Vaping more than smoking?

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Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
No. 3mg juice is the lowest content regularly sold and is for people on their way to quitting ecigs after quitting the stinkies. That is not where you are. I would go at least 6mg. Possibly higher. Who sold 3mg to a new vaper? That’s like asking for failure.

But don't subohm vapers regularly buy/use 3mg eliquids? Around here now, many new vapers are starting by subohm vaping. The vape shops sell the majority of their eliquids in 3mg, both the ready-made stuff and the custom-made for them.


Senior Member
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Feb 21, 2018
Earth (most days)
I chain vape on occasion - it depends on how stressed out I am, or how much I'm home alone at the computer. If your mod has a puff counter, you might want to just watch it and see how many puffs your taking at various times. I know my range varies widely (also depending on if I'm at work or school or something since you can't vape constantly everywhere). Oh - and yeah - definitely up the nicotine. Personally I vape 12mg with a MTL and 6 with DTL (I used the same tank with 0.4 ohm coils), but had I been a heavy smoker coming right off of cigs I'd have likely used higher nic.

Funny story: I was at the muffler place today - walked in the tiny office and it smelled of smoke. So I immediately said, "I smell smoke so I'm guessing you don't have a problem with this" lol. I think I took like 3-4 puffs and and the guy said "You're really addicted to that thing!" ... What?!? That was a weird comment coming from a smoker, I thought :p ... At least I'm not dying, right?! LOL
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May 7, 2013
Riverside, CA
But don't subohm vapers regularly buy/use 3mg eliquids? Around here now, many new vapers are starting by subohm vaping. The vape shops sell the majority of their eliquids in 3mg, both the ready-made stuff and the custom-made for them.

Agreed. I vaped 18mg for years. Even my first year of sub-ohm I still vaped 18mg but all the shops kept telling me 3-6mg is the norm for sub-ohm. I switched and to be honest I feel like I am getting all the nic I need. From what I understand, when using a sub-ohm coil; a higher volume of nicotine in ingested and even though the nicotine level being used is still get more with each puff so it evens out.


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Jan 25, 2018
I used to smoke 2 packs a day and when I switched to vaping and I have only used 3mg nic juices until I got an mtl device which I run 6mg through. My wife has done the same but she smoked about 2/3 of a pack a day. Everyone is different, just go with what you feel most comfortable with in your nic levels. Chain vaping seems to be normal for a new vaper, my first day without a cigarette I blew through 30+ ml of e-juice. I slowed down some but still go through roughly 20ml per day. I assumed new vapers chain vape because their body is craving the chemicals in the cigarettes that are not present in the e-juice. I'm not saying that is true, it was just my theory.


Vaping Master
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Apr 9, 2013
Houston, TX
Everyone else is focusing on nic strength, so allow me to address this other point:

...had to fill my tank which holds 3.5 ml of juice twice yesterday. Is this a normal thing to go through when first vaping?

3.5ml twice a day is 7ml total. I am 5 years in and vape 7-8ml/day of 6mg. You are well within in the range of normal, IMHO. If you want to use less juice or feel like you need it to be stronger, then as others have said, increase to 6mg. Otherwise keep doing what you are doing.

At some point (in the future) you may consider DIY juice to save some money on the juice.

Fog n Vape

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Dec 18, 2014
Vancouver Island Canada
If it works for you it's working.
Congratulations on quitting cigarettes n returning to vaping. It's great that we can tailor our nic strength as time goes by or if we feel a need for more or less nic.
If I hang out with smokers too long I get the urge to smoke again even if I chain vape while with them. I tend to limit my time around active smokers because of that.
All the best on your journey


PV Masher
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Aug 22, 2010
Kauai, Hawaii
Long time vaper. I did quit everything for a year and when I picked up the vape I started in chain vaping (which is my norm) and threw up after about an hour... nic toxicity.
But thats how it was when we first picked up a ciggy; remember?
Anyway, if you continue to chain vape, like me, I realize I have an obsession with it, like I did cigs... alcohol, food, s_x, doh. Thats me though; everyone may be different.
My challenge is to look at the consequences of such behavior and accept or change; eventually it all catches up on us.
I've thought about trying the Pod vape with higher mg. nic-salt... you know, one or two puffs and done for a while...? I realized that I LOVE the feeling and everything about a big lung full and exhale; thats part of the *PLEASURE (we all seek pleasure; but have to grow up and realize...MODERATION)
I actually get wheezy and use an inhaler... even with vaping. But its still better than smoking still.
3mg chain vaping is expensive!
Unfortunately I don't care for my DIY and all the gear and fuss. Thanks for this post.
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Jul 31, 2010
Central Texas
I was a heavy smoker for many years (40), so when I started vaping at 12mg, it was not quite doing the job. Bumped it up to 18mg and that was much better, but still not quite there. Been at 24mg for the last 6 years or so. Still a chain vaper though, but back then I was a chain smoker too, when I wasn't at work. Easily went through 2½ packs a day on weekends. Last check up, Doc said my lungs sounded clear.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2017
I'm all good with 12mg, I used to vape 24 with JC and I simply learned when I have "had enough" and put the gear down until I think to pick it up again; its sort of an "inner balance" where I am balancing food, coffee and nicotine and I seem to know when I "need" more of each. :)

I also voluntarily quit nicotine for an extended period of time and I went back because I simply ENJOY it and find it a great stress reducer. :)

I think being able to cold turkey quit helps me to not worry about 12 vs. 24 but I haven't really noticed the difference. :)
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Jan 7, 2016
NE Ohio
6ml of 3mg/ml juice is only 18mg of nic, that is one lite cig!! I run through twice that much juice a day and vape like an old steam locomotive. Smoked hand rolled Top Tobacco for 30 years, Got diagnosed with COPD found vaping and haven't smoked since, and my Lung Specialist is fine with me vaping!!! Oh, and I make my own DIY ejuice, so the cost is really low! A couple of bucks a week in juice!
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Nov 3, 2013
North Carolina, USA
Back when I gave up the analogs, it took 24mg of nic for the first month or so, then dropped to 18, now am at 9 and even though I haven't smoked since late 2013, it's hard for me to go lower. Of course each of us are different, so our systems adjusts accordingly.:)

Of course, I'd read later on that no analog will produce 24mg of nic on every draw (if any), it was likely the suggestion of the man who turned me onto vaping stating that 'it was what I needed' that made the 18mg not work. And still, 9mg is a lot, more than in (most) analogs, because e-juice is a more controlled delivery system with a decent setup.

The bottom line being, as some has suggested, is not high quantities of nic, rather what works for you. If that means a bit of chain vaping at low nic, that's fine. You'll consume more e-juice, yet you're more in control. On the other hand, if chain vaping 3mg isn't enough, may want to try 6mg for a spell. The worst that can happen is that at first you may get a 'nicotine high', but can compensate with less vaping, in turn will consume less e-juice. That is, unless you love to vape for the pure flavor, then I suggest to have two different strengths. One for when you want to indulge as much as desired, another for when you need a 'rescue' dosage or when it's inconvenient to chain vape. It's good to be prepared for either situation. the higher strength can be in a less powerful device, such as an eGo style. This will also lessen any negative impacts, such as nicotine highs, or other experiences that you may go through. To this day, I still carry one 12mg tank with me, on the go or not far away at home. It's a dessert flavor to me, not an everyday vape, so treat myself every now & then.

You have a fantastic support group here at ECF, and I congratulate you on taking the first step to shift away from analogs. Keep up the great work, not for me nor anyone else, rather for yourself. As a former 37 year smoker, wished that vaping was an option three decades prior. While I can't rewrite history, can continue to make it, one day at a time, through vaping, the key that freed me from analogs forever!:thumbs:

I believe you'll be just fine, and don't forget, there's many ECF members waiting to assist when in need.:)



Full Member
Jan 23, 2017
London, UK
I vaped 6 mg/ml in a sub-ohm device while still smoking a few filtered roll-ups per day. After quitting the roll-ups I thought it would be easy to switch to 3 mg/ml nicotine after a few weeks, but that's when my chain vaping started. I increased the nicotine again to satisfy the cravings, but have gradually lowered it over the course of a year thanks to DIY.

Like others here, I realised that my cravings were not entirely about the nicotine, but as much to do with the complex cocktail of toxic substances within commercial tobacco. Such cravings were not always easily satisfied by vaping at first, but they did go away. I've just started using 2 mg/ml nicotine with no problems.

I smoked for over three decades and never thought I would quit. You will start to enjoy vaping far more than you enjoyed tobacco. You will win.
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