whats the powerful e-cig out there?

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Full Member
Apr 9, 2010
at my house
hello everyone, I am new to the scene and i am looking to try my first cig. I have been a heavy smoker for 6 years now and I am currently smoking those cheap native american cigarettes from online. But obama just signed the PACT bill that prevent shipping cheap cigarettes from online. The bill comes in effect in 80 days and I started to do research on other alternatives thats when I first found about E-cig and got me really interested because of the benefits.

I am looking for a powerful E Cig. Something with tons of vabor or atleast has the same experience of analogs, an good battery life and a strong punch to relieve my stress lol. I don’t care what it looks like, I just want to strongest one out there. Any sugguestants? Thanks in advance.


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Aug 22, 2009
Toronto, Canada
You've answered your question somewhat by stating you need a kit with a USB passthru. It's something that allows you to vape all day without wearing down a battery.

Which one is the best?

Everyone has an answer for you, and they will all be somewhat different.

Most new users venture into e-cigs with either a 510 3 piece model or a 2 piece kr808 model. You can get kits for these that include USB passthrus.

Feel free to check those out on the forums. It's a place to start anyhow.




Vaping Master
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Aug 22, 2009
Toronto, Canada
"strong" is subjective.

If you want true kick, you won't find them in a model that looks exactly like an analog. You'd have to bump up to a 6v mod, and that will provide the BIG hit.

I have 6v, and to be honest, I don't enjoy taking two second hits off of it.

However, the one that I can recommend personally is THE CHAMELEON by IkenVape.

Not only does it run at 6v if you want it to, but it can also run at a more comfortable 3.7v (he also carrys the new low ohm atomizers). It also comes STANDARD with adapters for the 510, 801 and 901, thus allowing you to vape pretty much whatever you want.

Don't worry if you don't find what you want your first time out. If I listed the devices that I own, I would probably start crying.


Full Member
Mar 5, 2010
As for kits, yes the 510 or 808 are your best options. I started with a 510 and quickly realized that without a mod i wasn't going to be happy. I differ from most people in that i don't recommend starting with a kit because i may not do it for you and you quickly get discouraged. For me, im using the Janty eGo which has a nice big battery that lasts all day, no need for a passthru and the batteries charge in under 2 hours. I use this in conjunction with a low resistance atomizer from Nhaler. I was a heavy smoker, an im an even heavier vaper, and i can go all day on one battery, almost never set it down, and those atomizers pack a punch.

I know you say you want a kit, but trust me, they just dont cut it for us heavy smokers. I wasted $100 in useless kits within my first 30 days vaping, and i was still on analogs.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2009
Delhi, LA USA
If you want something that provides more vapor and stronger throat hit then I would just bypass 510 and similar ecigs. Just go ahead and get a mod. I prefer the super 6. You can vape either 3.7 or 6.0 with only a change in battery. It looks great and is one of the smallest mod on the market. I have had several other mods and this is my favorite.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2010
For me the "punch" has a lot to do with the juice. Cheap juices are just lacking something. I have heard the Attomic Cinamide is awesome on that. I use Viking Vapor's Unfiltered and it hits well, particularly in the coffee.
510 atty with a 3.7 or 5v pass through would work great and is super cheap. I have heard the eGo is awesome too though. Personally I just ordered a SB for the 3.7-6v option because of the adjustability and battery life.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
NW Ohio
there are ones that use USB cables...

I'd say a model that uses a joye 510 atty (and the joye part is important as there are knock offs that don't produce as well) as that will deliver on that "tons of vapor"
but you'd want something other than a standard stock battery...

So I'd say look at the eGo or Tornado models for long battery life (upwards of 6-7hours per battery charge vs an hour maybe on a standard battery)...

Since you said you don't care what it looks like though...I'd suggest looking at a bartleby (do a search for it here) which is a box mod made and sold by one of the members here...it uses a 14500 rechargeable battery..and incorporates USB recharging so you can use the cable to recharge or use it as a Passthrough... I think that would really be your winner...with some fairly high nic content juice..

EDIT: you'll get tons of answers...but there are several ways to get more vapor...and to really explain most of it requires alot of math...short answer is factoring in all things (like the fact that standard joye batteries (both stock and eGo/Tornado) are really 3.1V versus a true 3.7V...but that joye 510 atties are the lowest Ω so provide the most heat and therefore the most vapor out of the box) ...again I think that as far as optimizing things again the bartleby (which also incorporates your desire for a cable for around the house) with a low resistance atomizer would be about optimal (it actually produces better than a High voltage atty at 6V)...*sigh* if you really want to see the math explaining it, I can give it to you....but it can actually be a fantasticly boring read..
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Hagbard Jones

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2010
Your question CAN NOT BE ANSWERED AS IS.......the e-cig experience is made up of MUCH MUCH more then just what brand you pick up. I was told by an experienced Vapor smoker of many years to start with a single model type as a general starting point "Not a Brand" just a model, I went 510. He told me to make them a little different to keep track of them. This is what he told me step for step.

1.)Pick a model, stick with it, hone your Vaping skills on that model.

2.)Learn the basics of PG/VG and other Atomizer liquids. Different liquids can make a huge difference in e-liquid. He told me where to buy small sample bottles of PG/VG mixtures in unflavored bottles to truly see what the throat hit was from the PG/VG.

I got mixes from 100% PG all the way down to 20% PG in unflavored 3.1ml samples.

3.) Don't change flavors on the same atomizers. ( Nicotine levels and different PG/VG levels are fine but he said flavor components gum up the atomizers)

4.) Don't clean your atomizer, don't let it go dry and if you put too much juice on the bridge quickly flip it over shake it hard and then quick puff it a few times to burn off the excess.
(He said following steps 3 and 4 he has used the same atomizers for close to 3 years.)

5.) Use a pass-thru when ever you can, it is more consistent.

6.) Have fun, experiment after your fully committed so you don't drive yourself back to analogs because you flip flopped so much.

You could always just get the cheapest e-cig you can find and get a custom e-juice that will produce the vapor and throat hit that you want. Just changing between models will never truly teach you the skills of figuring out what you like. I have had 100% PG that has made my eyes water from TH and I have had 80% VG that has done the same thing in a different flavor. There is no right or wrong answer here.

How does anyone ever truly know what the best item is?
Trial and error.
Would you ask someone what the best soda is for you to drink?
No probably not.
What I would do as it is what I did, pick a dollar amount that you are willing to spend and CAP IT..........then you can pick expensive and get a few items or you can go cheaper and get more. I have seen tons of different models other people have. Model types are all different in a way.
Not brands but models, cross check brands here to see what types are the same model.

I have seen a true 100% difference in one model. The 601 is a pipe it will choke you. I have never been a pipe smoker or desired to be, until I tried a friends over the weekend. Now it is my Fathers day request.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 27, 2009
yes but trial and error is expensive and it would be nice to save someone else those costs.

Voltage is more important to simulating the analog than juice.
I would get a 3.7 box mod with low ohm atomizers and a 5v box mod with regular atomizers. 510 atomizers have the longest vaping life. Box mods are preferred over tube mods because they are readily availble in stock and usually cost less.

Thick juices and juices from specialty shops taste best in these, cheap juices still vape big clouds but they have a weak taste.

I recomned tastyvapor for juice and ecigmods.com, and indyvaporshop.com for the box mods.

Hagbard Jones

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2010
yes but trial and error is expensive and it would be nice to save someone else those costs.

What brand of analogs did you used to smoke?

I smoked Marlboro lights and Camel Reds only for the entire life of my smoking analog habit.

I would tell you til I was blue in the face that every other brand was complete TRASH.

E-cigs are not like that. You can not base usage, pleasure, flavor, vapor, battery life or a long list of points down to a model or make for all users. Every single person is different. Different people are at different stages of life and use e-cigs for different reasons, want different effects from them and WILL use them completely different so they will all get different results from the very same models. i know inhaling from an e-cig is 100% a different motion and method for me then the one I used while I smoked analogs. Once I figured out how to USE the e-cig I bought I got a lot of pleasure from it.

There is a guy in my office that can get a thicker vapor ring with a MED Menthol Blu pre filled cart then I can with a 50/50 PG/VG direct drip.

As far as we can tell the only difference between us is the way we inhale. I as a former smoker had to learn how to re inhale, he started vaping to get away from Snuff and never was a smoker at all.

So explain that difference when recommending a make or model to another user.

So how at all could what works best for you be best for me? I can't even get a brand new Blu cart with battery at full charge to give me an 1/8 of the smoke I can get with a 510???


Ultra Member
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Feb 28, 2010
Northern San Diego county
It becomes obvious that all your questions are subjective. You can find many opinions on this public forum. You'll find alot of good understanding from other members experiences. We were all newbies at one time or another. I have spent over $500 to find my current preference (the Tornado from Totally Wicked or the EGO from Janty - they are the same thing).

So, you'll just have to give something a try. This will create your baseline for further purchases. I suggest a disposible 510 for about $10 to see if it something to pursue further. Not everyone becomes an instant convert to e-cigarettes (I don't know why though). It is a different way of smoking than you are used to. There is some technic involved. And of course the gear costs. No standard parts will last forever, and you'll have ongoing costs. But in the long run it could cost less and be the more healthful choice over butts.

:cool: Hope this helps.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 27, 2009
What brand of analogs did you used to smoke?

I smoked Marlboro lights and Camel Reds only for the entire life of my smoking analog habit.

I would tell you til I was blue in the face that every other brand was complete TRASH.

E-cigs are not like that. You can not base usage, pleasure, flavor, vapor, battery life or a long list of points down to a model or make for all users. Every single person is different. Different people are at different stages of life and use e-cigs for different reasons, want different effects from them and WILL use them completely different so they will all get different results from the very same models. i know inhaling from an e-cig is 100% a different motion and method for me then the one I used while I smoked analogs. Once I figured out how to USE the e-cig I bought I got a lot of pleasure from it.

There is a guy in my office that can get a thicker vapor ring with a MED Menthol Blu pre filled cart then I can with a 50/50 PG/VG direct drip.

As far as we can tell the only difference between us is the way we inhale. I as a former smoker had to learn how to re inhale, he started vaping to get away from Snuff and never was a smoker at all.

So explain that difference when recommending a make or model to another user.

So how at all could what works best for you be best for me? I can't even get a brand new Blu cart with battery at full charge to give me an 1/8 of the smoke I can get with a 510???

The high voltage ecigs you only have to take a short inhale like an analog and get alot of vapor. With a blu you can get good vapor, but you'll be inhaling 10 seconds plus. The thick flavorful juice burned at that higher temperature is the closest to the lung hit and throat hit to an analog. And the thickness of the vapor on the exhale most resembles analog smoke.

I've had an M602, 902, revolver gemini, and juice box and have spent over 1500 to hit that sweet spot. It doesn't sound like you've tried high voltage yet.

ymmv but imho high voltage is what you want if you 're looking for the strongest ecig. with a box mod you don't need a PCC, you don't need a passthrough cause the batts last all day. With a normal 510 your screwing and unscrewing batteries all day. And thats not like smoking analogs at all.
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