Vapor King by Vapor4Life and This Forum

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I just ordered my first e cig, a Vapor King by Vapor4Life. I just have one question regarding the mg of nicotine in the cartomizers. I ordered 16mg. I smoke 10-15 camel light analogs per day. Did I order the correct mgs of nicotine for the amount I smoke?

Also just wanted to thank-you everyone involved with this forum.,..including all the posters. If it weren't for this site, I'm not sure I would have gave the e cig a try. I'm a bit of a skeptic, but after reading about the many persons whom successfully replaced smoking with vaping, it inspired me to give it a try.

I'll post again after I try out my Vapor King and share my experience.

All The Best-


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 17, 2009
Hi Michael,
I have had my VK for a week and absolutely love it! It is my first ecig as well. It is so easy to use, hassle free and the different flavors are fun to try.

Not knowing any better, I started with 36mg. Way too strong. The 16mg is perfect for me now, although every once in a while I grab a 24.

I smoked (notice the past tense :)) about the same amount as you and had my last analog this past Saturday. I am completely amazed by how easy it has been. If I get a craving, I just vape a little more. I really think that this is it for me and am so excited to see a life free from analogs forever.

If you haven't already, check out the Vapor 4 life sub-forum!

Good Luck, enjoy and keep us posted!!!



Ultra Member
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Verified Member
Dec 15, 2008
Dundalk,Maryland, USA
as per your Mg question each person is different. consider how you would like to use your E-cig and your daily nic level needed. if you only want to use it little while getting the nic you want. then your need the max closest to nic needed without overdosing or go the other way as low as possible without overdosing.
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