Where to get e-juice with nicotine in Canada?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2013
Abbotsford, B.C. Canada
I'm a newbie and just got my kit and nic juice from Canvape, thanks to Vapoor eyes er's recommendation. I would be really frightened
of buying nic juice from China, it might have anything in it. Hopefully what I got from Canvape isn't originally from China. I did a little research and nic juice isn't illegal in Canada as long as you don't make any health claims or advertise it as a stop smoking aid. I believe the
powers that be are hoping to intimidate people as they don't get the big Tax dollars from it. As for customs, they are a law unto themselves, again no big tax dollars. Anyway I got a great deal from Canvape and fast shipping......just saying!
Hey I always get my Juice from E-Cigs (Electronic Cigarettes) Canada British Columbia Vancouver Island Victoria BC
They have JUICY CLEAR my fave stuff made in North America, doesn't gum up atomizers like other's I tried, but they have other brands also and some hardware. Northern Vapor also has juice but mostly Chinese stuff I believe.

Premium Electronic Cigarettes | Electronic Cigz | Electronic Cigarettes Canada USA is great for Janty Hardware and the owner is always helpful and has warranties when parts die too soon and he always honors them trouble free.

Was in the process of placing an order with a Canadian E-Liquid supplier thought I should search for any coupon codes that I've noticed before when reading the posts ...
I'm looking at the checkout ... and thinking it would be nice if I found the information as I did for another supplier ... a nice discount that helps cover the taxes or shipping cost is always nice ... :toast:
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