What's On Ms T's Mind

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Trippy Tip Hoarder
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Nov 11, 2009
*The Swamp*
LOL You would think since they are retired they have all the time in the world, but to see them drive you would never know it! Of course you really cant' go fast anyway, too much traffic. Takes twice the amount of time to get anywhere in the winter then it does in the summer.

And they don't use their turn signals either!:evil:


14 years and counting
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  • Jan 1, 2010
    Some of you were probably laughing at me when I moved to Fl many years ago (for a short time). After a couple weeks, I noticed everyone's car had a bra. I asked someone why and they laughed, rubbed a few lovebugs off my black, almost new car and I KNEW. Black speckled paint, hmmm.


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Feb 12, 2010
    Sheesh, the biggest driving obstacle where I live is Amish buggies. Especially since most of the roads they travel on are two lanes with no shoulder on either side. You'll come around a bend and find a row of seven or eight cars going about 15 MPH, and you just start craning your neck to see the buggy that's up in front of it all!


    Unregistered Supplier
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 17, 2009
    Boothbay Harbor Maine
    OK Here is what's on Ms T's mind today! Restaurants! Now I know we all have to work and a lot of us work in Restaurants as waiters and waitresses! But! yeah a big ....! or shall i say dupa! LMAOO Anywho! Let me tell you. I am all about giving a tip and I give good ones usually 15%! But let's talk about this "tip" I feel that you should only deserve a tip when that waiter/waitresses does everything to make your sit down a pleasant one. But when the "waitress" decides to make your sit down an unpleasant one! I refuse to give a tip! Restaurants are not cheap around here so when I am paying over $100 for a meal (4 of us) I want that waitress to ask me how i am doing and whatever it takes to make us happy! This chick we had today was the most unpleasant person i met in a long time! She talked to us like we pop in at her house while she was watching her favorite movie...you know the ones LMAOOO... When our meal was finally served they forgot one of my kids! Not a big deal but we (me and hubby) waited to eat until he had his.....so we had cold food. They (son and hubby) asked for medium rare (YUCK BTW) they got well done! And the waitress didn't even ask if it was ok. Hubby wasn't happy bout that! And she was so rude! I was watcher her and her buddy at the counter talkin and laughing while we waited for the check. $110 dollars later they expect me to give a tip! Welp! Ms T stuck to her guns and said NO WAY! Sorry Chick! I know it might sound mean an Hope y'all don't think i am a *B* but for that amount of money and to get a mean old bat (she was actually in her 20's) and food that wasn't right. She didn't deserve it!

    That is what's on Ms T's mind today! LMAOOOO

    Smooches To Ya
    Ms T


    Ultra Member
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    Mar 21, 2009
    Nor'Eastern PA
    My wife has been a professional waitress for almost 45 years. This means she's made a living from this all of her adult life. Now, I pride myself on my objectivity, and I state unequivocally that she is outstanding in her job. She works for one of the premier Italian restaurants in our area, whose employees pool their tips. Her biggest gripe is the what she calls "the young, snot-noses" that drag down her income and perceived reputation. This new breed apparently takes their employment as merely temporary, biding time until "something else" comes along. I agree with your condemnation of poor service, but to make your displeasure more obvious, next time, leave a 25¢ tip. This drives the point home more forcibly. On the other hand, if service was exemplary, leave 20%. Don't be such a cheapskate.


    Full Member
    Jun 6, 2010
    I make it a point to leave a 20% tip when the waiter/waitress is attentive(refilling drinks before their empty and such), and making sure everything is satisfactory. I also make it a point to simply round up to the nearest dollar when I get one of these people that Ms. T mentioned.

    Too many young people in the business *expect* a tip, regardless of how poorly they treat you. I understand having a bad day, or being busy, but if I treated customers in my field(network security) the way some of these people act towards me, I'd be out of a job. I get no tips if I'm exceptionally nice and helpful doing what I do, it's EXPECTED of me.
    Professionalism is just lost on some people I suppose.


    Unregistered Supplier
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 17, 2009
    Boothbay Harbor Maine
    Here are some things to ponder
    Where are the germs that cause good breath?
    Why do old men wear their pants higher than young men do?
    Why does unscented hairspray smell?
    How do they get deer to cross at the yellow sign?
    Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?
    How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?
    Things to do when bored.
    Put your garbage can on your desk and label it "IN."
    Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.






    Unregistered Supplier
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 17, 2009
    Boothbay Harbor Maine
    This is what's on Ms T's mind today!

    I was doing some thinking! I want to personally Thank Each and Every Customer of mine that has been taking care of the new customers here on my board! Y'all have been keeping me pretty busy and I don't have time to reply to customers here on the board as fast as I wish I could. I do have an assistant (Smooches To You! Can't do this without you!) that takes care of the emails and facebook messages that come in, so those get answered pretty quickly!

    Even though the orders are plenty I have still managed to get your orders out the day after you place your order. So I hope that answers some of the questions others have asked.

    One other thing I want to mention! I just want to help y'all in any way I possibly can to stop smoking! I Love what I do! The bonus for me is that I am getting paid to do what I love! So if you have any questions please feel free to call, email or even text me! I am always here to help in any way I can!

    Lastly! I am proud of each and every one of you for smoking (analog) less each day! Don't be mad at yourself if you smoke a regular cig in that day! That just means you may need to go a little higher on your nic level! I always tell my customers if you are just starting and you smoke more than a pack a day you need to start at my Medium nic or if you think you need it go to the High! Just always remember you can pick up the telephone and gimme a call. I will help in anyway I can! 207-350-4083

    Smooches To Y'all!
    Ms T

    PS I have some kind of disease! Excessive amounts of flavoring creating! LOL The testing area is filling up! Sorry bout that .......but I can't help myself LMAOOOOO


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 4, 2010
    Southeast Texas
    Know always how much you are loved & appreciated! You have given us the choice of life, instead of a slow miserable death. What a precious gift! You go over and above what you have to for all of us. Your boxes are like a little package of sunshine. All the little extras you put into the work, all the time and care you take, your amazing skills... all the love you stuff into each breathful really does take seed, and grow. What better purpose is there for a life, than to grow love?
    May your business be blessed & bountiful. may your heart be full and light, and may you sleep well at night.

    Much Love & smooches to you.


    Unregistered Supplier
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 17, 2009
    Boothbay Harbor Maine
    I will call it flavorease. And don't you go finding no cure now, ya hear.

    I really don't think there is a cure...if there is....DON'T TELL ME!! LOL

    Know always how much you are loved & appreciated! You have given us the choice of life, instead of a slow miserable death. What a precious gift! You go over and above what you have to for all of us. Your boxes are like a little package of sunshine. All the little extras you put into the work, all the time and care you take, your amazing skills... all the love you stuff into each breathful really does take seed, and grow. What better purpose is there for a life, than to grow love?
    May your business be blessed & bountiful. may your heart be full and light, and may you sleep well at night.

    Much Love & smooches to you.

    This was so beautiful that it almost needs to be on a greeting card. You brought a tear to my eye! Thank You So Much for the wonderful words!

    Smooches To Ya!
    Ms T


    Unregistered Supplier
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 17, 2009
    Boothbay Harbor Maine
    Alrighty here I go LOL

    Although some of the juices are great right as you get them and some seems to need to "steep". I feel it is really up to your tastes buds. I mix mine and vape them directly after. All to me.... seem great (except bacon LMAOOO)! Now here is the best part. If you are vaping lets say my butterscotch pudding (cause I love it so much) and you are vaping it all day. By the end of the day you think "man where did that flavor go that I had this morning?" Well the reason for that is cause your taste buds are getting used to the flavor. Like that cup of coffee you drink for hours and by the time you get to the end it tastes like.....well you know LMAOOOOO

    Tastes buds are a funny thing. You can like something one day and the next you are on to something completely different or the favorite vape just don't taste like it used to. I recommend mixing up the flavors a bit. Give your tastes buds a break from your favorite vape. Or do what I do... y'all gonna think i am silly or crazy but i have been mixin my butterscotch pudding with my mirror blueberry and even butterscotch pudding with Ms T's Juicy Gum and Min Tee... No kidding and it is really good...sorta tastes like a mint choc, butterscotch for a fruit kick!

    All in a nut shell! If you don't like something right when you get it, give it another go a couple days later and if you still don't like it ....then you don't like it LOL.

    Just remember that ...just because you love "Chocolate and Peanut Butter" in real life doesn't mean you will like to vape it! They are so completely different when it comes to vaping! But trust me I am still working on that "Perfect Chocolate". Oh and just because you like bacon in real life...Doesn't mean it is a good vape either LMAOOOOOO.... But since I don't like bacon I try to mix it with something that I can vape too. So that means it will be good.

    As far as storage! If you are not using that day I would put in the fridge. They will keep longer. When you are ready to use one that has been in the fridge. I recommend letting it come to room temperature before you use it (out of direct sunlight and cool dry place). Right out of the fridge it will be thick and you won't be able to shake it up correctly. So give it about an hour or so and then resume dripping as usual LOL

    I keep my mixing office very cold (like a meat locker..as hubby puts it LOL) no matter what time of year. So I know the flavoring will stay fresh for sure LOL.... I also create your order when I put it into Baking status so that will give you an idea when it is created.

    REMEMBER TO ALWAYS SHAKE YOUR BOTTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if you don't like something let me know or there is a Trading thread here I recommend you use. Y'all know I won't leave you with something you don't like! Ms T's Bakery is not like that at all! That is why I also recommend purchasing the 6ml of a flavor you haven't already tested. Don't by big until you are sure it is a flavor you are going to like LMAOOOO

    Hope this helps
    Smooches TO Y'ALL
    Ms T
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