Would you ever go back to smoking?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 30, 2012
South Carolina
Great question. When I ordered my Joytech eGo c a little over 3 months ago, I was planning on using it some of the time. Once I started (at 18 mg nic) I had no desire for a real cigarette, still had 1/2 pack left. About a month ago, I lit one up out of curiosity and was shocked at how badly it tasted and smelled. I didn't even finish it. I just ordered some juice at 12 mg nic to see if I can tell any difference, but I'm not quite ready to say that I want to be nic free.

I honestly don't know how to answer that question. I guess I would try my best to find some way to continue to vape, either finding it on the 'black market' or trying to learn how to make my own but if push came to shove, I'd probably become a broke, stinky slave to those nasty things again :-(
I would go back to cigs, although I would do so begrudgingly (woah, spelled right????) I was out in the country last weekend and my batery died, of course I had ha charger and a spare, but I was at a bar. I took my wifes cigs and smoked about a half a pack.

What a experience, I felt horrable, sick, and I could feel my taste buds getting burned.

Would I go back to cigs, most defiantly yes, but I would also hate myself for doing so. If there was a way to make cheep nic juice on the black market, you bet I would make it for personal use.

Someone said something about wanting our money, and I agree totally, the gov will eventually find a way to tax e nic and make us pay for our addiction, and big corporations will find a way to make it so the little guy can't provide nic juice, but I guess I am getting off topic.

I would smoke again if they made nic juice illegal, good thing I am hording the nic juice.
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