Want2vape - Acid Blondie Cigar

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Vaping Master
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Sep 2, 2010
I think Acid Blondie is their best of all. Actually, the best tobacco vape out there above all thus far

I just got my Acid Blondie a couple of days ago & wow...super smooth and tasty...excellent vape!!!

Thank you Vapenstein, for the review on your website...I trust your taste in liquids.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 29, 2010
As someone who never tried an Acid Blondie cigar, this juice took some getting used to. Really unexpected flavor and I wasn't sure what to think of it at first. Now that I've settled into it, it's really good. But anyone thinking of trying this that isn't familiar with the cigar, just be prepared for something...a little different. Alcazar is just straight up good, though. Rock Star...trying to like it, but I'm starting to have my doubts.


Vaping Master
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Sep 2, 2010
I'm with you on Rock Star, can't do it at all. The RY4 is pretty good. The Campfire Coffee is outstanding. Have you tried the Alcazar and Red Pirate yet??

As someone who never tried an Acid Blondie cigar, this juice took some getting used to. Really unexpected flavor and I wasn't sure what to think of it at first. Now that I've settled into it, it's really good. But anyone thinking of trying this that isn't familiar with the cigar, just be prepared for something...a little different. Alcazar is just straight up good, though. Rock Star...trying to like it, but I'm starting to have my doubts.


Senior Member
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Jan 28, 2011
I did NOT need to read this.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 29, 2010
I'm with you on Rock Star, can't do it at all. The RY4 is pretty good. The Campfire Coffee is outstanding. Have you tried the Alcazar and Red Pirate yet??

Yeah, I have the Alcazar and it's really good. Haven't tried the Red Pirate yet, but that will probably be on my next order. Tell me about the Campfire Coffee. The only coffee-ish juice I've tried was Cappucino from FSUSA. It was okay, but nothing great.


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Sep 2, 2010


Full Member
Apr 10, 2011
Today London will join the ranks w/Blondie

Blondie is my #1 favorite juice these days. It has the most authentic flavor of any of the 60+ juices that I have tried in my 10 months of vaping. I have always liked Acid cigars and the W2V Blondie really nails that flavor. That said, I ordered a bottle of London (and Stockholm) today with rather high expectations.........I hope I will not be disappointed.


Vaping Master
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Sep 2, 2010
Will be no doubt in your mind when you vape London - Pipe tobacco. The Stockholm - topping of anise there, will fade abit as it sits, but one must like a little anise w/smokeless tobacco.

Blondie is my #1 favorite juice these days. It has the most authentic flavor of any of the 60+ juices that I have tried in my 10 months of vaping. I have always liked Acid cigars and the W2V Blondie really nails that flavor. That said, I ordered a bottle of London (and Stockholm) today with rather high expectations.........I hope I will not be disappointed.


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri
Actually, ACID Blondie has been my least favorite among the trio of Blondie, Alcazar, and Red Pirate. Don't get me wrong, Blondie is quite amazing and a stellar achievement in tobacco juices using an extracted base. It's just that the flavor profile is unique and eccentric, enough so to land it far outside the center of the bell curve. Alcazar and Red Pirate are slightly more toward the middle of the "palate flavor" curve.

All the juices I've tried by Donley are superlative. Looking forward to the arrival of my Tabak Especial samplers and yesterday's order of London and Managua. (I'm saving Stockholm for a future delight...).

I understand that the flavor concentrate packs come and go, along with which flavors are offered in single bottles, but I personally have never managed to hit either the want2vape or extremevaping sites at a time when Red Pirate concentrate was offered. Same with Blondie and Alcazar, for that matter. I know they've been for sale in the past, but never when I looked. I would dearly love to have a section of my DIY stash reserved solely for all my faves among Donley's flavors!
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