Which is better, automatic or manual switch?

I was wondering which type of e-cigs are better, automatic or manual switch? I have the Dura right now and so far it is working great, but is the Dura-C that much better? Sure the manual switch will provide long battery life, but I don't want to be paranoid every time I put my e cig in my pocket thinking that the button would be pressed accidentally and eventually draining the power. So I would like other vapers' opinions about this.


I have the Kissbox and a Dura-C on the way (as well as several 901's and NPro's), the manual button is not something I've given a lot of use, I just don't see the point. Exactly HOW is it saving battery life? Other than that, if that works, what else is the manual switch supposed to do for you? I think the main reason to want them is the ability to vape without the battery via the USB cord.

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