Evic VTC Mini problems after Firmware Upgrade

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Nov 22, 2015
Joyetech Evic Vtc Mini w/ Ego One Mega tank - .2 ohm nickel, .4 ohm ti & .5 ohm kanthal coils (problem on all)

bought this starter kit about a week ago, everything was fine for the most part until a few days ago when i upgraded the firmware to 2.0. i had both the battery in the mod and atomizer screwed in while i updated, although i have since downgraded and re upgraded without the atomizer / battery attached.

first thing i noticed was even though the resistance was locked, it would jump up when i am holding the fire button, it didn't do this before - so i looked it up and read that joyetech added live atomizer in the firmware update and that was normal. so i proceeded.

installed a kenthal coil, mod read it .5 as it should, i go to power mode and fire away. flavor and vapor are great at first. later that day i start to get a slight burnt taste. it's not super terrible and not a dry hit (i dont think so anyways, only vaped TC prior to this) but it almost tastes like cigarette filter. i do some searching and realize the .05 ohm ego one coil should only be ran at 25~ watts max. i had been up towards 30, so i attribute the burnt taste to that.

now i switch back to titanium, and after a short period of vaping (5-10) minutes the same thing is happening. not only do i get the slight burnt taste, but barely any vapor as well (at 500-550 f). switched to nickel, and again, the same thing.

if i leave it alone for an hour or so the taste and vapor is fine again for about 15 minutes and the problem repeats itself.

anybody have this problem? anybody know a solution? does this sound like a mod problem or a tank / coil problem? i ordered a kanger subtank mini some days ago before this started so i hope its just a tank problem. any advice / imput is greatly appreciated.


Full Member
Nov 19, 2015
Tallinn, Estonia
I suspect your temp setting is a little too high. How about 400F to start with?

When you say "slight burnt taste" and "barely any vapor", two possibilities come to mind. First and more obvious would be insufficient juice flow. The second one would be flooding as it may result in similar sensations. Is it gurgling, no? On the other hand you said that it gets better in an hour, so I guess that kinda rules out flooding. Is your liquid high in VG?
If the air control is fairly open, try closing it a little to increase juice flow.

How does, say, 20W/400F work for you? You can always increase both if the coil doesn't go dry. When you're going to increase power, if your temperature is not reaching the set limit while vaping, first increase wattage only. No need to raise temp limit when it's far away.
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