PART 6 -The Official MyVapeJuice Family Room (Crazy Chit Chat Thread - Live LAUGH Love and Vape)

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ECF Guru
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    Here are two charts showing the weight and available heat content of one cord of firewood of various species, the first sorted by heat value, and the second sorted alphabetically for easy lookup. The heat value measurement used is the British Thermal Unit, or BTU, which is defined as the amount of thermal energy it takes to raise one pound of water one degree F. One MBTU = one million BTUs.
    Firewood Chart A: Sorted by BTU Content
    Common Name
    Species Name Pounds

    Osage Orange (Hedge)
    Maclura pomifera 4,845 30.0
    Hop Hornbeam (Ironwood)
    Ostrya virginiana 4,250 26.4
    Persimmon, American
    Diospyros virginiana 4,165 25.8
    Hickory, Shagbark
    Carya ovata 4,080 25.3
    Dogwood, Pacific
    Cornus nuttallii 3,995 24.8
    Holly, American
    Ilex Opaca 3,995 24.8
    Birch, Black
    Betula lenta 3,910 24.2
    Oak, White
    Quercus alba 3,910 24.2
    Madrone, Pacific (Arbutus)
    Arbutus menziesii 3,825 23.7
    Oak, Post
    Quercus stellata 3,825 23.7
    Locust, Honey
    Gleditsia triacanthos 3,825 23.7
    Hickory, Bitternut
    Carya cordiformis 3,825 23.7
    Beech, Blue (Ironwood)
    Carpinus caroliniana 3,825 23.7
    Morus rubra 3,740 23.2
    Locust, Black
    Robinia pseudoacacia 3,740 23.2
    Maple, Sugar
    Acer saccharum 3,740 23.2
    Beech, American
    Fagus grandifolia 3,655 22.7
    Oak, Oregon (Garry)
    Quercus garryana 3,655 22.7
    Oak, Bur (Mossycup)
    Quercus macrocarpa 3,655 22.7
    Oak, Red
    Quercus rubra 3,570 22.1
    Birch, Yellow
    Betula alleghaniensis 3,570 22.1
    Ash, White
    Fraxinus americana 3,485 21.6
    Myrtle, Oregon (Pepperwood)
    Umbellularia californica 3,485 21.6
    Malus domestica 3,485 21.6
    Ash, Green
    Fraxinus pennsylvanica 3,400 21.1
    Maple, Black
    Acer nigrum 3,400 21.1
    Walnut, Black
    Juglans nigra 3,230 20.0
    Maple, Red
    Acer rubrum 3,230 20.0
    Ash, Oregon
    Fraxinus latifolia 3,230 20.0
    Birch, White (Paper)
    Betula papyrifera 3,230 20.0
    Tamarack (Larch)
    Larix laricina 3,145 19.5
    Birch, Gray
    Betula populifolia 3,145 19.5
    Celtis occidentalis 3,145 19.5
    Juniper, Rocky Mtn
    Juniperus scopulorum 3,145 19.5
    Cherry, Black
    Prunus serotina 3,145 19.5
    Coffeetree, Kentucky
    Gymnocladus dioicus 3,060 19.0
    Sorrel (Sourwood)
    Oxydendrum arboreum 3,060 19.0
    Elm, Red
    Ulmus rubra 3,060 19.0
    Eucalyptus (Red Gum)
    Eucalyptus camaldulensis 2,975 18.4
    Elm, American
    Ulmus americana 2,975 18.4
    Sycamore, American
    Platanus occidentalis 2,890 17.9
    Maple, Big Leaf
    Acer macrophyllum 2,890 17.9
    Elm, White (Russian)
    Ulmus laevis 2,890 17.9
    Ash, Black
    Fraxinus nigra 2,890 17.9
    Boxelder (Maple Ash)
    Acer negundo 2,890 17.9
    Pine, Norway (Red)
    Pinus resinosa 2,890 17.9
    Fir, Douglas
    Pseudotsuga menzies II 2,805 17.4
    Maple, Silver
    Acer saccharinum 2,805 17.4
    Compressed Sawdust Logs *
    Presto homofecit stipes 2,000 16.5
    Pine, Pitch
    Pinus rigida 2,635 16.3
    Pine, Lodgepole
    Pinus contora latifolia 2,465 15.3
    Pinaceae tsuga 2,465 15.3
    Spruce, Black
    Picea mariana 2,465 15.3
    Catalpa (Catawba)
    Catalpa speciosa 2,380 14.8
    Pine, Ponderosa
    Pinus ponderosa 2,380 14.8
    Alder, Red or White
    Alnus rubra or rhombifolia 2,380 14.8
    Pine, Jack (Canadian)
    Pinus banksiana 2,380 14.8
    Spruce, Sitka
    Picea sitchensis 2,380 14.8
    Pine, White (Idaho)
    Pinus monticola 2,236 14.3
    Salix 2,295 14.2
    Fir, Concolor (White)
    Abies concolor 2,295 14.2
    Basswood (Linden)
    Tilia americana 2,210 13.7
    Aspen, American (Poplar)
    Populus tremuloides 2,210 13.7
    Butternut (White Walnut)
    Juglans cinerea 2,125 13.2
    Pine, White (Eastern)
    Pinus strobus 2,125 13.2
    Fir, Balsam
    Abies balsamea 2,125 13.2
    Cottonwood (Balsam Poplar)
    Populus trichocarpa 2,040 12.6
    Spruce, Engelmann
    Picea engelmannii 1,955 12.1
    Cedar, Eastern (Redcedar)
    Juniperus virginiana 1,955 12.1
    Buckeye, Ohio
    Aesculus glabra 1,955 12.1
    Cedar, White (Whitecedar)
    Thuja occidentalis 1,870 11.6
    Poaceae bambusoideae 1,615 10.0
    Ochroma pyramidale 935 5.8

    Firewood Chart B: Sorted Alphabetically
    Common Name Species Name Pounds
    Alder, Red or White
    Alnus rubra or rhombifolia 2,380 14.8
    Malus domestica 3,485 21.6
    Ash, Black
    Fraxinus nigra 2,890 17.9
    Ash, Green
    Fraxinus pennsylvanica 3,400 21.1
    Ash, Oregon
    Fraxinus latifolia 3,230 20.0
    Ash, White
    Fraxinus americana 3,485 21.6
    Aspen, American (Poplar)
    Populus tremuloides 2,210 13.7
    Ochroma pyramidale 935 5.8
    Poaceae bambusoideae 1,615 10.0
    Basswood (Linden)
    Tilia americana 2,210 13.7
    Beech, American
    Fagus grandifolia 3,655 22.7
    Beech, Blue (Ironwood)
    Carpinus caroliniana 3,825 23.7
    Birch, Black
    Betula lenta 3,890 24.2
    Birch, Gray
    Betula populifolia 3,145 19.5
    Birch, Yellow
    Betula alleghaniensis 3,570 22.1
    Birch, White (Paper)
    Betula papyrifera 3,230 20.0
    Boxelder (Maple Ash)
    Acer negundo 2,890 17.9
    Buckeye, Ohio
    Aesculus glabra 1,955 12.1
    Butternut (White Walnut)
    Juglans cinerea 2,125 13.2
    Catalpa (Catawba)
    Catalpa speciosa 2,380 14.8
    Cedar, Eastern (Redcedar)
    Juniperus virginiana 1,955 12.1
    Cedar, White (Whitecedar)
    Thuja occidentalis 1,870 11.6
    Cherry, Black
    Prunus serotina 3,145 19.5
    Coffeetree, Kentucky
    Gymnocladus dioicus 3,060 19.0
    Compressed Sawdust Logs *
    Presto homofecit stipes 2,000 16.5
    Cottonwood (Balsam Poplar)
    Populus trichocarpa 2,040 12.6
    Dogwood, Pacific
    Cornus nuttallii 3,995 24.8
    Elm, American
    Ulmus americana 2,975 18.4
    Elm, Red
    Ulmus rubra 3,060 19.0
    Elm, White (Russian)
    Ulmus laevis 2,890 17.9
    Eucalyptus (Red Gum)
    Eucalyptus camaldulensis 2,975 18.4
    Fir, Balsam
    Abies balsamea 2,125 13.2
    Fir, Concolor (White)
    Abies concolor 2,295 14.2
    Fir, Douglas
    Pseudotsuga menzies II 2,805 17.4
    Celtis occidentalis 3,145 19.5
    Pinaceae tsuga 2,465 15.3
    Hickory, Bitternut
    Carya cordiformis 3,825 23.7
    Hickory, Shagbark
    Carya ovata 4,080 25.3
    Holly, American
    Ilex Opaca 3,995 24.8
    Hop Hornbeam (Ironwood)
    Ostrya virginiana 4,250 26.4
    Juniper, Rocky Mtn
    Juniperus scopulorum 3,145 19.5
    Locust, Black
    Robinia pseudoacacia 3,740 23.2
    Locust, Honey
    Gleditsia triacanthos 3,825 23.7
    Madrone, Pacific (Arbutus)
    Arbutus menziesii 3,825 23.7
    Maple, Big Leaf
    Acer macrophyllum 2,890 17.9
    Maple, Black
    Acer nigrum 3,400 21.1
    Maple, Red
    Acer rubrum 3,230 20.0
    Maple, Sugar
    Acer saccharum 3,740 23.2
    Maple, Silver
    Acer saccharinum 2,805 17.4
    Morus rubra 3,740 23.2
    Myrtle, Oregon (Pepperwood)
    Umbellularia californica 3,485 21.6
    Oak, Bur (Mossycup)
    Quercus macrocarpa 3,655 22.7
    Oak, Oregon (Garry)
    Quercus garryana 3,655 22.7
    Oak, Post
    Quercus stellata 3,825 23.7
    Oak, Red
    Quercus rubra 3,570 22.1
    Oak, White
    Quercus alba 3,910 24.2
    Osage Orange (Hedge)
    Maclura pomifera 4,845 30.0
    Persimmon, American
    Diospyros virginiana 4,165 25.8
    Pine, Jack (Canadian)
    Pinus banksiana 2,380 14.8
    Pine, Lodgepole
    Pinus contora latifolia 2,465 15.3
    Pine, Norway (Red)
    Pinus resinosa 2,890 17.9
    Pine, Pitch
    Pinus rigida 2,635 16.3
    Pine, Ponderosa
    Pinus ponderosa 2,380 14.8
    Pine, White (Eastern)
    Pinus strobus 2,125 13.2
    Pine, White (Idaho)
    Pinus monticola 2,236 14.3
    Sorrel (Sourwood)
    Oxydendrum arboreum 3,060 19.0
    Spruce, Engelmann
    Picea engelmannii 1,955 12.1
    Spruce, Sitka
    Picea sitchensis 2,380 14.8
    Spruce, Black
    Picea mariana 2,465 15.3
    Sycamore, American
    Platanus occidentalis 2,890 17.9
    Tamarack (Larch)
    Larix laricina 3,145 19.5
    Walnut, Black
    Juglans nigra 3,230 20.0
    Salix 2,295 14.2

    The first number is pounds per cord and the second # is millions of BTU'S per cord :)


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Jan 8, 2012


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
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    Mar 17, 2012
    Norman, Ok


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
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    Jan 8, 2012
    If you going to keep the car Interstate Mega-tron is the only way to go if you can get them out there :2c:
    There are several dealers out there as well as a couple of Interstate main locations as well... see
    SSSSSSsssssooooo I take the battery out of the Kia and take it to Oreilly's cuz that's where I bought it, well the new Oreilly's that just opened up the street. The young gut tested it on two machines and said it was still good and they could not do an warranty probate discount cuz it was a good battery. SSSSsssssoooo on the way home I was thinking that can't possibly be right cuz it won't hold a charge for a week or less!???
    I turned down 35th Ave and went to the Oreilly's that I originally bought the battery from to get a second opinion.
    The young guy there tested it on one machine and it said dead cell!!!!!!!!!
    SSSSSSssssooooo I got the new battery at $50.00 off from the warranty probate discount!


    We All Shine On
    ECF Veteran
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    Feb 16, 2013
    Stuart, Florida
    wat da hecks agoiums on in heres ?:blink:

    wuts ? wats ? I dunt heres nobodys moanin thru da closbet *shakes head* nope sure not Moonie tied ups in da closbet so I cans hijacks his puta fer a mimutes reallys:unsure:
    wenta ta see some fishes todays and I was ated too much foods. I had an awesome time at da concert last rites too. hopes yawl's hated a good day todays and I loves yous .:D
    Gramps, are you going all RedSocks on me babes ?:blink: Ya posted altos info here butts ya forgets ta memtium how many ameba libel withins each type a woodies here. :lol::lol::lol::lol::smokie:


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
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    Mar 17, 2012
    Norman, Ok
    RD it doesn't look like your state will be telling you how much time you can spend in the shower this summer :laugh:

    Thanks... I needed a positive spin on this... :lol:

    ... dang, on the otherhand, I don't have as good of an excuse to not shower either... :D


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    SSSSSSsssssooooo I take the battery out of the Kia and take it to Oreilly's cuz that's where I bought it, well the new Oreilly's that just opened up the street.

    My uncle went to school with their CEO in Branson,Oreilly's started out in Springfield MO I always have bought parts from them but gave up on their battery's a long time ago never got more than about 2 years out of them,sounds like that store might make a good undercover boss show :)
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