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Who should be saved during the zombie apocalypse?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2009
Warren, MI USA
I don't listen to Hawkings anyways. He says a black hole destroys data, violating the most fundamental law of physics. You can't create and you can't destroy, you can only change. I say a black hole is nothing more than a galactic back up program that compresses the archive. When all black holes have backed up everything, then only they will exist. Then they'll merge their back ups. Once the data has been verified, they will restore reality back with one big bang of a white spout spewing forth creation.

Hallelujah, brothers and sisters! Can I get an "Amen"?!
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 13, 2009
Amen!!! Amen!!!

where do I send my donation???


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2010
San Antonio, TX
ah people....we are talking about Stephen Hawking.....probably the ONLY person to possibly be able to figure out time travel. Do you not think that might have some value no matter what the Apocalypse is caused by????

Besides....every good Apocalyptic story needs some kind of challenged person....or a damn cat.....to add drama. I mean we don't want to get too comfortable,right? Someone will always have to be running back to feed and water the sciencey guy who may save us all...risking not only their own life but that of the entire colony to do it.

Well we can use my cat she's great... as for Hawking He is a theoretical physicist... How the devil does that help us with Zombies? CES is a nero-scientist... or we could get Marilyn vos Savant at least she doesn't require batteries


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 13, 2009
well Dragon....if we can travel through time....ah....wouldn't that be useful? Or what about creating a teeny,tiny,black hole or other singularity to launch the Zombies into? Plus...there is that cool CG talky thing....seems like it would make an excellent decoy.

yeah...we could like build a cage...like a shark cage...and put Stephen in it....tell him keep typing until we come back for you.:evil:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2010
San Antonio, TX
well Dragon....if we can travel through time....ah....wouldn't that be useful? Or what about creating a teeny,tiny,black hole or other singularity to launch the Zombies into? Plus...there is that cool CG talky thing....seems like it would make an excellent decoy.

yeah...we could like build a cage...like a shark cage...and put Stephen in it....tell him keep typing until we come back for you.:evil:

The trouble with a singularity is it sucks things up it gains more mass and then grows then has more gravity thus sucks in more... and then gains more mass... solar system gone in less then 10 mins....

As for time travel... Dr. Hawking's is quite clear that time travel is theoretically possible IF one can travel faster then the speed of light... however he seems to agree with Einstein on the idea that FTL motion is impossible (current theories on faster then light travel do not involve movement) But assuming one could travel faster then light it would require more energy than can currently be found on the planet... given the fact that power plant failures will start happening very soon after the apocalypse... even if he perfected a method of time travel the resources to use it would no longer be in place...

But I'm all for using him as a decoy...

Am I over thinking this?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 4, 2010
ah people....we are talking about Stephen Hawking.....probably the ONLY person to possibly be able to figure out time travel. Do you not think that might have some value no matter what the Apocalypse is caused by????

Maybe but I think I'd rather have a semi-cognizant Einstein if you want to discuss the relative aspects of time travel. More recent investigations into his work is showing a not so shocking possibility that he was altering his research to steer mankind away from certain things. I mean, look at what we did with his (and Szilard!) previous work!

Concern for man and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavors. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations.
Albert Einstein


optimistic cynic
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Verified Member
Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al
I'll make sure that the hawking and the cat get fed and watered. One or the other will come in handy. Enstien is a little more difficult. Since they just sliced his brain and mounted it on slides it isn't particularly usefule for our purposes anymore. However, it does allow us to leave a trail of brain slices if we need to lay a trail for the zombies to follow.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
All up in your grill..
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