Which ProVari or Mod should I purchase today?

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ECF Guru
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Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
they have a price list on their website I found it to be reasonable it beats throwing your PV away because it came from china and the 90 day warranty is up

My first VW model PV came with a 2 year warrantly at no extra charge and still works flawlessly. Nothing wrong with a Provari except them charging extra for a full 2 year warranty.


ECF Guru
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  • Aug 13, 2011
    The SB might be a dinosaur, but it is still one of the most reliable PV's ever made. I have no idea what your issue is with yours, I'll let altsmoke sort that out. The most common problem however is to have pushed the center post down. Heads like the Vivi Nova are notorious for doing that. Problems with the ground spring on the Kick is a known issue, that's why altsmoke makes a sleeve to put it in so that you won't have to mess with it every time you swap out batteries. So, most of the time, problems with that setup are 'self inflicted', and you can't blame the SB, or altsmoke, if that is the case.

    IMO there are three PV's that have stood the test of time, and stand head & shoulders above the rest. The SB from altsmoke.com, the Provari, from provape.com, and the Reo from reosmods.com. I've tried the rest, but those three are the best.


    Senior Member
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    Apr 14, 2013
    Nibiru (Planet X)
    When I get around to affording a silver bullet I'll get the white one with black button, probably from alt smoke. then in the order comments I'm going to write; Blame baditude @ ecf

    I've seen images posted by my friend so many times I really just wanna hold one for a day or two or three..


    This! Haha this should have been in my comments when I ordered my Provari mini.


    Full Member
    May 28, 2013
    Katy, TX
    Well I just found out what the problem is with my SB! The center post insulator o-ring has fallen out of the center post of my SB and caused the mod to fail when fired! How did it fall out? Who knows? Maybe I over tightened it and messed it up or it was possibly defective in the first place and would have eventually failed anyways. I will definitely be more careful when putting it together in the future once it gets fixed.

    Even though this situation has seriously railroaded my attempt to quit smoking and frustrated the hell out of me trying to figure out what's wrong with my mod, I have to give props to Altsmoke for being so cool about fixing it for me. All I have to do now is send it in and wait for them to fix it and return it. So as of now Altsmoke is definitely a A+++ vendor in my opinion. Sure I bought a mod that broke in a little over a week but .... happens. This is most likely my fault as well even though I thought I knew how to properly use it. Being very careful when connecting the atty/cartos will be top priority once I get it back. They should have an instruction sheet that comes with the SB to warn against this! Maybe the manufacturer will consider writing one? Hopefully this doesn't happen to me again for a long, long time!!! lol. Next time I guess paying for the repair is most likely and I wouldn't have a problem with it as long as it's not too ridiculously priced considering what needs to get fixed. The SB + kick is definitely one of the best vapes I've ever had when it works! I still need to buy another mod as a backup! I want to vape now!!! lol

    Anyways, I feel a lot better about the situation. Thanks for trying to help everyone!!! As for the my next mod! I've already decided on a ProVari! You just can't beat the warranty it comes with! In my opinion ProVape is the most professional vendor site I've visited to buy from. The guarantee they provide with their products seems to be top notch and I don't have to think twice about wanting to be their customer! I'm sold!!!


    Vaping Master
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    Mar 22, 2013
    Las Vegas/San Francisco
    Good deal, Anurak. Owning 2 ProVari Minis, I can say that the ProVari will serve you quite well.

    I have a Sig Zmax Tele, as a regulated back-up device. The Sig Zmax does everything a good PV should. However, its $60.00 price point also reflects upon its quality of build execution.

    Today's Vaping industry is perfect across the board, as it is relative to everything else. For some, the quality of build is not an issue. For some, it is important. There is something for everyone.

    - Andy


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 8, 2012
    Ridgeway, Ohio
    yzer said:
    The SB is a dinosaur.
    That simply is not true at all. I take offense to the negative comment. The SB is simply a great mod that has stood the test of time, and is nearly as popular today as in it's heyday. With the resurgance in the popularity of mechanical mods due to the Kick and RBA's, the Silver Bullet works as well with those as any other battery device that you could put against it. And the fact that it is made in the US and can be serviced by a American company means you will get excellent customer service and repair should you need it.

    To the original poster, Chad @ AltSmoke will get your SB up and running in no time to your satisfaction.
    When I get around to affording a silver bullet I'll get the white one with black button, probably from alt smoke. then in the order comments I'm going to write; Blame baditude @ ecf

    I've seen images posted by my friend so many times I really just wanna hold one for a day or two or three..
    Silver Bullet with AGA T2.jpg Family2.jpg Bella-Phin-Frog.jpg


    You will not be disappointed with a Provari, mini or regular size.

    AGA T2 on Provari's.jpg
    Last edited:


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Mar 19, 2013
    Three Provari is best. A standard sized one running on 18650, another on 18490, and a mini on 18350. With matching tanks :) The different heights will remind you which juice is which. :)

    They should be all setting on the desk together. Lined up as you rotate your vape all around. With three of them loaded you might not even have to change batteries before the day is over. :p

    Bill's Magic Vapor

    Vaping Master
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    Feb 8, 2013
    If you try to jump from an ego or defective silver bullet to a provari, you will miss a whole lot of innovation between those two points, which is where all the innovation lies. I have two provari's and they are rock solid reliable. However, they are far from my favorites. Personally, I do like variable power, in spite of the fact that you can vape without it. I like ego threading, and love my evods and NEW Kangers MT3s'. I love the display on the eVic, by far the best in the vape world (version 1.2 or higher), though I don't use all of the features on it (it did lack durabililty, we'll have to see if the two screws at the top stop it from falling apart when dropped). Was my favorite mod until I killed two on my granite counter top. Someone mentioned the new iTaste V3's. Ordered two today. They have everything I want in a small form factor, the only negative being long battery life. The Sigelei V3 telescoping mod is my favorite mod now having the best of both worlds, i.e., large or small, short or long battery life, OLED display, single tube only required, excellent quality, very good price (the kit is less than half the cost of either of my two provari's), etc.

    Seriously, if you haven't tried variable wattage, or as my wife says, "set it and forget it," you may be missing out. If you want to know what all the hype is about, get the Provari. I did and now I know. Wouldn't trade that for anything, but personally I have requirements and features that the Provari is missing. You can't beat it's quality, durability, accuracy, or warranty. However, there's many mods that are quality products, both durable and accurate, that also have the features I like. Some call them bells and whistles. So what? I like them, many others do to. Anyway, look at other models. The Sigelei line, the Innokin line and several others. Figure out what is important to you, your budget and then you can narrow it down to plenty of good choices. Try to stay away from the Clones, for the most part. I would get a Sigelei before I would get a Vamo. I like the Anyvape CVI V1 also. Enjoy the journey. The gear is a big part of the journey, and keep vaping. Welcome to ECF!


    Vaping Master
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    Oct 10, 2012
    Lancaster, Pa
    Being super comfortable with the right battery, delivery device, and juice for you is what it's all about folks. Then when you factor in the adaptation you'll endure from changing to a nicotine delivery system instead of carcinogenic nicotine delivery system. Fair to say it's as unique as our fingerprints.



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    Portland, Oregon
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    Full Member
    May 28, 2013
    Katy, TX
    Yes that's what I'm really liking about Provape and the Provari. The simple fact that it can be warranted for 2 years and small repair fees if needed really makes the purchase, as pricey as it is, comforting! I haven't purchased anything yet as a backup but I can see a Provari in my lineup very soon. I did some research on the Seiglei Vmax V3 and I could see myself purchasing that one as well since it's very reasonably priced. So many great looking mods out there I'd like to try out! Who knows? Maybe a few years from now I'll own 4 or 5 different mods once I finally quit smoking.

    Well I sent off my SB to Chad today to get the center post insulator fixed. I did some more research on this problem and it seems like it's a pretty common issue with the SB. Not too big of a deal since it's an easy fix. I probably could have repaired it myself if I received some instructions but I don't mind sending it in to get fixed. I even sent the 510 to 510 adapter that most likely caused the problem so that he could test it to make sure the adapter isn't defective and will cause the insulator problem if used again. Plus I sent him The Kick with the kick sleeve, the possibly ruined 18650 battery that was in the SB when the hot coil collapsed?, and $10 bucks to cover shipping cost even though it was not asked of me. I just feel bad about all the email complaints I sent over something that's most likely my own fault.
    I hope I get everything back soon! It's definitely comforting to know that there is a way to get the SB fixed if it breaks. Even if he charges me to fix something next time that's understandable. So the SB was for sure a good purchase! The Kick is another story. I'm not sure if mine broke when this happened so I sent it along with the SB to get tested. Hopefully all is well with it and I don't need to buy another one. Not sure what the repair procedures or warranty is with The Kick?

    I'll let everyone know what happens after I get it back and what backup mod I purchased to sit beside the SB.
    Thanks everyone!


    Full Member
    May 28, 2013
    Katy, TX
    Yes that's what I'm really liking about Provape and the Provari. The simple fact that it can be warranted for 2 years and small repair fees if needed really makes the purchase, as pricey as it is, comforting! I haven't purchased anything yet as a backup but I can see a Provari in my lineup very soon. I did some research on the Seiglei Vmax V3 and I could see myself purchasing that one eventually as well since it's very reasonably priced. So many great looking mods out there I'd like to try out! Who knows? Maybe a few years from now I'll own 4 or 5 different mods once I finally quit smoking.

    Well I sent off my SB to Chad today to get the center post insulator fixed. I did some more research on this problem and it seems like it's a pretty common issue with the SB. Not too big of a deal since it's an easy fix. I probably could have repaired it myself if I received some instructions but I don't mind sending it in to get fixed. I even sent the 510 to 510 adapter that most likely caused the problem so that he could test it to make sure the adapter isn't defective and will cause the insulator problem if used again. Plus I sent him The Kick with the kick sleeve, the possibly ruined 18650 battery that was in the SB when the hot coil collapsed?, and $10 bucks to cover shipping cost even though it was not asked of me. I just feel bad about all the email complaints I sent over something that's most likely my own fault.
    I hope I get everything back soon! It's definitely comforting to know that there is a way to get the SB fixed if it breaks. Even if he charges me to fix something next time that's understandable. So the SB was for sure a good purchase! The Kick is another story. I'm not sure if mine broke when this happened so I sent it along with the SB to get tested. Hopefully all is well with it and I don't need to buy another one. Not sure what the repair procedures or warranty is with The Kick?

    I'll let everyone know what happens after I get it back and what backup mod I purchased to sit beside the SB.
    Thanks everyone!
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