Interview with dr. Carlos gutierrez

This interview was in Spanish so I used google to translate here it is:



Doctor you. Signed the manifesto MOVE, for what reason?

There are several reasons why I signed the manifesto, but among them you will indicate both:

I resent the tortuous manipulation that are undergoing, the so-called electronic cigarette, for purely financial interests, without providing any serious scientific study, to endorse their attacks and fallacies used to confuse public opinion.

I am totally convinced that the vaporizer is not only an alternative to snuff, but the current method that has proved the most effective stop smoking permanently.

So you think that encourage the use of eCig correctly could be a definitive solution to smoking?

For now and until we have something that exceeds in effectiveness to the definitive abandonment of snuff, as it gets ecig, no I have no doubt.

And it is for this claim, so the ecig, is being attacked so overwhelming, since taxes generated by the snuff, for governments, is a strong argument for this "war".

There are many vapers thousands, vapeamos without nicotine, for the pleasure of vaping, having gone down the concentration gradually and would have no way to recover these revenues, although gravasen exorbitantly nicotine (which many, we do not consume ).

The folly of governments, who only look at the revenue side, do the accounts of expenditure to save on long therapies, hospital stays, pensions, which are caused directly or indirectly caused by smoking diseases, not counting by Of course, with the pain and suffering that would prevent the sick and their loved ones.

He watched his answer is you vaper, why was started in vaping?

I was a heavy smoker, daily burning about 50 or 55 cigarettes snuff blond (cardboard and a half a week).

Smoked since age 14, then I smoked for 42 years.

A few years ago, I had a total occlusion of the trunk of the right coronary artery and the circumflex, which could not be repaired with angioplasty (I was about to pass away in one of three attempts at placement of vascular stent. I was standing almost two minutes) .

Imagine the picture and I still smoked, hiding from my wife and my son more than a pack a day.

Daily, had episodes of angina, which mitigated with sublingual nitroglycerin.

Any little effort, the most trivial, caused me an episode of angina.

Had dyspnea, for the simple effort to climb the stairs to go to my room.

I was vital to leave the snuff, I started with a whole string of experiments (traditional and alternative), to try to quit: patches, medication, gum, hypnosis, acupuncture.

My co-smoking unit of the hospital, gave me hopeless.

And still smoking.

My echocardiogram and chest radiography were a real fright.

And suddenly, I find the vaping and as if it were a miracle, after the first puff (with a high percentage of nicotine), ... I never smoked again.

I left without effort, without miss him, no anxiety, no gain weight ...

Have you noticed any improvement in his health since he left the snuff and passed to eCig?

The episodes of angina disappeared (the extensive medication that I take daily, my forced retirement, change of life to which I had to submit, have also contributed, make no mistake).

Also gone dyspnea of ​​small efforts, only I feel in more effort, like climbing a hill.

My heart is with his injury and his diminished capacity, but the collateral, no longer invalidates just me and my quality of life has improved 500%.

How long have you been a user of eCig?

For five years now ... How time flies!

That makes it the herd test medium term on the use of eCig and chronic disease because of snuff. What doctors who have treated you think?

Since you say ... yes.

I am living proof that the use of ecig, not only has not worsened my condition, but despite all odds, I have improved markedly in my functional and breathing capacity.

As for doctors treating me, is not very well explain my evolution and although skeptical about the ecig, on the evidence, at least, are no longer belligerent.

What is your doctor conclusion?

The electronic cigarette is the perfect and most effective method to quit smoking, despite what they think the uninformed or alienated WHO, governments, and those who lend themselves to foul play, despite the amount of serious scientific studies that belie their false information.


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