Vaping Around Cats

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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
My two cats hated it when I smoked, but now that I vape, they're all over me. At first they seemed curious about the vapor, I suppose because it didn't smell bad like smoke did. Now they just ignore the vapor and want to cuddle. Have noticed no adverse health effects with them after almost 9 months. That's a win-win!

PS: Would appreciate a link to the other thread on cats and PG.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2012
My cat was initially curious that the "smoke" wasn't offensive and sniffed around a bit.
Vaping an 80% PG mix for over a year, the only ill effects I can observe in kitty are he sleeps all the time he's not eating or ...... in shoes.

Oh yeah! That's what he's always done! lol.
No probs at all here.
(other than his normal behavior that is)

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
ECF Veteran
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Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
My office mascot, Mr. Prime Minister Toulouse le Chat, seems just fine with it.

He's been head butting me to wake me up since he was a wee furr ball. He still does.

I mean, REAL head butting. BAM. BAM. Wake the heck up, dude I'm hungry.

mare ze dotes

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2012
My cat is a bit allergic to the PV. When I started I was doing 50/50 and kitty started to get skin itches and pulling her fur out. I did switch down to 20/80 and 100 vg and it seemed to go away. Now I will never know for sure if that was the problem, but it is something to think about if need be. I would figure that it is much better than the smoke she has endured all some years.
Odd, I have had 3 cats in my adult life and they all hated it when I smoked would run off the first time I would exhale or even just when I broke out the lighter and the one I have left runs off when vaping if I blow it in her general direction, If i make a point to exhale in the opposite direction she will usually stick around depending how hard up for attention she is. I always thought the smoke scared them because of some unique thing about a cats eye's or something but doesn't sound like any of you have noticed that.


Senior Member
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Apr 13, 2011
Cambridge, ON, CANADA
My office mascot, Mr. Prime Minister Toulouse le Chat, seems just fine with it.

He's been head butting me to wake me up since he was a wee furr ball. He still does.

I mean, REAL head butting. BAM. BAM. Wake the heck up, dude I'm hungry.

My cat's the exact opposite. She FREQUENTLY hits the snooze button on my alarm clock and goes back to sleep. I've been late for work a couple times because of this.


ECF Guru
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May 11, 2013
My cat could care less.
The literature does indicate that PG "in high doses" can cause that anemia, and that it's therefore no longer used in cat food - but I didn't see anywhere what kind of volume they're talking about. My GUESS is that you probably should NOT pour 30 ml of Tuna Juice in the kitties bowl.


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Jul 1, 2013
Scranton, PA


ECF Guru
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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
My cat's the exact opposite. She FREQUENTLY hits the snooze button on my alarm clock and goes back to sleep. I've been late for work a couple times because of this.

Wish mine would do that.... he's a morning headbutter as well, but to go outside. Now that I'm retired, there are times I'd like to go back to sleep - but he'll climb the screen a half hour later anyway... to get back in.

Certainly keep the juice secured against predatory cats. And probably a good idea to not blow vape in their faces. Otherwise, I'd think there'd be no issues. 3 cats here, and all are normal. Well, normal cats!
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