Wattage Battle

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2015
HI guys,
Currently I am rocking a first generation rDNA40 and an Invader mini. Both work great, but I am starting to be interested in branching out more. I have never used the Yihi chip, but have heard great things about it. So that is what I am looking to try next.
I've been vaping for about a year, and have never seen the need to use more than 35watts. But the few mods I am looking at are the Sigelei 75w tc and the Sig 150w tc. Since the 150 is only ~$30 more I feel like it's the better deal. But I can't imagine a time I'd use that much power. The only real benefit I see is the extra battery life.

What I'm asking is a) what are your experiences with either mod. and b) what benefits would the extra 75 watts serve?

I never mess with fancy coils, and I generally use tank systems anyway.


Vaping Master
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Jan 12, 2014
Probably nothing. This forum is primarily a site for hobbyists and socializing on vaping. But, there is a largely quiet crowd that just wants to stay away from cigs and to reduce their nic habit/consumption. That is easily done with 10-20 watts and a tank.

You mentioned rDNA40s, I have two because of the quality chip inside, but I rarely go above 20-22 watts.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2015
I am a hobbyist in the sense that I love to build my own coils and find great flavors, but I am not interested in chucking clouds. I do sub-ohm with nickel, but I still haven't needed more than 25 watts for my style.

That said, I do love the DNA40. Before finding out about the Sigelei's I was seriously looking into the Vapor Flask, but I don't know anyone with it, so I can't tell if the screen on top would drive me crazy lighting up every time I fired it, and I don't want to have to put in stealth mode all the time.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • May 31, 2015
    Oregon, USA
    Humm.... to much paycheck starting to eat a hole?

    Outside of different size/shape/menu/color some of the higher wattage devices use two 18650's rather than just a single one which may equate (depending on how you use it) to longer use time between charges.

    I'd suggest finding a local shop that carries the mod's that your interested in and checking them out 1st hand. That is what helped steer my last mod purchasing decision.


    Senior Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 26, 2015
    Not so much burning. I have been rocking the VS DNA40 since last November, and absolutely love it. I tried mechs for a few weeks, and I used my Invader mini for a few weeks, and I always want to go back to the VS.
    What's been peeking my interest is that so many companies are coming out with temp control devices that I want to see what the hype is with them. And SX seems to have gotten great reviews. I absolutely can't afford the SX mini M class, but he Sig also uses SX chips, so I figured that would be a good way to check it out
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