Officially turned another year older andl lost a friend, who may have never been a friend!

So my birthday to day, turning well............let's just say closer to 60 than to 20.

I check facebook and all my peeps have sent a happy birthday note, so nice of them. But one peep is missing.

A peep I thought was my friend. Then I find a message from her, on facebook, dated October 27th,2010 that says "Glad to see that the USB hub I sent you meant a lot to you. I wish you the best and hope you have a great life."

I gave that usb port away on the group that she got me hooked on, PIF. Now that peep, has been having issues lately and I know that. I wrote back an email apologizing for PIFing the one of many things that I don't use anymore. But I would not take responsibility for hurting her, afterall, she taught me if you don't use it and it has to do with vaping, PIF it.

So I wasn't using it any longer, so I pifed it, and very nice person got it. I feel bad that I "lost" a friend or maybe not; Maybe I am sad that I never had the friend in the first place.
I don't really understand why this has upset her so? Do I owe her an explanation? DO I? I don't think so, it's the same thing the mods keep saying in PIF............once it leaves your hands and is into someone elses, its there's to do with as they see fit. Well I can't use it ATM in time and so I passed it on.........Now I don't have that friend anylonger, because she felt I let her down by PIFing something she had bought for me. What did she want me to do? Keep it, when some one else could get much better use out of it. I DON'T UNDERSTAND!

So peep if you read this, remember this, I am sorry if I offended you. I am sorry you feel I took advantage of you. I am sorry that you feel that wasn't right for me to do. But I am will not explain myself. Once it left your hands and into mine, my circumstances made it that I needed to PIF it. YOU of all people should understand that. If you will let 7.00 get between yours and mine friendship, then maybe we didn't have one at all, to start with.

What a bummer of a birthday! I just don't understand what I did, that she would throw it all away over $7.00. I will send the $7.00 to her and then maybe she won't be so mad anymore. I don't know. Do I want to keep her as a friend even if this gets settled? I just don't know anymore? I can't find the right answers anymore, because this really screwed my day! Maybe I will give it a few days and then come and write more.


Life is to short to stress people that have no self respect of care for others before themselves.. you are blessed with a good heart.. don't think it isn't noticed.. good happens to good people.. God Bless and happy B-day!
ack... I missed your birthday??? two months ago?? :facepalm: (((((((hug))))))))) Happy Belated Birthday sweetpea. I do hope you and your friend worked things out.. friendships shouldn't be stressed out over such piddly details. Life is too short. (and I hope you know.. anything I give you.. tis yours to do with however you need.. I'd rather you gave it away, than throw it away.. but even if you did.. tis still your right, not mine!)
Anyhoo.. love ya TONS n LOTS n PILES!

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