Why do some people think you have to quit vaping after quitting smoking??

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Dec 18, 2015
There's a nugget of truth in there. As a vaper, I have to avoid looking at smokers with disdain or a holier-than-thou attitude because it wasn't too long ago that I was one of THEM. And it's that same approach I have to use if a smoker starts ragging on vaping - vaping is not better nor worse, it's just different from what they're doing. Yes, I enjoy it as much or more than smoking, and yes it help me quit the cigarettes when I honestly wasn't sure that anything would let me get to that point. Apply the Golden Rule.

Amen. I have vowed to not become one of those holier-than-thou ex-smokers.

But back to the OP, ANTZ and former smokers who did it the hard way enjoy looking down on smokers - like it is a character flaw and they can feel better about their own pathetic weaknesses because society has deemed it okay to demonize smoking and are transferring it to vapers.

So now you vape instead of smoke; its just as bad (they think) so you have to give that up too.

Instead of celebrating your choice to vape instead of smoke, it is just a further vilification of their perception that you are weak or suffer from a lack of moral fiber so they can feel superior.

I really believe this.


Ultra Member
Nov 26, 2015
Seattle, WA
I'm sorry, but I don't have time for judgmental closed minded people.

That was a bit harsh. I'll work on improving myself, but right now I do not have the tools to open minds. I just have enough to strengthen my resolve. Sorry.
Whewww.. nice save. ;)
The mind most closed is one that refuses to listen.
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Jul 5, 2013
I am reminded of a woman two years ago in a bar who approached me while I was talking vaping to two other girl vapers, and she asked me why I did it. I told her it got me off 2 1/2 packs a day, and she said, "Well, you ARE going to quit that too aren't you?" I pointed to the drink in her hand and asked, "You are going to quit that, aren't you?" She blanched, her eyes bugged out at me, and she quickly walked away.


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Well, I heard that kind of reasoning too from people who successfully quit smoking. They worry that they might be addicted to something despite it being safe or nasty (and some believe ecigs are worse than smoking). Each to their own, I guess. We don't all have to be vapers. :)
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Jan 24, 2014
I'm sorry, but I don't have time for judgmental closed minded people.

Same here. You know why I didn't start vaping until 2014? I wasn't even really AWARE of it till 2013! Tried a few of those lame drugstore cigalikes in 2013, and yeah, they're just lame, so I gave up on the idea -- till it got really cold, and I started getting more interested. Got yet another disposable, a Blu that time, and it was even lamer than Fin and Njoy, and that just ...... me off! Enough so I went to google and typed "electronic cigarettes"... and the rest is ECF history. :D

People that actually KNOW about *real* vaping and still just make excuses? Nah, got no time for them at all. I don't need that kind of negativity in my life.



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ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2014
I get asked this a lot and my answer is I was a smoker who loved smoking but didn't love the side effects. Now as a vaper I love vaping and thus far the lack of side effects. If I can vape without impacting my health I don't plan to quit because I enjoy it.

Addicted? Possibly. But in my opinion it's more akin to a person dropping processed foods for organic, they still enjoy eating but in a healthier manner.


Super Member
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Feb 4, 2015
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
I've been noticing a small, albeit positive, shift to embracing vaping in my city.
Because so many people are switching, perhaps. But mainly amongst smokers.
I get asked CONSTANTLY...'What is that?' If the person is cool, I'll drop the 411 on where they can go to get one and who to speak to. If they're being negative, I tell them it's my Personal Evaporated Nicotine Inhalation System. P.E.N.I.S.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
I get asked this a lot and my answer is I was a smoker who loved smoking but didn't love the side effects. Now as a vaper I love vaping and thus far the lack of side effects. If I can vape without impacting my health I don't plan to quit because I enjoy it.

Addicted? Possibly. But in my opinion it's more akin to a person dropping processed foods for organic, they still enjoy eating but in a healthier manner.

Good analogy!

I usually just say that I was prepared to smoke until it killed me; now I'm prepared to vape until I die, and it probably won't be vaping that kills me. :D



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2015
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
I love it when smokers come up to me and ask me questions about my mods (I hold one in each hand, my eVic with Cyclone tank and Dimitri mech mod with dripper) If they're feeling brave, they'll ask to try it. I'll gladly hand it over and they puff on it and go 'Wow...does that taste good'
If I had a nickel for every time that's happened, I'd have a buttload of nickels.


Vaping Master
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Jan 12, 2014
That was a bit harsh. I'll work on improving myself, but right now I do not have the tools to open minds. I just have enough to strengthen my resolve. Sorry.

No, people are human and that includes me. I think the definition of "broad-minded" people applies in comparison to a narrow and focused mind. There is a time and place for everything, but I do know that people are not perfect and I am happy to accept that. Sometimes it makes for entertainment. :)
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Senior Member
Nov 25, 2015
No, people are human and that includes me. I think the definition of "broad-minded" people applies in comparison to a narrow and focused mind. There is a time and place for everything, but I do know that people are not perfect and I am happy to accept that. Sometimes it makes for entertainment. :)

"If humans were perfect... We would be called Robots, or Cyborgs"

"Humans learn from there mistakes"


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2016
Alberta Canada
Right now I am using a patch, smoking AND vaping. Lol. I love vaping but I have to have the nicotine I guess. I use 24 pg or 12 VG in sub ohm. Not sure why I still put the patch on. I'm sure it's doing nothing for me. I smoke a pack and 1/2 for 38 years now. Well now that I'm vaping I don't always feel like smoking but I can't seem to give them up yet. I've gone from ego style to my TC looking for the same satisfaction as a cigarette. I don't think there is one but I will keep trying to quit. It also doesn't help that hubby still smokes in front of me. I am sure a lot of it is habit too and when I do quit smoking for good, I am unlikely to give up vaping.


Ultra Member
Nov 26, 2015
Seattle, WA
Right now I am using a patch, smoking AND vaping. Lol. I love vaping but I have to have the nicotine I guess. I use 24 pg or 12 VG in sub ohm. Not sure why I still put the patch on. I'm sure it's doing nothing for me. I smoke a pack and 1/2 for 38 years now. Well now that I'm vaping I don't always feel like smoking but I can't seem to give them up yet. I've gone from ego style to my TC looking for the same satisfaction as a cigarette. I don't think there is one but I will keep trying to quit. It also doesn't help that hubby still smokes in front of me. I am sure a lot of it is habit too and when I do quit smoking for good, I am unlikely to give up vaping.
Don't get caught in the trap of thinking that your experience has to parallel someone else and their experience. You'll find your way through if you commit to it. Simple as that. :)
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