market share of consumers.....damn.
They certainly will enter this market.
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