Bad Experience with MFS

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2014
I had ordered a Kanger Nano kit plus coils from them. It came and was chipped on the bottom (multiple chips) and the USB was not straight. Looked used.

I wrote them a very nice note on the website. They never answered me. I kept a copy of the note.

Then, I started receiving emails to take a satisfaction survey. I answered all the many that they sent with the same letter. No response. Wow!

I could not believe no one answered.

After the 4th survey, I looked at the email of who it came from and wrote directly to that person at MFS. Received an auto responder that he was out of the office. And he never ever wrote back to me or called.

No one from their company ever contacted me and I am out over $50.

I stopped writing and I stopped buying from them obviously.

To me, a good measure of a company is how well they can handle an "issue". They took my money quickly and once they had it were not interested in assisting me - even after selling me what appeared to be a used product and even after I reached out multiple times and then the direct email was ignored.

I will never order from them again. Expensive lesson learned.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2014
Do credit card dispute if credit card. Do a dispute with paypal if paypal. Get you money back. don't let them get away with it
I know you are right and I am usually such a fighter but I was just soooo irritated ---- and I let it slide. I think I will check to see how much time has elapsed. I'm a pretty good customer and recommend lots of folks to various vaping sites so they lost out of my biz.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2014
Thanks all. With the survey - one of them actually came from a person that worked at MFS - that is what caught my eye - had his title and all. So I wrote and received an auto-responder reply and I thought well at least it got to someone and I should receive an answer. The email was from Dustin Taylor at MFS

Some time has elapsed now and although I am irritated I will not pursue it any longer due to the time factor. I am more or less over it - just won't use them. I am sure my piddly (but not to me) purchase will not break them but it makes me feel a bit better to vent and to know that they will not get any more $'s out of me.

There is no way that all my correspondence could have fallen through the cracks.

I just dug out the email and am pasting it here. It is from February of this year.

"Hello - I just received your email about my recent purchase to review and it was not a good review.

Since that email had an actual contact for you I thought I would write to you and let you know why I am so unhappy and I hope you take the time to read it.

I am an experienced vaper and had owned a Kanger nano. I wanted to upgrade to the topbox nano and found a really good deal on your site. I am also a member of the ecig forum and many have had good things to say about you.

So, I wanted to buy the top box. It was a friggin nightmare to set up the account, I tried from Chrome, IE and Opera and finally got it set-up but it was really annoying and unfortunately for me a warning of what was to come.

I bought the nano starter kit and 2 boxes of coils. I received my order pretty quickly. I open it up and the nano is all chipped on the bottom -- chips. I was not too happy with that but wasn't going to make it a huge issue. I am a super careful person and I use silicone sleeves on my equipment so I figured no one would see it anyhow and I just wasn't going to say anything. So I put in my batteries, fill up the tank and test it out and it seems to work fine. I go to use the USB port and the port looked ragged to me. I gently put in the USB plug and it does not want to go in, I get it in and it is crooked ---not a little bit but a good amount. To make sure I am not being too picky, I look at my older nano which is pink and sure enough when you plug it in ---it is normal --straight.

So my brand new topbox nano had chips and a screwed up USB port. I use an external charger so again --although I was not too happy I was not going to make a big case out of it but as I am sure you can imagine it left a very bad taste with me. First I had a hard time signing up for an account and now I have a product that is supposed to be brand new and it certainly does not look it.

So I decided to write to you guys. I went online signed in to my account and wrote you a nice letter explaining this. And then because I could not attach photos, I actually went and sent you can email from this email address so that I could attach the photos.

And I heard nothing. I let you guys know that I would keep the nano but I was very disappointed and likely would not make any more purchases from you.

Although I made it clear that I was not looking for anything, I did expect an aknowlegment --perhaps an offer to exchange ---or just an I'm sorry we sent you a damaged product but I heard nothing.

Moments ago I received an email from you and I thought wow finally someone is acknowledging me ---but it was an email solicitation asking me to again review my purchase.

Obviously my review was not good. I am attaching the photos again so that you can see what I received. One of the photos is my pink nano just to show you the USB port how it should look. And notice for the nano I had for nearly 2 years it barely has a mark on it because I take care of my equipment.

I am a pretty good and loyal customer to the places I deal with and was excited when I was first introduced to MFS because of your great selection of products but that excitement quickly turned to disappointment.

It seems like no one gives a hoot because to have 2 emails unanswered is just unbelievable. Perhaps there is an internal server issue or perhaps it is just the tone of the company --I do not not know.

Since I received an email from you---I thought I would write to you and let you know why I disappointed with my purchase."

Order #XXXXX6057
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2013
Farmington, NM USA
I had ordered a Kanger Nano kit plus coils from them. It came and was chipped on the bottom (multiple chips) and the USB was not straight. Looked used.

I wrote them a very nice note on the website. They never answered me. I kept a copy of the note.

Then, I started receiving emails to take a satisfaction survey. I answered all the many that they sent with the same letter. No response. Wow!

I could not believe no one answered.

After the 4th survey, I looked at the email of who it came from and wrote directly to that person at MFS. Received an auto responder that he was out of the office. And he never ever wrote back to me or called.

No one from their company ever contacted me and I am out over $50.

I stopped writing and I stopped buying from them obviously.

To me, a good measure of a company is how well they can handle an "issue". They took my money quickly and once they had it were not interested in assisting me - even after selling me what appeared to be a used product and even after I reached out multiple times and then the direct email was ignored.

I will never order from them again. Expensive lesson learned.
I had ordered a Kanger Nano kit plus coils from them. It came and was chipped on the bottom (multiple chips) and the USB was not straight. Looked used.

I wrote them a very nice note on the website. They never answered me. I kept a copy of the note.

Then, I started receiving emails to take a satisfaction survey. I answered all the many that they sent with the same letter. No response. Wow!

I could not believe no one answered.

After the 4th survey, I looked at the email of who it came from and wrote directly to that person at MFS. Received an auto responder that he was out of the office. And he never ever wrote back to me or called.

No one from their company ever contacted me and I am out over $50.

I stopped writing and I stopped buying from them obviously.

To me, a good measure of a company is how well they can handle an "issue". They took my money quickly and once they had it were not interested in assisting me - even after selling me what appeared to be a used product and even after I reached out multiple times and then the direct email was ignored.

I will never order from them again. Expensive lesson learned.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Thanks for posting to share your experience with us, esp. when it's a warning or tip.

My first and only response is to dispute it with your credit card company and Visa/Mastercard as separate companiea. Every card comes standard with features, double warranties, and all kinds of helpful things like a dispute procedure, in which you simply call the credit card company to say you did not get what you ordered or it was wrong or in bad condition, etc, etc. They handle it all from that point and literally fight for you, as an advocate for our consumer rights and protection from abuse. And, think about it, the credit card company is much more powerful and has more resources than any single business, and they have some whole departments dedicated to this one purpose. I believe they also have some process to withhold payment or reverse charges. And, BELIEVE YOU ME, credit card company and Visa/MC, etc. have accurate contacts for MFS and a necessarily open line of communication and information transfer!

So few people are aware of these services, and even if they are let these things go unresolved. Companies that, like you say, are quick to take your money but hold it hostage while not delivering their part, is a major pet peeve of mine. It is complete and utter bull.....

So, I really do hope you (or anyone else reading) make this straightforward request of the card company that in fact works for you, since you are their customer, too! I don't believe the time that's passed is relevant. Just like getting the word out here, we empower each other when we stand up to abuse and exploitation.

Please post if you do pursue this dispute, and I hope others will, too.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
From a similar post:
been having phone and email issues; it should all be corrected; but if you feel that you should have heard from someone (within 24-48 hrs of our business hours; keep in mind we're closed on Saturday and Sunday) don't hesitate to send a followup email or email me directly at ALEX@MYFREEDOMSMOKES.COM

Thank you all​


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Thanks for letting us know I don't know how your CC company would feel about something in February though. I do look at paypal/my bank as the last line of defense, and I don't use it often, but I do when it is appropriate. I understand not wanting to make a fuss but the dispute process is really easy, and in a case like this with no responses from the company it would probably be a slam dunk.

I really do find it helpful, for example, never using Vapesourcing, ever, given the number of complaints posted and the company's response (right there for everyone to see!) it really shows what level of customer service you are going to get. I understand some of these companies run on tight margins but there is no excuse for this type of behavior.

I sometimes wonder if some of those companies try to "work" with you to extend the delay and keep hopes up, but I will say you sent in a survey and yes, you got a response from the company, but starting out with a formal complaint, staying on top of it, and then turning matters over to the companies that charge you a lot of fees and interest (and are supposed to be taking care of your purchase problems, in return) is sometimes the way to go. Banks and CC companies expect it. Were you reporting every day, that's another matter, but remember your payment sources are supposed to be working for you, and they certainly get paid for their efforts.

Best of luck, thanks for sharing your issue. I haven't used MFS because I've heard they have issues with the security of their payment data.



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2014
Thanks a lot for all the responses. Believe me when I tell you that I'm tough and stand up for myself. Although, I wrote right way, I did let time slip by as far as opening a dispute so I let it go. I consider myself, and pride myself, on having integrity and since I chose to use it --- that is really the main reason why I did not file a dispute. Looking back on things, if I really did not want it with all the chips, I should have not used it. If that was the case, I would have most certainly filed a dispute. Also, I learn from every experience and what I learned from that was to check USB connectors right away on things.

I posted here to vent and also to let others know. I saw so many great things about MFS and I wanted to share my experience with others.

I just added a Kanger Mini with RBA to my arsenal. I've never used an RBA and wanted one to future proof myself so it had been on my to-do list. I got a great deal at MFS actually had a deal that came in a little cheaper than but I went with Vapes because of my not so hot experience with MFS.
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