6/16/11 - Quick Update

I haven't been faithfully keeping up with this blog the last couple months. I feel like I've reached my destination in the journey. No doubt there will be some side trips along the way. vaping has just become such a normal part of my every day, there isn't much to say about it anymore. I know I am committed to using the kr808s.

I have abandoned V4L products -- they are behind the times, not keeping up with the newer improved designs, and they are never in stock with the juice I prefer.

Bloog led the way with the best products on the market (at the time), but the most HORRIBLE customer service, website and business practices. I'm only buying from them until I can find a suitable alternative. Irks me to give them any money, but they have the only carto flavors I truly love. The majority of the regulars on the forum have also moved on. Tired of being strung along and putting up with the nonsense. I kinda miss the 'old days'.

I dabbled with Nhaler, which is 1 step behind Bloog in product design, but they do have good service. Not much to offer in filled cartos & juice tho. Just bought blanks and a PCC.

Newest place I'm trying is Smokeless Image and the Volt products. Supposedly the same thing as Bloog (maybe a 1/2 step behind?). So I have a battery, cartos and JUICE (!!) on order. I've got my fingers crossed that they will be the ones I stick with. The service and communication have been wonderful so far. I should get my order in the next couple days. Fingers are crossed.


Did you get the Smokeless Image stuff? What did you think. I ordered 555 carts and they were awful....returned for full credit and a promise that the new order from China would have the right stuff. Still waiting!

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