What's in your GG stable?

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Nov 4, 2010
Without even really noticing my GG collection seems to be growing!
Here's what I've got GG so far.

1. Nickel GGTB
3. GGTS #3473
4. GGTS # 3091
5. 2ea Penelope's
6. Odysseus
7. Ithaka on pre-order.

My Ody permanently lives on one of the GGTS, and the Ithika will live on the other, I love the looks of the Penelope on the GGTB's.
I never leave the house without my GG!!

I'm excited for the new GG Adapter I'll be picking up a few of those hopefully if I can!
I'll also try and get my hands on at least one Achilles when they are available too!!
I'm also a bit disappointed I missed out on the UFS pre-sale, will they be going back up at some point?
What does everyone else have in their collections?

Thanks for such amazing products and wonderful support Imeo!!
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Feb 18, 2012
United States
sigh - just an Odysseus v2 right now. Am getting an Ithaka when they are out as well, which I'm very excited about. I really want a GGTS (maybe with the Stealth cap?), might be able to buy one soon if I can just find one for sale!

I think after I get a GGTS I will be all set (who am I kidding, I'll probably keep buying more GG products!)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2009
Athens, Hellas
I thank you too for your nice words link:):)

Great collection and I wish you more of it buddy!
Without even really noticing my GG collection seems to be growing!
Here's what I've got GG so far.

1. Nickel GGTB
3. GGTS #3473
4. GGTS # 3091
5. 2ea Penelope's
6. Odysseus
7. Ithaka on pre-order.

My Ody permanently lives on one of the GGTS, and the Ithika will live on the other, I love the looks of the Penelope on the GGTB's.
I never leave the house without my GG!!

I'm excited for the new GG Adapter I'll be picking up a few of those hopefully if I can!
I'll also try and get my hands on at least one Achilles when they are available too!![h=3]I'm also a bit disappointed I missed out on the AVS pre-sale, will they be going back up at some point?[/h]
What does everyone else have in their collections?

Thanks for such amazing products and wonderful support Imeo!!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2009
Athens, Hellas
I too hope that Ithaka will be the ultimate atomizer sub!
sigh - just an Odysseus v2 right now. Am getting an Ithaka when they are out as well, which I'm very excited about. I really want a GGTS (maybe with the Stealth cap?), might be able to buy one soon if I can just find one for sale!

I think after I get a GGTS I will be all set (who am I kidding, I'll probably keep buying more GG products!)


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May 14, 2011
Hi guys:

I have a SS GGTS + UFS, one Odysseus and one Ithaka on the preorder, vaping happily since I got my hands on the GGTS + UFS, and I think I need more GG stuff to keep my collection growing, so I hope that in the next days I will check the sellers web pages to see if it's possible to buy more GG equipment.

I am looking forward to the Achilles preorder and I am hoping this preorder will be soon enough and we will start vaping with it.



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Jun 1, 2012
I'm obsessed with GG products and have an ongoing struggle with balancing desire and practicality :laugh:

I'm looking forward to the 510 adapter too! it'll be nice to easily move an atty from the 4 in 1 or stealth cap to the air control without having to use a combo of chinese adapters.

My stable currently houses
GGTB Woodie - iAtty(on the list for 2 more Woodies)
GGTB Brass (tube only, need me some parts) - waiting on iAtty #2
GGTB SS (tube only,)
GGTS Nickel - waiting on Ithaka
GGTS SS brushed/polished- Ody in medium mode with TS base
GGTS SS with brass telescope/bottom cap/button/4 in 1 cap - Penelope and Ody drip , waiting on Ithaka
GGTS Brass with SS telescope/bottom cap/button/4 in 1 cap - waiting on Ithaka (rethreader rings coming so I can make either one of these a stealth)
I never leave home without mine either. My Ody setup goes with me everywhere...sometimes in 18350 mode but mostly in 18500. My TB Woodie and iAtty also travel with me frequently. Can't wait for Ithaka deliveries...really looking forward to a new vaping tool! GG stuff ROCKS!


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Sep 3, 2012
Suburbs, IL
Only 2 or 3 weeks with GG stuff.

1 penelope
1 Ody V2 (with full mode option)
1 Ody V1 with V2 rebuildable
1 Ithaka on preorder.

These have become my main devices. Leak free, pocket friendly, easy to rebuild and/or dry burn.

Now, I have said it a lot already in these 3 weeks, I have to not buy any more haha. I keep looking and/or thinking maybe any ody or peny, or maybe I should have ordered 2 ithakas. Why o why :vapor:

EDIT: Also would LOVE to hear more about the VIR. Would love a GG pv, and really like variable voltage. Maybe in just a date of when?????


Vaping Master
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Feb 15, 2010
Guadalajara, México
Before BossplayaVinny come and crush our GG collections :laugh:

My little but very loved GG collection is:

1 iAtty (it was my first GG device, responsible for becoming infected with the GG virus), it has the GGTS base.
1 ss GGTS with brass accents (it was very difficult to get it, bought it in COV and a friend that traveled to USA brought it, it stills brand new) It has brass connections.
1 Odysseus V1 (with the expansion pack and GGTS base), it is one of my very special devices, it is with me all the time.
1 Stealth (SS) with brass accents (It has brass connections)
2 Penelopes, one of the two is a very special one :) (originally I bought 2 from the reserved list, but they got lost by the postal service)
1 ss GGTS (started with the engraved tube and bought the parts little by little. My other every day device). It has brass connections.
1 Stealth (Brass) with ss accents (started with the engraved tube and completed with parts I had and other that I bought). It has brass connections.
1 Odysseus V2 ceramic assembly to use with the Odysseus dripping mode that came with the expansion kit.
1 UFS (on its way) I got it from RiverNut, he was very kind in offering it to me, brand new and below its original price, it was a gift.
1 Ithaka (currently under construction :D )
Hopefully 2 Proteus (currently under construction :D )
1 Achilles (currently under construction :D )
2 or more VIRs (currently it is a mystery) :D
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Senior Member
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Nov 4, 2010
I love hearing what everyone has!

I'm leaving to go to Florida tomorrow early in the morning so I just finished rebuilding my Ody, and a Penelope so they are fresh while I'm gone.

It was so nice to pack a few ready made wires and some wick and know that if I have to rebuild its easy and doesn't take as much room as a bunch of cartos hehe

I love my gf stuff the ody v2 w/base Ony ggts and Penelope's I use everyday and would feel lost without them.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2009
Athens, Hellas
yes Malig. But I dont speak about it right now, its only in my mind, so I dont have any real info to give you:)
did i read that right or im reading this wrong?

an actual electronic part inside an atomizer?

you never stop suprising evryone imeo, i cant wait to see the first electronic atomizer :D


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2009
Athens, Hellas
Great collection Hk my new friend, welcome to GG forum:)
I dont really know if I will make those caps again but when I will make spares again I may include those caps too
Didn't realize I had as much as I do

GGTB aluminum w/901 cap
Ody v2
Ody v1 upgraded to v2
Penelope x2
Ody drip mode
Stealth on the way
Ithaka on pre order

Will you be making anymore GGTB 510 caps? Been trying to get my hands on one but everyone loves theirs too much to let go...great stuff u make!
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