Vapenstein Addo Scientia

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It's not too difficult to cut your nic level in half and still be more than satisfied with the vape. So if anyone ever goes way overboard making stuff way too expensive you would just buy 36mg fluid and then dilute it to 4mg and learn to enjoy the flavors instead of the nic. :) If they try to tax it as much as cigs are taxed it would just be people making their own juice then as they would save more money by doing so and make it more worthwhile to DIY and probably encourage people to cut back on their nic intake as well.
The tobacco industries aren't masters of flavor by any means. They are masters of adding things to make what you are using more addicting. Which is good if you like the cravings and feeling you get from satisfying them. :) But I suspect that a lot of people (especially current vapors) will want to avoid being any more addicted to it as possible. Each flavor takes time to create and everyones tastes are different. No one company is going to dominate the market on flavors. If they have 10,000 not so well planned out or tested flavors where the average one isn't all that impressive, unless they are dirt cheap most wont want them. If they have 10 that are fantastic they will only appeal to a certain group of people that happen to enjoy those flavors. The only thing throwing lots of money at flavor creation would do (other than possibly making it more addictive to get market share) would be to try more possible combinations of things that go into creating a great eliquid and having a wider testing base. Basically all that has been done already if you add all the people together. You just have more eliquids to go through before you find what ones are great.
The big companies wont be able to recreate their "flavors" of tobacco either. How can you recreate a chemical reaction of 4000 chemicals induced by combustion with a non combusted vapor? If it were possible it wouldn't be safe. :) Cigarette smokers aren't addicted to the pleasant taste that resembles what you smell when you walk into the tobacco store. In fact, it isn't taste that they are addicted to at all and it is a miracle they can still taste anything at all. :) I challenge any smoker to go two days and then take 1 drag of their cigarette and post what they enjoy about the flavor.


Senior Member
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Jul 10, 2013
Great OP. I can only personally disagree about one thing. I smoked cigarettes for over 20 years when I was handed a disposable blueberry ecig. I thought two things. One: "This (vaping) can be better (better than the disposable). And two: "If I can get the same satisfaction of a cigarette, or better, but with something that tastes like candy, I'm in!"

One week later I had a MVP, an Evod, and a bottle of grape ejuice and I haven't smoked a cigarette since!

(Four weeks later I purchased a mech mod and an Igo-W and have been good with that ever since.)

PS ... Would sure like to hear more about some of these mysterious vendors making the good stuff ...

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Oct 17, 2013
North Carolina
I'm not surprised by the result of trying a cigarette after enjoying a vaporizer. Your brain quickly comes to appreciate the better flavor of the juice. Conversely, when you've been smoking for a while you no longer taste the ash or tar. Same phenomenon you're experiencing when you get "vapor tongue" as I've heard it called and need to change flavors. Changing cigarette brands you notice the subtle flavor differences but the ash and tar are still ignored by your brain. Going from juice to cigarette, you get the full flavor of the cigarette instead.

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My question is why would anyone want juice extract from tobacco grown here in the u.s. it has similar compounds that smoking a cigarette does so you are still killing yourself, just a little bit slower.

I have never enjoyed the taste of cigarettes. I smoked for the nicotine and the act. Now, if you can make a liquid that has all the essence of a well aged Cuban Cohiba, then I am on board.

Part of the problem I think is that the hardware isn't standardized. So juices will taste differently not only based on our tastes but also our voltages, ohm resistance, the tanks we use... there truly does need to be some form of standardization. The industry does seem to be moving towards 3.7 volts and 1.8 to 2.4 ohm atomizers, which is a good thing. But the mixologists do not often advertise what standards they use to test their own products so we are left to guess. Every e-liquid vendor should have a page detailing what their baseline is for testing their juices. Recommended steep times, atomizer ohm resistance, voltage levels. Etc. It would cut down on a lot of confusion, wasted money, and bad reviews.

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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Types of eliquid:

1: Nicotine and tobacco alternatives

2: Tasters - stuff made for the FLAVOR.

3: Foggers!! Like 100% VG. I find the white foggy/smokey stuff reassuring.

4: SMELLERS - Aromatics: so far I don't see much of that around, but its inevitable.

5: Herbal/medicinal: wouldn't you love to take a drag on a ecig that CLEARS YOUR SINUS! Clears you head! What about doctors prescribing stuff you be used via vaporiser specifically for medicinal reasons.

So far the industry is at 1 & 2 and I guess 3.


Full Member
Nov 19, 2013
Los Angeles
Awesome OP, a great read.

My 2 cents: Big tobacco is already very much a part of the ecig landscape with Lorillard (Newports) buying up blu, RJ Reynolds (Camels) making Vuse and Altria (Marlboro) making ???...these are billion dollar companies that have already spent hundreds of millions to "get in the game" with will just be a matter of time (and several hundreds of millions of dollars spent on R&D) before one of them perfects an eliquid that is able to satisfy a smoker.

Kinda sucks. A lot.


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Jan 24, 2014
Some people are going to expect or need something that approximates what they are trying to give up.

...the new vaper is too close to their last cigarette to accept something so alien when their brain is craving and expecting something so different.

Gawd, if I wasn't married, I think I'd be in love with you! ;) j/k!

Seriously, you seem to really get it! I love pastry with a passion, quite enjoy many fruits, pursue vanilla hand lotion with single-minded determination, and try like mad to not eat so much chocolate so I won't get fat and/or diabetic! But I DON'T WANT TO SMOKE/VAPE ANY OF 'EM!

I want tobacco! Bitter yet smooth tobacco that makes my throat and sinuses and whole mouth tingle, and clears out most food tastes completely! People keep telling me, your taste will change, well maybe it will, but NOT unless I can leave the stupid smoking things alone long enough to let it! And no, not Marlboros or Camels or ANYTHING menthol, I want a taste like a VA Slim, which is very smooth, but does have a bitter edge -- to me, marlboros are too sweet, Camels, meh, too dry and just kinda weird tasting, and menthol should be reserved for toothpaste, mouthwash, cough drops, York patties, and IcyHot muscle rub (which is called "death by peppermint" at my house, cause that stuff will take your breath away!).

I'm trying to find some of those liquids that have the tobacco absolute; from reading this thread and that other one about natural tobaccos, I think it's what might make a real difference in my ability to leave the stinkiweed alone. I checked out the altCigs mentioned in the natural tobaccos post, and their Bob's Krave Kutter sounds very promising. At the moment I'm awaiting a 5mL sample size of "Dirty Ashtray" from EC Blends, because that burning ashy taste is what I really want -- and frankly I don't find actual dirty ashtrays all that disgusting, just messy and dangerous if you accidentally set them on fire because they're so full of butts. :) (IMO, it's not really "full" until there IS a fire hazard!) But if anyone knows of other sites/juices that do have this tobacco absolute, please tell me!

What I have is: a JoyeTech eRoll, which arrived yesterday, and last night, I went to a local B&M and got a [tobacco] flavor called "Oak Barrel Cider," which, after trying several others, I actually recognized as VERY like the smell of my VA Slims before they're lit, which makes me wonder if VA Slims tobacco is aged in oak, or treated with oak tannin or something; it's not the apple-cider flavor I recognized, but something more subtle. The problem is, although the smell is fairly tobacco-y, I don't get enough of that, I get mainly the apple-cider taste, and seldom much of a throat-hit -- only on the first drag I take on the eRoll is there much of a throat hit at all, and only when I get the good throat hit do I really get the taste/smell of tobacco. Would steeping increase the tobacco-y taste/smell, improve the throat hit, and generally make it more satisfying? Or would it make it only more apple-cidery, smoother, and less throat hit? It needs to be more... raw? More "careful how you hit that so you don't cough up a lung"... cause that's kinda how I am with my cigarettes; I have a mild case of asthma, so I smoke ultra-lights so that I *don't* cough up a lung with every drag, but the nice thing about VA Slims ultra-lights is that even with their mild smooth taste, they have a really good throat hit.

I guess I just need to know if steeping would make this Oak Barrel Cider more of what I want, or less... :confused:

Hope someone can help so I can really do this switch... I'm really tired of all the downsides of smoking, but at my wit's end for a realistically possible way of ditching them...



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Jan 24, 2014
5: Herbal/medicinal: wouldn't you love to take a drag on a ecig that CLEARS YOUR SINUS! Clears you head! What about doctors prescribing stuff you be used via vaporiser specifically for medicinal reasons.

This occurred to me just the other day, how perfect this personal vaporizer mechanism would be for herbal/aroma therapies. For years I've known that when you have a bad cold, if you put several large sprigs of rosemary in boiling water, and lean over and just breathe the vapors, it will soothe the irritated membranes, and even have a therapeutic effect on the cold itself, and that's even more true of thyme, which is extremely anti-bacterial/viral/fungal, and even smells good, which can't really be said of onions and garlic, despite their healthful properties. Lavender also comes to mind; most probably don't know or realize it, but lavender not only smells great, it's even edible, so breathing concentrated fumes of it wouldn't be harmful at all, and it's very soothing/soporific. Roses are also edible, but I'm not sure of any therapeutic effects. And for that sinus-opening effect? Chinese mustard! It's the horseradish, and will open you RIGHT UP! :)

So now we need to get the natural-remedies folks onto the vaping bandwagon, to help fight all the lies in the press. :)

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