General Thoughts On Vaping, Conversations

Told a friend about having only one cigarette in two weeks. He chuckled
and said he hoped it made me sick. I chuckled too and told him it about
half did, and it did.

Realizing for myself that physically, I no longer crave cigarettes.
Think I'm breaking the addiction to the chemicals used in them to addict
folks. Have a mild sense of something looming, possibly the vapor's flu
coming on.

Not too concerned if I do get sick, in not having all those nasty
chemicals from big tobacco products. I've read stuff here at ECF and
elsewhere which confirms, the vaping flu is kind of part of the process.
Your body adapts to not being molested chemically but first it has to
let you know it feels the change.

My grandfather and uncle are alcoholics. My grandfather passed on last
year, not from alcohol though. At any given they both talked briefly
about alcoholics going through what is called DTs. It is where your body
fights to try to get you to use more of an addictive substance despite
knowing it's detrimental. You DeToxify yourself by sheer will.

This to me sounds akin to what vaping flu seems to be. I keep feeling
like I want a cigarette. I grab some vape though. :) At first the
cravings were not bad, really not even noticeable. Now, oddly they are
being rather annoying. *sighs* Guess everyone has different experiences.
I'll keep vaping though.


Seeing ECBlends cost comparison really makes that decision clear.

Even if I get off brand cigarettes at $4 a pack, I still save over $1,000
a year by their comparison chart. There was no way I could save near
that even with RYO cigarettes. No longer use smokeless tobacco
products either. Imagine they are just as costly as cigarettes now, too.

We have some bottom land here. It could possibly grow some tobacco,
yet even that method incurs costs. So financially up front big tobacco
has lost this user.

Then, I consider the back end health costs. It is a known fact that
at least 40,000 of the chemicals used to make cigarettes are toxic.
Sorry, I no longer feel like providing some oligarch a fee to kill me.

I want to spend as long as I can with my wife and loved ones. I
value love and light. If lighting candles instead of cursing the
darkness means being a fly in the ointment, well, tough I'll buzz
around a while. ;)


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